This assignment is designed to highlight understanding of key marketing communications concepts and reinforce individual learning.



Assignment Brief


Marketing Communications

Module Code

BMM 5562


BA (Hons) Business and Management with Foundation Year in Business

Academic Year


Issue Date

15th Jan 2022












Timing / Deadline

































(word count


















or duration)






















































3 online Tests




20 mins




3 x 10%






Week 4,6,8














15 mins



































Individual Report


2000 words
































For this module you will complete three forms of assessment

Assignment 3 must be submitted to BMM5562 via Turnitin by noon on the deadline day (30/03/2022)

Assessment 1 – Online Assessments: 20 mins

These assessments are summative during the module and provide formative feedback as well as reinforce the importance of student engagement. 

Assessment 2 – Group Presentation: 20 mins

This component of the assessment will be observed by, and marks assigned by a panel of external industry experts in conjunction with academic staff.

You are invited to form a marketing team with 4-5 fellow students and develop a marketing communications plan together. Whilst this is s collective team exercise, each team member must work on and speak about their specific element of the marketing communications plan. For example:

  • Brand Audit
  • Market Research
  • Market Segmentation/audience targeting
  • Brand positioning
  • Marketing communications mix
  • Media planning

Assessment 3 – Individual Report: 2000 words

This assignment is designed to highlight understanding of key marketing communications concepts and reinforce individual learning. 

Each student is required to write a 2000-word report account of their team marketing communication plan in the context of and concerning the theories and concepts covered by this module and the associated textbooks. This should include an explanation of your team role and contribution as well as a reflection on your individual learning from the team exercise. The results of this report will contribute 50% to the overall module assessment. 


Plagiarism is a form of cheating which involves presenting another person’s ideas or expressions without acknowledging the source. The penalties for this are severe. Extensive and repeated instances can result in your removal from the degree programme. It is therefore very important that you understand how to avoid being accused of plagiarism. Any work submitted for assessment must, unless collaborative work has been specifically permitted in the assignment guidelines, be your own work. Any material used, from whatever source, must be acknowledged. Any words that are not your own should be shown as quotes and their author and publication details given. Where you paraphrase the words of another you should make this clear and give details of where you found this material. You should make use of the referencing guidelines on the Library website and complete the online plagiarism tutorial to ensure that you are providing such details correctly Doing so will gain you marks for showing evidence of research and ability to reference. Not doing so could lead to accusations of plagiarism. You can also use Turnitin in advance of the deadline to enable you to check for elements of plagiarism in your work and then correct these.

Students will be made aware of how to avoid plagiarism as part of the induction process and within the initial stages of the programme of study,as well as how to incorporate correct referencing into their written work. The library provides Referencing Guides, online tutorials and one-to-one support.Students can also obtain advice on appropriate academic conventions from the Learning Hub and advice on a specific piece of assessment is available from the module tutor.

As is a form of dishonesty which is viewed by the University as a serious offence. The University’s Regulations contain provisions by which the Examination Board may penalise students who are found to have presented plagiarised work for assessment. The purpose of this statement is to explain what plagiarism is. Further information about the procedures which are followed where allegations of plagiarism are made, together with the penalties that may be imposed, can be found in the above Regulations.

Plagiarism consists of presenting someone else’s work as your own. Some examples of plagiarism are:

  • reproducing or paraphrasing published material without acknowledgement of the source
  • copying from the work of another student
  • undeclared collusion with another student
  • getting someone else to do your work for you 

This is not an exhaustive list. There are degrees of plagiarism, particularly where published work is concerned. At one extreme there may be a very short section of coursework which is copied without being properly referenced; at the other extreme coursework may consist almost entirely of copied work.

Students who are found to have colluded in making their work available to be copied by others will not themselves be deemed to have committed plagiarism but will be dealt with under the student disciplinary procedures described in the Students’ Handbook of Regulations. Similarly, disciplinary action will be taken against any student who is found to have undertaken coursework on behalf of another.

Submission Formats

All assignments should be submitted through TURNITIN to Moodle whenever possible. If necessary, for the nature of the work, alternative methods may be used. For each piece of assessment, the assignment (or assessment) brief will indicate the method of submission. Students should be advised to retain a copy of their submitted assignment (or assessment) however submitted, where practicable e.g. this may not be possible with artefacts.

Penalties for Late Submissions

  • If you submit coursework after the given deadline or agreed deadline extension, your submission will be marked as a fail.
  • If you submit coursework after the given deadline, you may also ask that we excuse your lateness. We will consider such requests following the Mitigating Circumstances Policy and Procedure. The tests we will use are:

a. Your late submission was for a good reason, and

b. You could not reasonably have asked for an extension before the deadline.

In any event, coursework submitted more than five days after the original deadline, or any agreed extension, will not be marked, and will be counted as a failure. This helps us to keep track of all the work that has to be marked and returned to students

Please note all coursework for the Foundation Year is marked on a pass/fail basis. Where coursework is marked on a pass/fail basis and it is submitted late then it will automatically be deemed to be a fail and will be awarded a mark of zero.

Therefore, late submission of Foundation Year coursework should be avoided at all costs, as assignments will automatically fail.

100% Plagiarism Free & Custom Written, Tailored to your instructions