Strategically apply relevant project management practices within organisations

 Project Management Essentials

General Information


School of Business and Technology



Credit Value


Contact Hours



MSc Management with Project Management

Module Leader


Related Modules







Excluded Combinations


Awarding Body

BPP University


Project Managers today need to develop a mastery of a blend of strategic thinking, business decision-making and Project Management skills. They need to have insight into what the purpose of the organisation is; work out what needs to be done to achieve this; and develop ways to go about this, which align with the structure, culture and values of the organisation.

This module is designed for project managers seeking to develop themselves and their practice, using evidence-based theories and concepts.

You will develop insight into how to project manage day to day operations and activities, seeking to make best use of available resources. You will also develop practical skills that enhance your personal effectiveness in your own project management role.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module, you will be able to:

  1. Strategically apply relevant project management practices within organisations
  2. Critically appraise project management principles and environmental contexts in which projects can be delivered
  3. Critically evaluate how project management behaviours can promote organisational success 

Mode of Assessment Formative Assessment

  1. Weekly task undertaken collaboratively with peer and tutor review
  2. Draft coursework, maximum of 1000 words, preparing for/linking to summative task

Summative Assessment – 100% of Module Grade.

This module is assessed on this task; in which you must achieve a percentage grade of 50% in order to pass the module.

This comprises a 5000-word report based on a case study. 

Key Reading

Students will be directed to appropriate sections of these texts during the module

Core Text

Whetten, D. & Cameron, K. (2016) Developing Management Skills. Ninth Edition. Pearson

Background Reading

Listed below are texts which provide background to the concepts and content of the module and which may be used for reference either during the course or in your subsequent professional roles.Strategically apply relevant project management practices within organisations

Additional Texts

APM, 2020. APM Body of Knowledge, Seventh Edition. APM

Daft, R. & Marcic, D. (2014) Building Management Skills: An Action-First Approach. Cengage Learning.

Gido, J., Clements, J.P. & Baker, R. (2018) Successful Project Management, 7th edition, Thomson/South-Western.

Hughes, B., 2019. Project management for IT-related projects. BCS Learning and Development Ltd.

Maylor, H., 2010. Project Management, Fourth Edition. Pearson UK.

Mullins, L. (2019) Organisational Behaviour in the Workplace, 12th Edition, Pearson.

Newton, R., 2016. Project Management Step by Step: How to plan and manage a highly successful project. Pearson UK.

Pinto J. K. (2013), Project Management, Achieving Competitive Advantage; Global Edition, Third Edition, Pearson Education UK.

Roberts, P., 2013. Guide to Project Management: Getting it right and achieving lasting benefit. John Wiley & Sons.

Schwalbe, K., 2012. An Introduction to Project Management, Fourth Edition. LLC 


  • Academy of Management Journal
  • International Journal of Managing Projects in Business
  • International Journal of Project Management
  • Journal of Modern Project Management
  • Journal of Small Business Management
  • Journal of Technology Management and Innovation
  • Project, the journal of the APM

Journal Articles

Bourne, M. et al (2018) Performance measurement and management: a system of systems perspective. International Journal of Production Research. Apr2018, Vol. 56 Issue 8, p2788- 2799

Brubaker, D. Noble, C. Fincher, R. Park, S. Press, S. 2014. Conflict Resolution in the Workplace: What Will the Future Bring? Conflict Resolution Quarterly. Summer2014, Vol. 31 Issue 4, p357-386 

Conine, Thomas E.; Leskin, Barry. 2016. Developing Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management Skills Through the 360 Assessment. Global Business & Organizational Excellence. Mar/Apr2016, Vol. 35 Issue 3, p18-26

Debunking Management Myths (Henry Mintzberg) MIT Sloan Management Review; Fall 2009, Vol 51 Issue 1 p12-12

Detert, J. 2018. Cultivating Everyday Courage. Harvard Business Review. Nov/Dec2018, Vol. 96 Issue 6, p128-135

Gosling, J. & Mintzberg, H. (2003) The Five Minds of a Manager. (cover story), Harvard Business Review, 81, 11, pp. 54-63

Hyunkyung Lee; Bonk, Curtis J. 2014. Collaborative Learning in the Workplace: Practical Issues and Concerns. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning. 2014, Vol. 7 Issue 2, p10-17

Matsudaira, K. (2019) The Evolution of Management. Communications of the ACM. Oct 2019, Vol. 62 Issue 10, p42-47

Meinert, D. 2018. Are you an Emotional Genius? HR Magazine. Mar2018, Vol. 63 Issue 2, p17-19.

