LO1: Demonstrate solutions for engineering problems that meet a combination of societal, user, business and customer needs as appropriate.



B.Eng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) with Foundation Year  

Semester 1 Degree


Introductory Electrical Principles EEE4012 

Assessment Title  

Assignment 2 Portfolio  (Resit)


Student Number 


Submission deadline


Learning Outcomes

This assessment satisfies the following learning outcomes as specified in your Module Guide.

It is the students’ responsibility to familiarise themselves with the University’s policies on plagiarism and use of unfair means contained within the Student handbook.


Learning Outcomes


LO1: Demonstrate solutions for engineering problems that meet a combination of societal, user, business and customer needs as appropriate. This will involve consideration of applicable health & safety, diversity, inclusion, cultural, societal, environmental and commercial matters, codes of practice and industry standards.


LO2:  Apply a risk management process to identify, evaluate and mitigate risks (the effects of uncertainty) associated with a particular project or activity.


LO3: Demonstrate practical laboratory and workshop skills to investigate problems and develop engineering solutions.

How to submit


Written assessments should be word-processed in Arial or Calibri Light font size 12. There should be double-spacing, and each page should be numbered. 


There should be a title page identifying the programme name, module title, assessment title, your student number, your marking tutor and the date of submission.


You should include a word-count at the end of the assessment (excluding references, figures, tables and appendices). 

Where a word limit is specified, the following penalty systems applies: 

  • Up to 10% over the specified word length = no penalty 
  • 10 – 20% over the specified indicative word length = 5 marks subtracted (but if the assessment would normally gain a pass mark, then the final mark to be no lower than the pass mark for the assessment).  
  • More than 20% over the indicative word length = if the assessment would normally gain a pass mark or more, then the final mark will be capped at the pass mark for the assessment. 


All written work should be referenced using the standard University of Bolton referencing style– see: https://libguides.bolton.ac.uk/resources/referencing/ 


Unless otherwise notified by your Module Tutor, electronic copies of assignments should be saved as word documents and uploaded into Turnitin via the Moodle class area. If you experience problems in uploading your work, then you must send an electronic copy of your assessment to your Module Tutor via email BEFORE the due date/time. 

Please see Module Guide Section 12 “Guidelines for the Preparation and Submission of Assignments” which will give you details on how to submit your work electronically.  You are required to submit only electronic copies of your written assessments.

  1. Introduction

This module aims to introduce you to basic electrical and electronic principles. You will explore the laws and theorems related to DC / AC electrical and electronic systems in the classroom, you will also have the opportunity to relate this to physical systems by undertaking practical experiments in the laboratory. Within these laboratory sessions, you will learn to use electrical measuring instruments, and be introduced to electrical machines such as transformers,generators and motors. Further topics include magnetism, inductance, electric fields, and capacitance. 

The purpose of this assignment is to provide hands-on sessions in the laboratory, examining simple DC/AC circuits, MATLAB simulation to show DC/AC circuit transients of RLC circuit. This will help in understanding the basic principles of the above topics and apply the knowledge to electrical systems.

  1. Equipment Required

Oscilloscope, DC and AC power supplies, Breadboard, Multi-meter, AC Signal Generator, PC (with MATLAB/Simulink installed and access to Multisim).

3. Physical Outcomes

  • Report

Students are asked to work as an individual and produce a report explaining what they have done in response to the given experiments, the Multisim and/or MATLAB simulation. This laboratory report should be no longer than 3000 words and contain the following contents:


Title of Lab


Student name


Date submitted


Word count


Who you submit to


Content page: heading/chapter/section, and corresponding page no.


Introduction section – what is the outcome of this lab?


Procedure – what method you use to implement the task.


Results and Discussion – the heart of the report, with various illustrations, pictures and discussions and comparison (giving sample of circuit that do not work, what have you done to rectify that problem, and the result after you fix it).


Conclusion – How accurate is final circuit (Prototype)? How good is your output waveform? How can you improve the given design?


Reference section: all the material you refer to including textbook, journals and websites.


Appendix : Include all your hand written lab scripts and readings (calculations/measurements) and Screenshot to MATLAB/SIMULINK model.

