LO1 Apply an integrated or systems approach to the solution of engineering problems.



B.Eng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) with Foundation Year.



EEE4011 Introductory Engineering Mathematics

Assessment Title

Assignment 1- Solving scientific problems using MATLAB

Weighing: 60%

Student Number


Submission Deadline

w/c 09/12/24

You are required to a portfolio submission on Moodle. (The portfolio combines experimental investigations that will be undertaken in the laboratory as in the assignment brief. Submit your evidence of investigations and research. The portfolio combines elements such as a logbook, lab sheets, notes, tables, calculations, photographs of experiments, witness statement and written elements.                                               

Please note: Up to 10% over the specified word length = no penalty

  • 10 – 20% over the specified indicative word length = 5 marks subtracted (but if the assessment would normally gain a pass mark, then the final mark to be no lower than the pass mark for the assessment).  
  • More than 20% over the indicative word length = if the assessment would normally gain a pass mark or more, then the final mark will capped at the pass mark for the assessment.

Note- Table of contents, Diagrams and references are not included in word count.

All written work should be referenced using the standard University of Bolton referencing style– see: https://libguides.bolton.ac.uk/resources/referencing/

How to Submit

Unless otherwise notified by your Module Tutor, electronic copies of assignments should be saved as word documents and uploaded into Turnitin via the Moodle class area. If you experience problems in uploading your work, then you must send an electronic copy of your assessment to your Module Tutor via email BEFORE the due date/time.

Learning Outcomes

This assessment satisfies the following learning outcomes as specified in your module guide.


Learning Outcomes


Apply an integrated or systems approach to the solution of engineering problems.  


Communicate effectively on engineering matters with technical and non-technical audiences.

Please refer to the back of this document for penalties for late submission and grading descriptors. It is the candidate’s responsibility to familiarise themselves with the Institute’s policies on plagiarism and use of unfair means contained within the student handbook.

Guidance to Lab Report for MATLAB Coursework

Objective:  To submit a lab report on the solutions to engineering problems using MATLAB

Specifications:  This lab report should contain the following:

  1. Title of Lab
  2. Person who wrote this report
  3. Date submitted
  4. Who you submit to
  5. Content page: heading/chapter/section, and corresponding page no.
  6. Introduction section – what is the outcome of this assignment?
  7. Procedure – what method you use to implement the task
  8. Results and Discussion – the heart of the report, with loads of diagrams, pictures and discussions and comparison (giving sample of program that do not work, what have you done to rectify that problem, and the result after you fix it)
  9. Conclusion – How accurate is program? How good are your output plots/results? How can you improve the given design? What have you learned from this assignment?
  10. Reference section : all the material you refer to, include textbook and website
  11. Appendix: circuit diagram, flow chart and any additional information.  

The report should be word-processed, and formatted to look like a professional report, with alignments on both left and right side. Suitable font size should be used (12 for example) and font should be traditional like Arial, or Times New Roman, or others of your choice. But be consistent with the choice, do not mix them up in the middle of the report.  All diagrams should have a caption and a figure number. For example: Fig 10: Circuit Diagram of the integrator.  Always refer to this diagram in the text, and it forms a link from your discussion to the diagram.  This is good practice, and you will be penalized if you do not follow such rules.  Apart from diagrams, you should include results from MATLAB – Screenshot of the output.  Extra bonus marks will be awarded if you do the extra mile.  

The report should be individually written, although you can share results if you work in the same group, or from students from another group. However, you should have your own discussions, and do not copy from one another with the same discussion. All work he/she will be put through the Turnit-in software to detect plagiarism. Just be warned.

Marking Scheme:

This assignment contributes 60% of the overall module mark.

The report consists of the solutions of the four questions given in the following section. These four questions will be marked out of 100.

Each question will be graded based on the following criteria:-

  • Report structure and evidence of structured approach 10%
  • Program presentation 40%

      10 % for each question (4 questions)

  • Correct calculation 40%

      10 % for each question (4 questions)

  • Results and Discussion 10%

Submission Date: w/c 09/12/24

The assessment must be submitted using MOODLE by the deadline. If you have having problems accessing MOODLE, please contact the Course Coordinator as soon as possible.

Copying and Plagiarism: University rules and regulation applies


  1. Graphical Representation: Write a simple MATLAB programme to plot and evaluate the following tasks.

(a) Create an external file (M-FILE) to carry out the following operation:

Plot two cycles of a cosine function (every pi/10 radian); on the same graph add two cycles of a sine function in a different colour and linetype; add labels for both axes and a suitable title.

(b) Create an external file to produce a scatter graph of the following data points:










Physics mark









Biology mark









Show the data as a series of red coloured diamonds (use help plot). Put axis labels and a title on the graph.

Analyse the type of correlation between these data points and plot a ‘line of best fit’.

(c) The following is the exam and assignment marks of a student in a mathematic module, where exam and assignment are contributed to 60% and 40% to the module respectively. Both assessments are marked out of 100.

























(i) Find the average mark of each student as well as standard deviation and mean of each assessment.

(ii) Use the bar graph to plot the average, assignment and exam marks for all the students.

  1. Temperature Conversions: The following equations give relationships between temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit (TF), degree Celsius (TC), degree Kelvin (TK), and degree Rankin (TR):

a) Write a program to generate a tabulation with the conversions from Kelvin to Fahrenheit for values from 253 to 293 K. Also represent it graphically.

b) Write a program to generate a tabulation with the conversions from Fahrenheit to Celsius and Rankin for values between 0° F to 100° F, for each 5-degree change.

3. Rocket Trajectory: A small rocket is being designed to make wind shear measurements in the vicinity of thunderstorms. Before testing begins, the designers are developing a simulation of the rocket’s trajectory. They have derived the following equation that they believe will predict the performance of the test rocket, where t is the elapsed time in seconds:

The equation gives the height above ground level at time t. The first term (50) is the height in feet above ground level of the nose of the rocket.

Write a program to compute and print the time and height of the rocket from t=0 to the time that it hits the ground, in increments of 5 seconds. If the rocket has not hit the ground within first 2 minutes, stop the program.

4. Complex Numbers: Consider an AC source connected across the arrangement of two resistors, one inductor and one capacitor shown in the diagram below.

• Z1 = 3 + 8j

• Z2 = 5 – 2j

What is the total impedance of the circuit?

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