This assignment is an individual assignment.
This assignment requires you to:
Develop a research proposal for a qualitative study and carry out 2-3 semi structured
interviews with customers as your chosen method of research.
In your report, you must:
a) Define and describe the research idea/problem and research aim
b) Write three objectives.
- Each objective must be clearly explained and justified.
c) Indicate where and when the data collection will take place.
d) Explain and justify your sampling approach.
e) Develop a suitable qualitative research instrument to gather data on some of the issues noted above.
- This must be explained within the report, however all students are required to submit a FULL research instrument within the appendices.
f) Indicate and justify your data analysis techniques.
g) Analyse and interpret the key findings from the data.
- What key themes emerged – you must provide suitable evidence i.e. excerpts from the transcripts to support your discussion.
h) Finally, all students must outline specific recommendations for Juiceland based on their findings.