This report requires you to assess the customer engagement strategies of Ice Events, and will identify its strengths and weaknesses in engaging with its customers profitably.

Faculty of Business and Law

Module Title


Assignment Number


Module Code

Strategic Customer Engagement

Assignment Title

Individual Report

Module Leader


Assignment Weighting



Assignment Release Date:

1 February 2022


Submission Date/Time:

13 May 2022 at 12:00 (noon)

This is an individual report on Ice Events.

This report requires you to assess the customer engagement strategies of Ice Events, and will identify its strengths and weaknesses in engaging with its customers profitably.

 This assignment is designed to assess the following learning outcomes:

  1. Assess organisational competence in customer management
  2. Identify weaknesses in customer management performance
  3. Make recommendations on how an organisation can improve its CRM performance and profitability
  4. Develop problem solving and decision-making skills

Further information on University mark descriptors can be found here.

In this section, you will find detailed information on your coursework highlighting: 

  • Required structure and
  • Marking breakdown (i.e. marking criteria)

You should take your time to go through the brief and familiarize yourself with the coursework requirements.

Word Count: The word count is 3,500 words (+/- 10 percent) 

There will be a penalty of a deduction of 10% of the mark for work exceeding the word limit by 10% or more.

The word limit includes quotations and citations, but excludes tables, figures, the references list and appendices. 




Sustainable Engagement with Customers:

A case study of Ice Events

As a rapidly growing industry, mobile bar services around the UK are constantly coming up with new, creative ideas to give party-goers a memorable and special drinking experience.

Based in Leicestershire, Ice Events ( is a bespoke mobile bar service tailored to any event and venue (such as parties, corporate gatherings, festivals, weddings etc) providing service in East Midlands and the East of England. The company provides soft drinks, beers, wines, cocktails, gins and spirits. In addition to beverages, the company provides locally grown fruit and garnishes, bar snacks, ice, napkins and glassware. Moving to become a more sustainable, environmentally friendly company, Ice Events use re-usable polycarbonate glasses and paper straws at all






Required Structure:

Title Page (title of the report, student number, module name & code, tutor name, submission date, word count) (Title page is not weighted.)

1)Introduction (300 words; 10 points)

Start the coursework with an Introduction highlighting the purpose of your report, and introducing Ice Events including its mission, its unique selling point, its target market and close competitors.

2)PESTLE Analysis (500 words; 15 points)

You should present a macro environmental analysis of Ice Events in the form of a PESTEL analysis. 

3)Applying IDIC Framework to Ice Events (1,500 words; 40 points)

This section must be developed around IDIC framework, which you will apply to Ice Events. In the discussion the focus should be on how Ice Events can create value to its customers.

You must present a diagram of IDIC applied to Ice Events (diagrams are excluded from word count). Your discussion should NOT be on a mere description of the framework. Instead, you will need to APPLY the framework to the company. You will need to support your discussion with academic and practitioner sources throughout the section.

Required structure for Section 3: You should have four sub-sections:

3.1. Identifying customers

3.2. Differentiating customers from another

3.3. Interacting with customers

3.4. Customisation offers to customers 

4)Three SMART Objectives (1,200 words; 30 points)

Based on your research and analysis in Sections 1 to 3, you will identify THREE SMART objectives that will help Ice Events build and develop profitable long-term relationships with their target customers. Each proposed objective should be justified clearly with references to the business, its industry, the chosen customer segment, the competition and market trends (such as evolving consumer behaviour and emerging technologies).

Companies use a number of metrics to evaluate the success of their customer management objectives. Most commonly used metrics are:

  1. Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  2. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
  3. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
  4. CAC-to-CLV
  5. Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)
  6. Customer Effort Score (CES)
  7. Customer Retention Rate
  8. Revenue Churn
  9. First Contact Resolution
  10. Average Ticket Time

The following website offers information on these metrics:

Having identified three relevant and meaningful SMART objectives, you will present a minimum of one metric from this list that Ice Events can use to evaluate the success of their customer management objectives. 

Required structure for Section 4:

4.1  (identify a title)

SMART Objective 1:

Proposed Metric(s):

Discussion (approximately 400 words)

4.2  (identify a title)

SMART Objective 2:

Proposed Metric(s):

Discussion (approximately 400 words)

4.3  (identify a title)

SMART Objective 3:

Proposed Metric(s):

Discussion (approximately 400 words 

Presentation (5 points)

Presentation, Structure, Referencing, Professionalism (including language and grammar)

Your understanding of the module content should be reflected well in the report. This means you will need to refer to learning materials, concepts and theories learnt in the module, in the context of the chosen company.

  • Please use 1.15 line spacing and 11-point Calibri.
  • Report needs to be structured well, follow the required structure as outlined above, professional looking, clearly expressed points in English, adopt careful punctuation and appropriate use of paragraphs (including the choice of terminology, spelling and grammar).
  • The appendices you include in the report should be relevant. Materials that appear in the appendices must be referred to and commented upon in the main text, otherwise they will not be counted towards your grade. Appendices should not be treated as an extension of the main report.
  • Tables, graphs, diagrams are excluded from word count.

o Your reference list should demonstrate your close engagement with module textbook and the sources on “online research list”. A full list of references of all sources (whether academic or industry-based) must appear at the end of your assignment, written in Harvard (Cite Them Right). Further information can be found here: Sources must also be indicated clearly in the main text, as they arise. You must not copy materials directly from any source word-for-word without acknowledgement, and neither must you paraphrase material from any source (academic or business) without acknowledgment. To do so is ‘plagiarism’, which is a serious academic offence.