Meinert, D. 2019. Team Harmony. HR Magazine. Summer2019, Vol. 64 Issue 2, p16-20

Muralidharan, T. (2017) Holding Onto The Best. Human Capital. Feb2017, Vol. 20 Issue 9, p44-46

Myszkowski, Nils; Storme, Martin; Davila, Andrés; Lubart, Todd. 2015. Managerial creative problem solving and the Big Five personality traits. Journal of Management Development. 2015, Vol. 34 Issue 6, p674-684 

Plummer, M. (2019) A Short Guide to Building Your Team`s Critical Thinking Skills. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles. 10/11/2019, p2-5

Web Resources

Explore our featured insights | McKinsey & Company insights

Harvard Business Review Publication Details For "Harvard Business Review" Management Today | Not just business as usual

Strategy business: international business strategy news articles and award-winning analysis

The APM website: The PMI website:


Module Title: Project Management Essentials

Please note: the objectives and indicative content is presented in topic format to meet the module and programme learning outcomes. Topics may be developed to be delivered across multiple teaching and learning sessions if required in order to provide enough time to meet the learning objective.Critically appraise project management principles and environmental contexts in which projects can be delivered



Sample Learning Activities

Module Overview and Introduction

By the end of this topic you should be able to:

  • Plan your time effectively to complete the module
  • Develop an understanding of what is a project
  • Recognise the importance of project management in today business

This topic will be made available before the module starts with a range of asynchronous material to enable you to prepare effectively.

You should write and share why you are interested in project management and what do you want to get out of it.


You should work through the materials and prepare a key summary of why project management is important for

today business

The Project Manager

By the end of this topic you should be able to:

  • Identify the role project managers perform in organisations
  • Discuss the main challenges project managers face in the current business climate
  • Recognise the importance of management skills to be effective
  • Identify ways in which management behaviours can impact organisational success

Read articles and/or watch videos about the role of the project manager and skills needed for being a successful one.

Apply the learning to the selected case study and share it with your peers


Prepare for your live class when we will discuss how successfully select a project manager and how he/she can affect company’s success

Consolidate your weekly learning and prepare for your assessment


Self-assessment of weekly learning 

Problem Solving and Decision Making

By the end of this topic you should be able to:

  • Critically evaluate the importance of identifying key project stakeholders
  • Construct a stakeholder influence map
  • Critically evaluate benefits related to successful stakeholder management
  • Judge how to manage stakeholder`s engagement within a complex environment

Read articles and/or watch videos about what are the key stakeholders of a project and what are the different techniques to manage them

Apply the learning to the selected case study and share it with your peers


Prepare for your live class when we will discuss the importance of correctly identify and manage stakeholders for the success of a project


Consolidate your weekly learning and prepare for your assessment


Self-assessment of weekly learning

The Project Triangle

By the end of this topic you should be able to:

  • Manage the constraints within a standard project
  • Understand the project management triangle and its implications to the project
  • Appraise the impact of change on projects

Read articles and/or watch videos about the components of the project triangle and their importance for the creation of the project schedule and the correct management of the overall project.

Apply the learning to the selected case study and share it with your peers


Prepare for your live class when we will discuss how the project manager can use the project triangle to correctly manage a project and what is the process for managing changes

Consolidate your weekly learning and prepare for your assessment


Self-assessment of weekly learning

Managing Finances

By the end of this topic you should be able to:

  • Critically analyse the resources needed for a project and justify how to allocate them to project tasks
  • Appraise the project budget and justify why it is important to baseline it
  • Critically evaluate the difference between budgeting and accounting
  • Critically analyse common forms of cost estimation techniques to build in the project budget

Read articles and/or watch videos about resources allocation, budget estimation techniques and project budget baselining

Apply the learning to the selected case study and share it with your peers


Prepare for your live class when we will discuss about the importance of correctly baseline a project budget and about the difference between budgeting and accounting

Consolidate your weekly learning and prepare for your assessment


Self-assessment of weekly learning

Risk Management within a Project

By the end of this topic you should be able to:

  • Critically analyse project risks
  • Appraise project risk response plans and justify how to monitor and control
  • Critically evaluate risk register techniques

Read articles and/or watch videos about how to identify, assess and mange risks in a project

Apply the learning to the selected case study and share it with your peers


Prepare for your live class when we will discuss why a correct management of risks is key for the success of a project


  • Apply qualitative and quantitative techniques for risk analysis

Consolidate your weekly learning and prepare for your assessment


Self-assessment of weekly learning

Conflicts and Negotiation

By the end of this topic you should be able to:

  • Understand conflict management within the project structure
  • Evaluate conflict management techniques in project management
  • Appraise conflict resolution strategies
  • Develop a negotiation strategy
  • Judge different negotiation skills in different contexts

Read articles and/or watch videos about the conflicts that can rise during the execution of a project and about the key skills and techniques needed to manage them.

Apply the learning to the selected case study and share it with your peers


Prepare for your live class when we will discuss about the most effective techniques that can be used for managing conflicts and about the key skills that a project manager needs to have for a successful negotiation.

Consolidate your weekly learning and prepare for your assessment


Self-assessment of weekly learning


By the end of this topic you should be able to:

  • Develop behaviours which support teamwork in projects
  • Analyse how teams contribute to organisational effectiveness
  • Critically evaluate ways to enhance the effectiveness of the project team
  • Appraise how teams contribute to an effective project

Read articles and/or watch videos about the important of teamwork for the success of a project and about different project team compositions

Apply the learning to the selected case study and share it with your peers


Prepare for your live class when we will discuss how the project management can build and sustain a successful project team

Consolidate your weekly learning and prepare for your assessment


Self-assessment of weekly learning

Assignment Preparation and Support

Assignment support will be provided throughout the module via weekly activities and a formative assessment. Additional

assignment support will be scheduled in the final two weeks of each teaching term


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