Whether standard costing applies in both manufacturing and service businesses (20%)
Demonstrates basic awareness of whether standard costing applies in both manufacturing and service businesses
Demonstrates good awareness whether standard costing applies in both manufacturing and service businesses
Demonstrates sound awareness of whether standard costing applies in both manufacturing and service businesses
Demonstrates excellent awareness of whether standard costing applies in both manufacturing and service businesses
The contribution approach to decision making giving brief examples and (20%)
Demonstrates basic awareness discuss the contribution approach to decision making giving brief examples and drawing attention to any limitations
Demonstrates good awareness of discuss the contribution approach to decision making giving brief examples and drawing attention to any limitations
Demonstrates sound awareness discuss the contribution approach to decision making giving brief examples and drawing attention to any limitations
Demonstrates excellent awareness of discuss the contribution approach to decision making giving brief examples and drawing attention to any limitations
The role of costing decisions in supporting financial planning (30%)
Demonstrates basic awareness of the role of costing decisions in supporting financial planning
Demonstrates good awareness of the role of costing decisions in supporting financial planning
Demonstrates sound awareness of the role of costing decisions in supporting financial planning
Demonstrates basic awareness of the role of costing decisions in supporting financial planning
Discuss the behavioral factors which should be borne in mind and the difficulties (10%)
Demonstrates basic awareness of the behavioral factors which should be borne in mind and the difficulties of applying them in the process of budgeting and budgetary control
Demonstrates good awareness of the behavioral factors which should be borne in mind and the difficulties of applying them in the process of budgeting and budgetary control
Demonstrates sound awareness of the behavioral factors which should be borne in mind and the difficulties of applying them in the process of budgeting and budgetary control
Demonstrates basic awareness of the behavioral factors which should be borne in mind and the difficulties of applying them in the process of budgeting and budgetary control
how (i) the real rate of return and (ii) the money rate of return, and would be used in NPV (10%)
Demonstrates basic awareness of discuss how (i) the real rate of return and (ii) the money rate of return, and would be used when calculating the net present value of a project’s cash flows
Demonstrates basic awareness of discuss how (i) the real rate of return and (ii) the money rate of return, and would be used when calculating the net present value of a project’s cash flows
Demonstrates basic awareness of discuss how (i) the real rate of return and (ii) the money rate of return, and would be used when calculating the net present value of a project’s cash flows
Demonstrates basic awareness of discuss how (i) the real rate of return and (ii) the money rate of return, and would be used when calculating the net present value of a project’s cash flows
Referencing (10%)
Basic referencing t the work using the Harvard Referencing System
Good referencing throughout the work using the Harvard Referencing System
Sound referencing throughout the work using the Harvard Referencing System
Sound referencing throughout the work using the Harvard Referencing System