LO1 A critical appreciation of project management theory and methodologies with an in depth knowledge of project management tools and techniques to define, plan and deliver successful projects in your industry/business area.
2025-01-08 10:54:33
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Submission Deadline Before 10am on: 13/01/2025
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20 working days after deadline (L4, 5 and 7) 15 working days after deadline (L6)
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Project Management BSS060-6
2: Evaluating the Use and Application of Project Management Theory and Methodologies Report
2,500 words (word -PDF format)
1 Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
A critical appreciation of project management theory and methodologies with an in depth knowledge of project management tools and techniques to define, plan and deliver successful projects in your industry/business area.
2 Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
Scope a project and select and use appropriate project management tools and techniques to design and plan a project with the aim of bringing it to successful completion.
Completing Your Assignment
Your analysis, and justification, must be supported by evidence, from the literature (relevant books and journal papers). You should use the following report format:
- Business Report Format (UoB PAD format)
- The report should be 1.5 line-spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman, or Arial
- Include references and a bibliography
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
In order to pass Assessment 2 you will need to:
- Demonstrate a reasonable level of knowledge and understanding of project management theory and methodology
- Demonstrate some analysis and evaluation of the use of project management methodology in the given Project
- Produce a report following the UoB PAD report structure (report structure to be shared on the unit) which is largely
readable with some spelling and grammar issues. University of Bedfordshire Harvard referencing format followed with a minimum of 8 high quality references provided
- Ensure that your report is based on the formal unit project as stated in the given unit project mandate (no other projects can be used) which can be found under the ‘Assessment and Feedback’ tab on BREO
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
Refer to the Assessment criteria marking grid, noting what should be produced to achieve Commendation/Distinction level marks. This will be discussed further in class.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
The class sessions in Weeks 4 and 5 discuss the key project management approaches and methodologies. You will have opportunity to consider the use of these approaches and methodologies, their benefits and issues. This knowledge will help you to produce an evaluative report for your second assessment.
The class sessions in Week 5 also look at academic writing and referencing at the Masters-Level, to support you in preparing your report for Assessment 2.
Assuming that you share it by the pre-determined deadline, you will have the opportunity to receive feedback on your draft report in class so that you can improve your report before final submission.
Marks and Feedback
Pass – 40-49% Pass – 50-59% Commendation – 60-
Distinction– 70%+
Depth of knowledge and systematic understanding of project management (PM) theory & methodologies (30%)
Critical evaluation of the use of PM methodology in the assigned Project
Report Readability (10%)
Report Structure
References (20%)
Reasonable knowledge and understanding of PM theory and methodology demonstrated.
Some analysis and evaluation of the use of PM methodology in the assigned Project.
Report with some spelling and grammar issues. Largely readable. PAD report structure used, though report body could be better structured.
8-9 high quality references (Books and Journal Papers). Harvard format followed.
Good knowledge and understanding of PM theory and methodology demonstrated.
Some analysis and evaluation of the use of PM methodology in the assigned Project, supported by a few references.
Report with minor spelling and grammar issues. Readable.
Report mostly logically structured.
10-11 high quality references. (Books and Journal Papers) Harvard format followed.
Very good knowledge and understanding of PM theory and methodology demonstrated.
Good analysis of use of PM methodology in the assigned Project, identifying pros and cons of use supported by references.
Well expressed report, with good readability.
Report logically structured throughout.
12-15 high quality references. (Books and Journal Papers) and a Bibliography, Harvard format followed.
Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of PM theory & methodology demonstrated with appropriate examples.
Excellent analysis of use of PM methodology in the assigned Project, with evaluation well supported by relevant references.
Well expressed report, clear, logical and highly readable Excellent, well presented & logically structured report, with good use of references & appendices
More than 15 high quality references (Books and Journal Papers). and a Bibliography, Harvard format followed.
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