The report should be word-processed, and formatted to look like a professional report, with alignments on both left and right side. Suitable font size should be used (12 for example) and font should be traditional like Arial, or Times New Roman, or others of your choice. But be consistent with the choice, do not mix them up in the middle of the report.  All diagrams should have a caption and a figure number. For example: Fig 10: Circuit Diagram of the integrator.  Always refer to this diagram in the text, and it forms a link from your discussion to the diagram.  This is good practice, and you will be penalized if you do not follow such rules.  Apart from diagrams, you should include experimental results – photos, or captured waveform from the digital oscilloscope.  Extra bonus marks will be awarded if you do the extra mile.  

All work will put through the Turn-it-in software to detect plagiarism. Just be warned.

4. Assessment Weighting:

This assessment will carry 60% of the total marks for this module.

The report should consist of the experiments results, calculations, the mathematical model, the simulation model & its responses and the solutions of four biweekly tutorial sheets.

The report will be graded based on the following criterias:-

  1. Overall structure of the report (10%)
  2. Five experiment reports (75%)
  3. Mathematical model and MATLAB/SIMULINK Model (10%)
  4. Evidence of the simulation responses and practical (or published) data (5%)

For the MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation the students are required to write the mathematical model of an RLC series circuit with DC/AC source first. Then build a simulation model using the MATLAB/SIMULINK software package. Finally analyse the time responses with the applied source, current in the circuit as well as voltage drop across each element of the circuit.

  • Part A: 
  • Objective: Use your theoretical knowledge of series-parallel circuits to calculate the values and record them in a table. Then build the circuit and measure the values.
  • Procedure:


Calculate the voltages and currents in the circuit above and record them in the table below (use proper units).

Table A



















I1 (iT)






i3 (i4)








Build the circuit as shown above making sure the resistors are in their correct position.


With a Voltmeter and an Ammeter, measure the voltage drops and currents and record them in Table A above.


Compare the calculated and measured values of voltages and currents and comment on any discrepancies.


On analysis of your results do the results meet the criteria set out by Kirchhoff’s Voltage and Current Laws.


Calculate the Total circuit power and the power dissipated in each resistor.

  • Part B:
  • Objectives: To calculate the equivalent total resistance of a circuit and compare calculated values with measured values.
  • Procedure:

Using the same circuit from Part A:


Calculate the total equivalent Resistance (RTcalc) of the circuit and compare with the

measured value of total resistance (RTmeas).


Using a resistor (Re) with the same value as the calculated RTcalc construct an

equivalent circuit, measure and record the total current (IT) flowing through the circuit.


How does this measured value of IT compare with the measured value of IT in the

Part A (table A)?

  • Part A:  Thevenin’s Theorem
  • Objective:

To measure the Thevenin’s voltage and Thevenin’s resistance of a circuit.

To find out whether Thevenin’s theorem lets us correctly predict currents and voltages.

  • Procedure


Consider Circuit 1, shown in the circuit diagram below. Notice that this circuit has two open terminals, labeled a and b.


Use the procedure you learned in class to calculate the Thevenin’s voltage, ETH, and the Thevenin’s resistance, RTH, of this circuit. Record these values in the "Calculated Values" column of Table B.


Do not make any measurements until you read the next step.

Table B: Thevenin Equivalent of Circuit 1











Now build Circuit 1 on the breadboard.


To measure ETH, simply measure the voltage between points a and b, with the red meter lead at point a.


To measure RTH, first turn off and disconnect the power supply, and then replace it in the circuit with a short (in other words, with a wire). Then measure and record the resistance between points a and b.


Record your measured values of ETH and RTH in Table B. Your measured values should be close to your calculated.


Here`s what we`ve done so far in this lab: We have used calculations to find Thevenin`s equivalent values and we`ve seen how to directly measure a circuit`s Thevenin voltage, ETH, and its Thevenin’s resistance, RTH.


Next, we want to verify that Thevenin`s theorem is correct.


Modify your built circuit by connecting a 470 Ω resistor at points a and b in your built circuit (circuit 1) to create circuit 3.

  • This theorem says that our original Circuit 1 is equivalent to the simplified circuit shown below as Circuit 2.
  • What does it mean to say that the original circuit and this simplified circuit are equivalent? It means that if we connect any additional components to Circuit 1, and connect the same additional components to Circuit 2, the resulting voltages and currents in those added components will be the same in the two circuits. In other words, the added components will have no way of "knowing" whether they are connected to the original Circuit 1 or to the simpler Circuit 2.
  • For instance, suppose we just connect a single resistor to points a and b in the two circuits.
  • By connecting a 470 Ω resistor across points a and b, we`ll end up with Circuit 3 and 4 as shown below.
  • Measure voltage (V4) and current (I4) and record in Table C below.

