LO1 Define what constitutes a tender and the information required for this process.



HTU Course No:


40400252 HTU Course Name: Tendering and procurement BTEC UNIT Name : Tender and procurement

Version: 3


Assignment Brief

Student Name/ID Number/Section


HTU Course Number and Title

50400252 Tendering and procurement

BTEC Unit Number and Title

12- Tender and procurement

Academic Year


Assignment Title

Assignment 1 : Tender preparation and requirements for design project

Assignment Ref No


Issue Date

the Assignment Brief was discussed with the student orally on 22/10/2024 and submitted on 24/11/2024

Formative Assessment dates

29/12/2024 & 05/1/2025 Assignment 1- Part 1 oral formative feedback.

19/1/2025 Assignment 1- part 2 submission Oral Presentation and formative feedback

Submission Date

29-01-2025  Summative Feedback

Submission Format

The submission is comprised of the following with Digital Copy:

  1. Assignment 1 : Overview of Tender preparation and requirements for design project. (oral presentation).
  2. A4 prepare Tender document for your design project.

Unit Learning Outcomes

 By the end of this unit, students will be able to: 

LO1 Define what constitutes a tender and the information required for this process.

LO2 Explain the procedures and contractual arrangements for tendering.

LO3 Analyse the factors that affect the selection of construction procurement methods.

LO4 Calculate an estimate for a work activity.

Assignment Brief and Guidance

The Guidance:

The aim of this unit is the process of procurement – obtaining the services of a main contractor to construct their project – is often complex. The selection of a contractor that will meet the client’s expectations is essential so that time, quality and cost constraints are met, with no delays, overruns or budgets exceeded.

Tendering is the process of obtaining a price for the designed and specified works. The importance of

contractor selection to the successful completion of a client’s project cannot be overstated.

This unit aims to give students the knowledge they need to be able to select a procurement route and an appropriate tendering method in the awarding of a project to a main contractor.

Students will learn how to prepare a tender package in procuring a contractor for a client’s work. Many

different procurement methods are available to achieve this: from open to closed systems.

The Scenario of Assignment I part I

You have been appointed as an Assistant tender’s department manager for a consultation development firm. The company has recently taken a different project with different orientations. As part of the first meeting with the new client, you have been asked to select one of these project providing a presentation , the first presentation to cover all points related to required documents for preparing a tender documents for different types of projects and procurement method which will be followed by the client and contractor with all related items from BoQ and Specifications.

The second part of the presentation to cover the Construction procurement methods and preparing the tender documents for their design project.

In the presentation you should

  • Explain the information to be produced prior to tendering, and illustrate the documentation required to formulate a tender for a major project and Analyse the potential of Building Information Modelling to support the tender and procurement process, providing an example of tendering for a major project to enhance your explanation of the required information and documentation.
  • Through comparing the use of specifications and bills of quantities as tendering method, used for

privately funded project

  • To help the client to understand the stages of the tender, you have to Explain the the stages of a tender process and the criteria used in selecting tenders, taking into consideration to Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different types of tenders for a given project.
  • By discussing the contract types vs to tender types , then we can provide the client with a comparison between the different types of tendering available for a design and build project, and to Justify the selection of a contract type for a given form of tender.
  • Given the companies’ emphasis on the building information modelling, and you should analyse the potential benefits of building information modelling BIM in the tender process, and to compare
  • To help the client to understand procurement, you should explain the project factors that inform the selection of a procurement route. and to Explore the professional, legal and industry issues that influence procurement.

Accordingly you can analyze to the client the different influences on procurement between public and private projects.

  • Further, providing a brief about your project will help the client to understand and Compile project parameters, to inform tender documentation, for a given project, and to Produce tender documentation (based on drawings and specifications provided by others) for a given project. Accordingly you can Justify the approach to tender documentation in relation to the client’s agreed procurement strategy.

At the end of the presentation you can , evaluate the relationship between procurement route, contract type and tender process in limiting risk for client and contractor.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Learning Outcome





LO1 Define what constitutes a tender and the information required for this process

P1 Explain the information required to be produced prior to tendering.

P2 Illustrate the documentation required to formulate a tender for a major project.

M1 Compare the use of specifications and bills of

quantities as tendering methods used for a privately funded project.

D1 Analyze the potential benefits of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the tender process


Explain the procedures and contractual arrangements for tendering

P3 Present the results of a taking- off procedure in producing a bill of quantities.

P4 Describe the relationship between the type of tender and different taking-off techniques for a procurement strategy

M2 Compare the use of specifications and bills of quantities as tendering methods used for a privately funded project.

D2 Evaluate the relationship between taking-off techniques and the type of contractual arrangements for a project

LO3 Analyse the factors that affect the selection of construction procurement methods

P5 Explore the professional, legal and industry issues that influence procurement.

P6 Explain the factors that determine the selection of an estimating technique

M3 Analyse the different influences on procurement between public and private projects.

 LO3 and LO4

D3 As Evaluate the relationship between procurement route, contract type and tender process in limiting risk for client and contractor. sess the effect of a given estimating technique on the selection of a


Prepare tender documentation for a given project

P7 Compile project parameters, to inform tender documentation, for a given project.

P8 Produce tender documentation (based on drawings and specifications provided by others) for a given project.

M4 Justify the approach to tender documentation in relation to the client’s agreed procurement strategy.

procurement method for a major project


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