Each individual student is required to select one (1) peer reviewed journal article from the list of four (4) journal articles provided on project management leadership related to the course

Assessment 4 

ITECH 7401 Leadership in IT Project Management

Task Name

Team Leadership Blog


To encourage students to expand their thinking through reading and sharing of their ideas in a web 2.0 format used by many project managers.

Timelines and Expectations

Percentage Value of Task: 10% (30 marks).

Due:Week 11  Sunday 6 June 2021, 23:59 pm

Minimum time expectation: This task will take approximately 10 hours to complete.

Learning Outcomes Assessed

The following learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment: K5, S2, S3, and A1.

Assessment Details


A blog is a discussion or informational site published on the web consisting of regular entries or posts in chronological order. A blog features diary-type commentary and links to articles on other websites. Many blogs focus on a particular topic; team blogs will focus on an area of project management leadership.

Blogs are useful for first time and experienced project managers, and are widely used in the industry. 

The purpose of your project management leadership blog is to share the results of your research and investigations with other members of your team, and gather their feedback regarding your thoughts and ideas.

For some examples project management blogs see: http://projectnewstoday.com/2013-top-25- project-management-blogs/



Each individual student is required to select one (1) peer reviewed journal article from the list of four (4) journal articles provided on project management leadership related to the course (see below). Each individual student is required to write a blog critically analysing their selected journal article, including an introduction, summary, analysis, and conclusion (approximately 1200–1500 words). The review should be supported by references from the literature, demonstrating wider reading and critical thinking (approximately 6–10 references).

In addition, each individual student will be required to review one (1) other student’s blog (approximately 100-150 words per review). Reviews should provide a deep analysis of the critique as well as suggesting applications and consequences of the ideas presented.

Select one (1) of the following articles:

· Cullen, C., & Leavy, B. (2017). The lived experience of project leadership in a loosely coupled transient context. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 10(3), 600-620. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IJMPB-10-2016- 0075/full/pdf?title=the-lived-experience-of-project-leadership-in-a-loosely-coupled- transient-context

· Mihalache, A. (2017). Project management tools for agile teams. Informatica Economica, 21(4), 85-93. http://revistaie.ase.ro/content/84/07%20-%20mihalache.pdf .

· Abulalqader, F. A., & Ali, A. W. (2018, November). Comparing Different Estimation Methods for Software Effort. In 2018 1st Annual International Conference on Information and Sciences (AiCIS) (pp. 13-22). IEEE. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel7/8630866/8640889/08640924.pdf?casa_token=1zN2CIHtD kQAAAAA:SDyoHEUys4-_y2NutB2swUM3ii- mafGX6PpEGM7kuqIIaszAgfnUf9bQz3KY252dtZw95SJjxJfDYQ

· Zuofa, T., & Ochieng, E. G. (2017). Working separately but together: appraising virtual project team challenges. Team Performance Management: An International Journal, 23(5/6), 227-242. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/TPM-06-2016- 0030/full/html?casa_token=Fsv3edkoYVUAAAAA:wd8g0PObrc0HsqT6tcq4CZA62Fg5N1 Va5du-5wD3Ci5alAAlpUHkq3FKsDrte8xqdsASm7heq3NbbDjfqN8JNHE8spKOedlD- 52oz5qechnBQZ5Rr3l7

A quality project management blog will be clearly articulated and professionally presented. It should demonstrate analysis, and a synthesis of content, knowledge, skills, and ideas acquired from lectures, tutorials and academic authors. It will include a well written introduction which catches the reader’s attention, sets the scope of the blog, indicates the aims of the blog, and provides an overall plan for the blog. The summary should include a brief outline of the main ideas of the paper. The analysis should explain both the strengths and weaknesses of the key arguments and should be supported by evidence. The conclusion should revise the main ideas and include clear implications of your findings.

Academic Presentation

Please note a title page and table of contents are NOT required for this assessment. Blogs should be presented in accordance with:

· Helpsheets: https://studyskills.federation.edu.au/student-skills/helpsheets/

· Writing guides: https://studyskills.federation.edu.au/assessment/written-tasks/

· Layout and appearance: https://studyskills.federation.edu.au/student-skills/writing/layout-and- appearance/


Reference lists and in-text references should be presented in APA format:

· See FedCite  referencing tool: https://federation.edu.au/library/student-resources/fedcite


A blog will be created for you in Moodle (check with your course lecturer/tutor). Do NOT attach a Word document to your blog. Copy and paste your text into the message box in Moodle. Make sure you include your review post.


This assessment task will be marked by the course coordinator, lecturer and/or tutors. Feedback and marks will be provided in Moodle. Marks will also be available in FDL Marks.


Plagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is one`s own without properly acknowledging that person. You must not allow other students to copy your work and must take care to safeguard against this happening. More information about the plagiarism policy and procedure for the university can be found at http://federation.edu.au/students/learning-and-study/online-help-with/plagiarism

Please refer to the Course Description for information regarding late assignments, extensions, and special consideration. A reminder all academic regulations can be accessed via the university’s website, see: http://federation.edu.au/staff/governance/legal/feduni-legislation

Marking Criteria/Rubric

Assessment Criteria

Marking Scale



Quality of introduction and conclusion


Quality of summary


Quality of analysis


Academic presentation  length, writing and presentation


Evidence of research  in-text referencing and bibliography


Quality of review of another blog conducted and included


Total Mark[30 marks]


Total Worth[10%]









































































































































































































































































































































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