Explain the principles of good practice based on the values identified within your professional code upon which interactions within the care setting are based.


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Care Principles



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Care Principles


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Assessment Information

Learning Outcomes


Understand the values and principles set out within a professional code of conduct.


Understand the importance of maintaining confidentiality of information.


Understand how to promote anti-discriminatory practice.


Understand how to support individual rights and choices in a care setting.


Be able to analyse the importance of being aware of the individual`s personal beliefs and identity.


Assessment Criteria


Explain the principles of good practice based on the values identified within your professional code upon which interactions within the care setting are based.


Analyse the impact of these principles of good practice based on the values identified within your professional code on the client, in particular client empowerment.


Summarise the legislation/charters relating to confidentiality.


Evaluate the effectiveness of methods of giving, receiving and storing information.


Analyse issues relating to confidentiality in the care setting.


Explain the personal contribution of the care worker to promoting anti-discriminatory practice.


Summarise a care worker’s role, responsibilities and accountability for Equality and Diversity within the care setting, to support meeting the equality objectives of the organisation.


Differentiate between personal rights and choices and legal rights.


Explain factors which potentially affect client`s rights.


Examine factors which influence the development of identity.


Analyse how care practice can support basic human needs.


Analyse ways in which own beliefs and preferences may affect care delivery.


Details of assignment requirements mapped to assessment criteria

There are THREE tasks to complete.

Task 1

Produce a 10-minute presentation to your peers in which you demonstrate your understanding of the values and principles set out within the code of conduct of your chosen profession. The presentation must: 

1. Explain the principles of good practice based on the values outlined in your chosen profession’s code of conduct, on which interactions within the care setting are based. This should include consideration of the promotion of equality, diversity and inclusive practices, confidentiality, safeguarding and effective communication.
2. Analyse the impact of these principles of good practice and values on your clients/patients, making particular reference to client/patient empowerment.

(AC1.1, 1.2)

Task 2

Essay Title:  Why is it important to maintain the confidentiality of information and promote anti-discriminatory practice?

Your essay must include:

1. A summary of legislation/charters relating to confidentiality, making reference to the General Data Protection Regulations (2018).
2. An evaluation of the effectiveness of methods of giving, receiving and storing information.
3. An analysis of the issues relating to confidentiality in the care setting, making reference to client choice and the right/need to know.
4. Using examples, explain the personal contribution that a care worker can make in promoting anti-discriminatory practice and summarise their role, responsibilities, and accountability for equality and diversity in the care setting to meet the equality objectives of the organisation they work for.

The word count is 1500 words (10%+/-). (AC2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2)

Task 3

Rosemary is a 72-year-old Jamaican lady who has lived in the United Kingdom since early childhood. She married in the UK and raised her family here. Her husband passed away 20 years ago in an industrial accident. She has since been fiercely independent, retiring at 60 from her insurance work and then travelling the world with friends. She ceased travelling at 70 to help her daughter Winsome with childcare. Four months ago, after a persistently bad cough that wouldn’t go away, Rosemary visited her doctor. After many tests, it was discovered that she had lung cancer, which had spread to her bones. She was put into the care of the palliative team. Due to the rapid decline in her health, Rosemary has had to move in with Winsome and her family. Rosemary disclosed that she doesn’t want to be alive anymore, and she is going to ask Winsome for assistance in dying. She feels that she is a burden to her daughter, who is now struggling for childcare and looking after her. She also disclosed that Winsome would be better off if she weren’t around because there is ‘a big insurance payout coming her way’ in the event of her death.

After speaking at length with Rosemary and discussing support options that can be put into place, she explained that she was frightened, anxious and in pain and wasn’t thinking rationally. As a Christian, she particularly benefitted from speaking to her pastor. It transpires she was also worried that her daughters only support, Rosemary’s sister, Auntie Pearl, may be deported due to her passport status as she was part of the Windrush Generation. She felt the insurance payout would help the situation. Her pastor reassured her that support was available for Pearl from the Home Office. Rosemary has always been the caregiver for her family and has found the change in her role particularly challenging.

Using the information given in the first paragraph of the case study:

1. In this case, differentiate between Rosemary’s personal rights and legal rights.
2. Explain some factors that potentially may affect her rights (for example, abuse, risks, andsocio-economic and cultural factors).