  • Very important: this report must be entirely your own work and no-one else’s.
  • Appendices (if applicable): All information in the Appendix needs to be integrated into the discussion in the main body in a meaningful way. 

The assessment must be submitted by 12:00 noon (GMT/BST) on Friday 13 May 2022. No paper copies are required. You can access the submission link through the module web.

  • Your coursework will be given a zero mark if you do not submit a copy through Turnitin. Please take care to ensure that you have fully submitted your work.
  • Please ensure that you have submitted your work using the correct file format, unreadable files will receive a mark of zero. The Faculty accepts Microsoft Office and PDF documents, unless otherwise advised by the module leader. 

Ø  All work submitted after the submission deadline without a valid and approved reason will be subject to the University regulations on late submissions.

  • If an assessment is submitted up to 14 days late the mark for the work will be capped at the pass mark of 50 per cent.
  • If an assessment is submitted beyond 14 calendar days late the work will receive a mark of zero per cent.
  • The above applies to your first attempt at the assessment. If work submitted as a reassessment of a previously failed assessment task is submitted later than the deadline the work will immediately be given a mark of zero per cent.
  • If an assessment which is marked as pass/fail rather than given a percentage mark is submitted later than the deadline, the work will immediately be marked as a fail. 

Ø  The University wants you to do your best. However, we know that sometimes events happen which mean that you can’t submit your coursework by the deadline – these events should be beyond your control and not easy to predict. If this happens, you can apply for an extension to your deadline for up to two weeks, or if you need longer, you can apply for a deferral, which takes you to the next assessment period (for example, to the re-sit period following the main Assessment Boards). You must apply before the deadline. You will find information about applying for extensions and deferrals here.

Ø  You MUST keep a copy and/or an electronic file of their assignment.

Ø  Checks will be made on your work using anti-plagiarism software and approved plagiarism checking websites.

Return of Marked Work

You can expect to have feedback returned to you on 14 June 2022. If for any reason there is a delay you will be kept informed. Marks and feedback will be provided online. It is important that you access the feedback you receive as this will help to make improvements to your later work, you can request a meeting with your Module Leader or Personal Tutor to discuss your feedback in more detail.

Marks will have been internally moderated only, and will therefore be provisional; your mark will be formally agreed later in the year once the external examiner has completed their review. More information on assessment and feedback can be found here.

 In submitting a piece of work for assessment it is essential that you understand the University`s requirements for maintaining academic integrity and ensure that the work does not contravene University regulations. Some examples of behaviour that would not be considered acceptable include plagiarism, re-use of previously assessed work, collusion with others and purchasing your assignment from a third party. For more information on academic offences, bad academic practice, and academic penalties, please read chapter four of our academic regulations.

Referencing is the process of acknowledging other people’s work when you have used it in your assignment or research. It allows the reader to locate your source material as quickly and easily as possible so that they can read these sources themselves and verify the validity of your arguments. Referencing provides the link between what you write and the evidence on which it is based.

You identify the sources that you have used by citing them in the text of your assignment (called citations or in-text citations) and referencing them at the end of your assignment (called the reference list or end-text citations). The reference list only includes the sources cited in your text. The main referencing guide can be found here and includes information on the basics of referencing and achieving good academic practice. It also has tabs for the specific referencing styles depending on whether you require Harvard style used in business or OSCOLA style used by the Law school.

The University has a wealth of support services available to you; further information can be obtained from Student Gateway, the Student Advice Centre, Library and Learning Services and, most importantly, your Personal Tutor. If you are struggling with your assessments and/or deadlines please do seek help as soon as possible so that appropriate support and guidance can be identified and put in place for you. More information can be found on

the Healthy DMU pages. 

Section 1: Introduction

10 points

Whether the section highlights well the purpose of the report, and introduce Ice Events including its mission, its unique selling point, its target market and close competitors

 10 points

Section 2: PESTLE Analysis

15 points

 How relevant and meaningful the proposed PESTLE analysis is for the company

 15 points


Section 3: IDIC Framework: Identify


10 points

  • How well the Identify step of IDIC applied to the company
  • Whether the discussion is well justified and supported with credible academic and practitioner literature
  • Whether the discussion shows a critical evaluation of research


10 points


Section 3: IDIC Framework: Differentiate


10 points

  • How well the Differentiate step of IDIC applied to the company
  • Whether the discussion is well justified and supported with credible academic and practitioner literature
  • Whether the discussion shows a critical evaluation of research


10 points


Section 3: IDIC Framework: Interact


10 points

  • How well the Interact step of IDIC applied to the company
  • Whether the discussion is well justified and supported with credible academic and practitioner literature
  • Whether the discussion shows a critical evaluation of research


10 points


Section 3: IDIC Framework: Customise


10 points

  • How well the Differentiate step of IDIC applied to the company
  • Whether the discussion is well justified and supported with credible academic and practitioner literature
  • Whether the discussion shows a critical evaluation of research


10 points

Section 4: Three SMART Objectives

30 points

How relevant and meaningful the proposed SMART objectives are for the company


5 points

How relevant and meaningful the proposed marketing metrics are

5 points

Whether the proposed objectives and metrics are justified well with screenshots from the chosen organisation, market trends, competitors, evolving consumer behaviour and so on


10 points

Whether the discussion is supported well with credible academic and practitioner literature


10 points

Presentation: Presentation, Structure, Referencing and Professionalism (including language and grammar)


5 points

100% Plagiarism Free & Custom Written, Tailored to your instructions