LO2 Critically examine the complex challenges faced in the development, implementation and evaluation of strategic choices

MBA7061 Strategy

Assessment Brief - AS1

Assessment Type:

Portfolio (3000 Words)

Assessment Title (weighting):

Assessment 1 – Strategic Planning - Portfolio – 70% (Group and Individual)

Word Count

3000 Words

Learning Outcomes:


Submission Date:

17th Jan 2025  (via Turnitin @23:59hrs)

Learning Outcomes Assessed


Critically examine the complex challenges faced in the development, implementation and evaluation of strategic choices


Critically evaluate and synthesise information and data from appropriate sources and use these to make informed judgments in relation to strategic options within contemporary global commercial and non-commercial contexts.


Formulate and justify innovative, evidenced-based strategic proposals and solutions.

Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) Applications in this Assessment

AI Status



Category A

No GAI tool is permitted.

While grammar and/or spell checkers may be used to correct individual words and sentences, the use of GAI is not allowed. This is because the learning outcomes require you to produce original assessment work without any GAI assistance

Any GAI generated content which is presented as your own original work and is not acknowledged will be assessed for academic misconduct.


Throughout the module we will be examining a variety of strategy issues using a variety of research materials. Strategy in the context of contemporary business world will be explored, which includes an examination of global economic systems, instability, circular economy, new business practices, disruption, and business model innovation. Traditional and contemporary approaches to strategy, strategic thinking, and stakeholder engagement will be touched upon. Corporate, business, functional and network strategies will also be considered.

Description of the assessment

This assignment will allow the students to apply the learning from the module to a topic and will be submitted in the form of a portfolio with both group and individual components.

Task: Students are required to form a group of maximum four members to undertake this assignment. The group is expected to execute a strategy analysis for a self-selected Small and Medium Scale Enterprise (SME) from any industry.  This then leads to developing a strategic plan, with justification and evidence-based strategic recommendation for organization improvements.

Group Area -  

  • Executive Summary – covering all the areas of the assignment (250 words)
  • Letter of Recommendation – (250 words)
  • Supporting annexures

Individual Area –

Section A: Strategic Challenges

Choose one of the three main theoretical schools of strategic management—Business School, Positioning School or Resource-Based View (RBV)—to focus on throughout this assessment. In this section, address the following:

  • Discuss how your understanding of the chosen theory has developed during the module and why you selected this theory over the other two.
  • Reflect on how your knowledge of the history of strategic management has evolved in relation to your chosen school of thought. (600 words)

Section B: Strategic Choices

Based on your analysis of current industry trends, evaluate the strategic options/choices potentially available for your organisation, providing theoretical support to frame your discussion propose a 3-year strategic plan that will help the company achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. Address the following:

  • Provide a strategic vision and mission.
  • Outline key strategic goals for the next three years.
  • Develop an implementation plan to achieve these goals. (600 words)

Section C : Strategic Evaluation

Using the strategic management theory you selected in Section A, critically evaluate the current strategic position of your chosen organisation from Section B. Assess the complex challenges faced in the development, implementation and evaluation. Applying your theoretical knowledge to assess the strategic options available to the company. (600 words)

Section D: Strategy Selection and Conclusion

Reflect on your own understanding of the theory and consider the limitations of your chosen approach. Additionally, evaluate how governance, ethics, and corporate social responsibility are impacted by your strategic recommendations. (500 words and 200 for conclusion) 

Important Information for the Portfolio

  1. Students are asked to form into groups themselves between Week One and Week Three. Once formed, students are required to self- allocate themselves into a group in Canvas so they can start online group collaboration in Canvas. ( they can also use any other platform for team collaboration)
  2. Those students who still have not joined a group by the end of Week Three will be randomly allocated to a group by their lecturer.
  3. Students are required to collaborate with their group members using tools such as group discussion forum in Canvas. 5% marks are allocated to online collaboration. Evidences to demonstrate their online group collaboration in Canvas or any other platform are to be added in the Appendix section of the portfolio (no word limits on this).  
  4. Provide the full Harvard reference within the reference page for each item used, and the correct Harvard ‘shortened’ reference within the portfolio.
  5. Include both direct and indirect citations from a wide variety of sources. Include between fifteen to twenty sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include four refereed academic journals and five academic books.
  6. Make use of relevant core texts and research items from within the module.
  7. Your cover page would be the first page of your group portfolio. Ensure in your cover page, the names and IDs of all members are included as well as the module name, tutor name, academic year/cohort/group.
  8. The assignment will be submitted as a single file.
  9. Only one person in the group will make summative submission via Turnitin.

Structure and Format for Assignment 2

Format and Structure


Title Page


Executive Summary


Letter of Recommendation


Strategic Challenges


Strategic Choices


Strategic Evaluations


Strategy Selection and Conclusion


References and Appendices and supporting annexures


Proof of participation of Online Collaboration


Minimum Secondary Research Source Requirements for both assignments: 

Level HE7 - It is expected that the Reference List will contain between fifteen to twenty sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include four refereed academic journals and five academic books.

Important and helpful information

Late work will be subject to the penalties:

  • Up to 7 calendar days late = 10 marks subtracted but if the assignment would normally gain a pass mark, then the final mark to be no lower than the pass mark for the assignment.
  • More than 7 calendar days late = This will be counted as non-submission and no marks will be recorded.

Late submission of assessments on refer and those which are graded Pass/Fail only, is not permitted. Students may request an extension to the original published deadline date as described below.  

Please refer to the Module Guide for information regarding indicative reading, guidelines for the preparation and submission of assignments, and the assessment criteria.

Submission, Assessment & Feedback

Electronic copies of assignments should be submitted via “Turn-it-in”. Please ensure you follow the instructions provided by your module tutor and on the assessment brief.

Written feedback in the form of annotations onto your electronic submission and summary comments will be provided within three working weeks of the submission deadline,

together with your internally moderated grade for the assignment.

This assessment satisfies the learning outcomes as specified in your module guide.

The pass mark for this assignment is 50%. 

100% Plagiarism Free & Custom Written, Tailored to your instructions