Using all the information in the case study:

3. Examine the factors that influence the development of identity- consider factors such as culture and ethnicity, gender role and family role.
4. Analyse how care practices can support Rosemary’s basic human needs.
5. Analyse ways in which Rosemary’s beliefs and preferences may affect care delivery.

The word count is 750 words (10%+/-). (AC4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3)



If you achieve all assessment criteria listed above, you will be awarded a Pass. To gain a Merit or Distinction, your work must match the performance described below.


To achieve a Merit:

To achieve a Distinction:


The student, student’s work or performance: 

The student, student’s work or performance: 

Grading Standard 1: 

Knowledge and understanding

a. generally demonstrates the ability to apply knowledge appropriately in a given context showing breadth OR depth of knowledge in responding to the demands of the unit,with
b. a very good understanding and use of:
a. consistently demonstrates the ability to apply knowledge appropriately in a given context showing breadth OR depth of knowledge in responding to the demands of the unit, with
b. an excellent understanding and use of:

Grading Standard 2:

Subject Specific Skills

a. generally demonstrates an ability in selecting and using skills as required by the unit, with
b. very good levels of: 
a. consistently demonstrates an ability in selecting and using skills as required by the unit, with
b. excellent levels of:

Grading Standard 3: 

Transferable Skills

a. demonstrates very good communication and/or presentation skills evidenced by the use and/or selection of:
 digital software
 spelling and punctuation
c. generally adheres to academic and/or professional conventions in use of technical/specialist language and/or format in responding to the instructions set out in the assignment brief.
a. demonstrates excellent communication and/or presentation skills evidenced by the use and/or selection of:
 digital software
 spelling and punctuation
c. consistently adheres to academic and/or professional conventions in use of technical/specialist language and/or format in responding to the instructions set out in the assignment brief.

Additional Guidance

To achieve a Merit:

To achieve a Distinction:


The student has demonstrated very good knowledge and understanding of the principles and legislation within the care sector, the need for confidentiality, and the need to support individual rights and beliefs. They have generally shown a very good grasp of the subject, demonstrated very good use of the facts, concepts, and theories, and considered different perspectives within the case study. Generally, there is a very good level of response to the requirements of the tasks, however, there remain some areas for development/errors in terms of the knowledge and understanding evidenced across the tasks.


GS2 – 

The student has generally demonstrated a very good ability to select various sources to support their response to the requirements of each task, showing a very good awareness and insight and they have interpreted the sensitivities and subject matter of the case study to a very good standard. Information provided across the tasks is generally accurate and relevant to the requirements of the assessment criteria. There may be some errors or areas for development, but the work generally evidences a very good response to the assessment.



The evidence demonstrates very good formatting and structure and is generally written with reference to appropriate technical/academic conventions. Spelling and punctuation are generally used to a very good level. They have selected appropriate digital software for the presentation, and its use in communicating is generally very good. Evidence effectively communicates a very good understanding and knowledge of the subject area and the research undertaken to complete the tasks. 

GS1 – 

The student has demonstrated excellent knowledge and understanding of the principles and legislation within the care sector, the need for confidentiality, and the need to support individual rights and beliefs. They have consistently shown an excellent grasp of the subject, demonstrated excellent use of the facts, concepts, and theories, and considered different perspectives within the case study. Consistently, there is an excellent level of response to the requirements of the tasks, and there remain few (if any) areas for development/errors in terms of the knowledge and understanding evidenced across the tasks.



The student has consistently demonstrated an excellent ability to select various sources to support their response to the requirements of each task, showing excellent awareness and insight,and they have interpreted the sensitivities and subject matter of the case study to an excellent standard. Information across the tasks is consistently accurate and relevant to the requirements of the assessment criteria. There were few (if any) errors or areas for development and the work consistently evidences an excellent response to the assessment.



The evidence demonstrates excellent formatting and structure, and it is consistently written with reference to appropriate technical/academic conventions. Spelling and punctuation are consistently used to an excellent level. They have selected appropriate digital software for the presentation, and its use in communicating is consistently excellent. Evidence effectively communicates an excellent understanding and knowledge of the subject area and the research undertaken to complete the tasks. 

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