LO1: Understand the aims and philosophy of education and training in a specialist area.


Unit number and full


Unit 423 Teaching in a Specialist Area


Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (DET)

Issue date:

Monday 09th January 2023



Week Commencing 20th February 2023



Week Commencing 3rd April 2023





Teaching in the Workplace

Learning Outcomes (LOs)

LO1.Understand the aims and philosophy of education and training in a specialist area. LO2.Understand the aims and structure of key qualifications and learning programmes available to learners in a specialist area

LO3.Understand the principles of inclusive teaching and learning and key curriculum issues in a specialist area.

LO4.Understand how to use resources for inclusive teaching and learning in a specialist area. LO5. Be able to work with others within a specialist area to develop own practice

LO6. Be able to evaluate, improve and update your own knowledge and skills in a specialist area.

LO1 Understand the aims and philosophy of education and training in a specialist area. LO2.Understand the aims and structure of key qualifications and learning programmes available to learners in a specialist area. LO3 Understand principles of inclusive teaching and learning and key curriculum issues in a specialist area. LO4 Understand how to use resources for inclusive teaching and learning in a specialist area.

Task A: Evidence to be handed in: One written Research report using the Harvard Reference Style of Referencing

Produce a research report (Section A) which covers the following (Task A Section A):

Carry out research into teaching in your own specialist area and produce the report following the guideline as below:

1.1  explain key aims of education and training in own specialist area

1.2 analyze philosophical issues relating to education and training in own specialist area. This is about finding out about your qualification you are teaching on, what the name of the Awarding Body is and how this qualification came about. (Ref 1.1 & 1.2)

2.1  describe the aims and structure of key qualifications in own specialist area

2.2  describe the aims and structure of learning programmes in own specialist area

What is the aim of the qualification you are teaching? How many units is the programme? Are there mandatory units? Are there exams? Is it delivered online? How is it taught? Structures, e.g. appropriate timeframe, full, or part-time, day or evening, intensive, distance or flexible learning, Structures, e.g. units of learning, mandatory or optional, credit accumulation, modular, linear, holistic, sandwich including work placement, work experience or placement. Does your specialist area deliver online lessons, use demonstrations, discussions, practice questions and answers, work-based and workshop-based learning where appropriate to specialist teaching, supported or independent study? (Ref 2.1 & 2.2)

4.1 analyse ways in which resources meet the individual needs of learners. Include new and emerging technologies in your analysis.

Using your research and the information gathered in your first report, select a learning programme in your own specialist area and produce Task A Section B (Report) which:

2.3 explain how own approach to planning and preparation for the delivery of a learning programme in own specialist area enables its aims to be met

3.2 explain how own approach to the planning and preparation of a learning programme in own specialist area takes account of key curriculum issues, including the role of new and emerging technologies.

Are there initial assessments of students to establish needs? Meetings with learners to set specific achievement goals and timescales for achievement. When do you start writing the lesson plans and scheme of work? Did you use new and emerging technology such as Zoom, internet resources, PADLET or Kahoot? (Ref 2.3 & 3.2)

3.1 analyse the inclusiveness of own approach to the planning and preparation of a learning programme in own specialist area

4.2 analyse the inclusiveness of own use of teaching and learning resources in a specialist area.

Do your lesson plans and resources cater to all the learning styles of your learners? Were you able to include stretch and challenge activities as well as support for dyslexic learners? (Ref. 3.1 & 4.2)

Your reports should be presented in a professional written format of your choice and should include evidence of your research with references. This includes linking research coherently to your writing and using referencing, such as a bibliography, citing and quotes.

In Section A, you should review current legislation, policy and philosophy on education and training. In this context ‘key qualifications’ refers to the levels and types of programmes offered in a specialist area. The ‘delivery of programmes’ refers to modes of delivery. New emerging technologies could include mobile technology, social networking, virtual learning environments etc.

In Section B, you should draw upon the teaching file as a key area of evidence to support their justification and should signpost to the documents in their report.

It is envisaged that the research reports would have an estimated word count of 1000 – 1200 words, equivalent to 4-5 pages

LO5 Be able to work within a specialist area to develop own practice. 

Task B: Evidence to be handed in: Network Planning Notes and Report using the Harvard Reference Style of Referencing

 Task B (Network Planning Notes and Report)

You are required to liaise with other teachers and trainers in your specialist area in order to produce a report. This could be in the form of a peer review, mentoring relationship, a professional network or other appropriate activities.


Your report should include:

(5.1) a description of how you have liaised with the other teachers and trainers

(5.2) a review of the impact this has had on your own practice and professional development.

Make sure you include evidence and a description of the opportunity to network and a summary of its impact.

The report should include the strengths and areas for development that have arisen from the networking opportunity, with appropriate description of good practice and opportunities for improvement detailed.

In terms of networking, you could make arrangements to undertake professional peer observations internally or externally and also be peer reviewed. Alternatively, you could provide evidence of social networking activity by doing screen grabs with annotation.

Arrangements involving mentoring or professional networking could be evidenced through professional journal entries.

The Planning notes should include the strengths and areas for development that have arisen from the networking opportunity, with appropriate description of good practice and opportunities for improvement detailed. In terms of networking, you should consider arrangements to undertake professional peer observations internally or externally and also be peer reviewed.

Your report may be presented in any written format of your choice and must include a description of the network and a summary of its impact. It is envisaged that the report would

have an estimated word count of 500 –750 words, equivalent to 2-3 pages.

LO 6 Be able to evaluate, improve and update own knowledge and skills in a specialist area.

Task C: Evidence to be handed in: Reflective Account and Plan using the Harvard Reference Style of Referencing

Focusing on your practice within your specialist area, produce a reflective account which: (6.1) reviews the effectiveness of your own knowledge and skills

(6.2) identifies your strengths and areas for professional development.

As part of utilising KOLB theory, collect a variety of feedback evidence from your teaching and working in own specialist area. This could be from mini-teach sessions, peer feedback, lesson observation feedback, and learner feedback using google forms.

Use your research findings to add points in your review.


Review of Own knowledge and skills in specialist area





Areas for development (Weaknesses)


(6.3) Produce a plan which identifies where opportunities for improving and updating your own knowledge and skills in your specialist area can be developed.

Your reflective account and plan may be presented in any written format of your choice. Linking to your Weaknesses, produce an Action Plan which identifies activities for improving and updating your own knowledge and skills in your specialist area. These should be SMART targets. (ref. 6.3).

Think about professional reading, writing lesson plans, research into current specialist curriculum developments and updating current developments, specialist staff development opportunities, awarding organisation specialist training events and online up-dates, specialist higher-level qualification opportunities, secondment, work-shadowing or work placement.


Action Plan




Achieved/ Progress.





























Think about professional reading, writing lesson plans, research into current specialist curriculum developments and updating current developments, specialist staff development opportunities, awarding organisation specialist training events and online up-dates, specialist higher-level qualification opportunities, secondment, work-shadowing or work placement. It is envisaged that the reflective account and plan would have a combined estimated word count of 500-750 words, equivalent to 2-3 pages.

Please note that there is a requirement to observe and assess practice in this task.

1.Professional Development Plan

2.Lesson Plan (1) & Lesson Observation (1)

All your work needs to be submitted in one file through Turnitin Submission Link in Moodle (VLE).


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