Q.1 a. What are the critical variables that affect the geometric capacity of Roundabout
2025-01-03 17:24:41
School of Computing, Engineering & the Built Environment
Academic Session: 2024/5 Diet: Trimester 1
Module Title Traffic Engineering Design
Module Number CTR11731 Exam Duration 3 Hours
Total Time Available on the Exam Server 4 hours 30 minutes Total number of pages (incl. coversheet) 6
Number of Questions: 4
INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: You must answer three questions out of four, and note that the exam will be marked out of 100. Question Number three (3) is compulsory
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- It is also intended to allow sufficient time for all students to upload materials and as mitigation for any temporary network problems during the exam.
- No additional time can be added and late submissions cannot be accepted. Students should be able to complete the exam within the expected exam time period.
- In your answer file you must ensure that all questions and pages are clearly numbered and that you include the module code and your student matriculation number.
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You should also retain copy of your answer file in case of queries. Please be aware that examination answer paper will be subject to plagiarism checks.
SPECIAL ITEMS attached to Exam Question Paper NONE
Q.1 a. What are the critical variables that affect the geometric capacity of Roundabout( 4 marks)
- Use Kimber’s/DOT regression model to check the adequacy of capacity on all approaches to the roundabout shown in the Figure below.(25 marks)
- What are the step that you will employ to improve safety on a roundabout on an Urban Motorway (Bullet Points) ?(4 marks)Total marks [33]
Q.2 a. Define a Road Traffic Crash, and explain why it is a road traffic crash rather than a road accident. Explain three main factors (chain of events) that lead to a road traffic crash.(10 marks)
- Draw four different scenarios (chain of events) in which a crash can occur . The four different scenarios are i) Residential Street,
ii) City Centre, iii) Urban Motorway, and iv) Rural Motorway. Consider the different land use pattern, traffic flow conditions, and user behaviour in these four scenarios.(16 marks)
- What are the impact of a new transportation route that gets developed between a town and a major city on all three pillars of Sustainability, and what is your role as engineer to contribute towards sustainability of this project?(7 marks)
- Total marks [33]
Q.3 a. What are the design principles for design of a Traffic Signal type control of an Intersection, and how it is different from a priority Intersection. Under what conditions a traffic signal is more appropriate on a rural motorway.(4 marks)
- Three stages are to be used for a new traffic signal installation at a four way junction, shown in Fig 3 and Fig 4. Using the data given in Tables 1 and 2, and the information provided below determine the most appropriate signal display times to minimise junction delays
Assume start/stop delay = 1.5 secs Intergreens = 6 secs
Table 1 Peak Hour Flows in pcus
(pcus per hour)
Arm E
Lane 1
Lane 2
Arm S
Lane 1
Lane 2
Arm W
Lane 1
Lane 2
Arm N
Lane 1
Lane 2
Table 2 Saturation Flows(25 marks)
- What are the design principles for design of a Traffic Signal type control of an Intersection, and how it is different from a priority Intersection. Under what conditions a traffic signal is more appropriate on a rural motorway.(4 marks)
Total marks [33]
Q.4 a. Define Intelligent Transport System. What are its benefit and what are the issues associated with the application of ITS in the present cities.(7 marks)
- Define the concept of Mobility as a Service and how ITS can help to achieve mobility as a service(10 marks)
- Explain how the needs of a cyclist are different from a car users(6 marks)
- What are the cyclist specific variable that you should consider in designing cycling infrastructure around a city centre.(10 marks)
Total marks [33]
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