Market Research Agency (MRA) Ltd wants to know the opinions of all students at Chester University regarding the University staff’s teaching delivery.


The purpose of this self-check test is to evaluate your understanding of Research Methods (sampling and population).By completing this self-check test, we can identify areas that you are struggling with and intervene before the last assignment is due.This help to ensure that you have conceptualise the work and that additional facilitation can be provided were needed.I thus encourage you to participate and complete this test.Once you have received the answer and you see the need for additional help, please contact me.

NOTE: Suggested answers will be provided by the end of next week.


1. Please type your answers below each question

2. Upload your completed answers in Canvas

3. This activity is due latest Sunday, 23:59 of this week

4. Enjoy the experience ��


1. Market Research Agency (MRA) Ltd wants to know the opinions of all students at Chester University regarding the University staff’s teaching delivery.MRA surveyed 800 students; 600 students were satisfied with the quality of staff teaching delivery, while 200 were not. MRA concluded that the majority of students were pleased with the staff’s teaching quality. You are required to identify which one is population and which one is sampling.

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2. In research, the term ‘reliability’ refers to the degree to which your research produces consistent results. For example, your findings from today’s samples and from tomorrow’s samples always produce the same results. Correspondingly, your research could reach 100% theoretical reliability by using tools such as a census study and/or a longitudinal study.

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3. In qualitative research, we make sampling choices that enable us to deepen our understanding of research phenomena or ‘thick’ description (that provide detail or ‘richness’ to phenomena). Accordingly, samples for qualitative research should follow the concept of __.

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4. Longitudinal research is used in order to conduct research by making several observations of the same subjects. This may take many weeks, months, or years. Hence, longitudinal studies track samples __.

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5. Reliability, __, and validity are key considerations for research where you undertake sampling from a whole population (census). It allows you to obtain consistent results across studies that are aimed at answering the same research question with the use of new data.                                                                                                                                                                        

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6. Random snowball sampling is also referred to in the literature as respondent-driven random sampling. Snowball sampling is useful when it is hard to identify __.

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7. You use stratified sampling by dividing a population into smaller subgroups known as substrata. These can reflect demographic characteristics such as income, departmental division, gender, or others. Stratified sampling is recommended in order to achieve a reasonable level of __ so you obtain rich responses.

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8. In research, due to time and other practical considerations, many students use the purposive and convenience sampling techniques.

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9. Sampling is where you select a portion of the population under study. It is considered a fundamental step of the __ research process.

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10. To generalise is to issue a broad statement that appears to encompass all people or all sectors. For example, your research highlights business failures associated with a lack of IT skills in an information systems company. You then incorrectly generalise that such business failures in all companies are owed to a lack of IT skills. Generalisation from a sample to a population is __ to achieve in real life.

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