Table C: V4 and I4 in Circuit 3

P Parameters






By connecting a 470 Ω resistor across points a and b in Circuit 2, we`ll end up with Circuit 4, shown below. Building Circuit 4 will be a bit trickier. Why?

Because you probably will not find a resistor in the cabinet whose resistance is equal to the value of RTH that you need. So how do you build Circuit 4?

By using a potentiometer that is carefully adjusted so that its resistance is equal to the desired value of RTH.

Locate a potentiometer whose total resistance is greater than the RTH that you need. Then, while using a DMM to monitor the resistance between the middle terminal and one end terminal of the potentiometer, adjust the potentiometer until you get the desired resistance.

Now you can build Circuit 4, using the potentiometer as your RTH.   

  1. After building Circuit 4, measure V4 and I4, and record their values in Table D.

Table D: V4 and I4 in Circuit 4







11. Your measured values of V4 and I4 for the two circuits (3 and 4) should be very similar to each other.

  • Part B:  Superposition Principle
  • Objective:

              - To build and make measurements on circuits with more than one voltage source.

              - To find out whether the superposition principle correctly predicts currents and voltages in such circuits.

              - To find out whether Kirchhoff`s laws apply to such circuits.

  • Procedure
  1. Use the superposition principle to calculate the values in the circuit below. Enter these values in table E.
  2. Then build the circuit and measure the quantities.
  3. Record your measured values, along with percentage errors. 

Table E




% error

























  • Objective: To create Alternating Current (AC) frequencies we use the Function Generator, it can generate AC frequencies from zero to 10MHz with amplitudes up to 30volts pp (peak to peak)                                                                                                               

We use the Digital Oscilloscope to observe these signals.

The Oscilloscope cannot change the parameters of the signal, but we can use the functions on the Oscilloscope to analyse, observe and take readings of the signal. 

  • Procedure
  • Switch ON the Function Generator and Switch ON the Digital Oscilloscope.
  • Connect using the BNC cables provided from the 50Ω OUTPUT terminal on the Function Generator TO the CH1(yellow) terminal on the Digital Oscilloscope
  • Press the ‘AUTOSET’ button on the oscilloscope and observe the waveform from the Function Generator
  • By pressing the FUNCTION button on the Function Generator you can observe various waveforms, Sine, Triangular, Square and Digital.
  • Part A
  1. Set up a sine waveform with a frequency (F) of 75Hz

2.  Using the VOLTS/DIV control knob on the Oscilloscope set the display at   1volt/div observe the sinewave and adjust the amplitude control on the Function Generator to give a display showing 6v peak to peak (Vpp).

  1. Using the timescale adjustment, measure the time T of one complete cycle (360º)
  2. Using the equation       ,          

Find and confirm the frequency of 75Hz.

Part B

Setup and observe a sine wave on the oscilloscope with a 110Hz frequency and with a Vpp shown in the table below.

Complete the table below:

Peak Voltage (Vp) = 0.5(Vpp)

RMS values = 0.707(Vp)

Voltage Peak to Peak (Vpp)


Voltage Peak  (Vp)


RMS value (Vrms) calculated

RMS value(Vrms)      measured (on the multimeter or oscilloscope)

% error



















Part C

  • To set up a Digital pulse 
  1. Set the signal generator to 50Hz sine wave with a Vp-p of 6v.
  2. Locate and enable the digital function, to switch to a digital waveform.
  3. Locate and enable the ‘Offset’ control.
  4. Using the ‘Offset’ adjust, set up a digital pulse of 5ms ON time and 15ms OFF time on the oscilloscope.
  5. What is the TOTAL time period for the pulse.
  6. For the timings above we have a 25% duty cycle
  1. Set up a digital pulse with a duty cycle of 50%

Part D


Set up a digital pulse of 5ms ON time and 5ms OFF time.

What is the Time Period and hence the Frequency of this digital pulse?

What is the duty cycle of the pulse.


Set up an AC Sine wave.

5mS Time Period

Vrms of 3.5v.

What is the Frequency Hz?

What is the Vpp ?


Set up a Sine wave

2000 Hz frequency

Vpp of 800mV

What is the Time Period (T)?

What is the Vp


Set up a square wave

Time Period 100uS

Vp= 2v

What is the Frequency Hz?

What is the Vpp?


Set up a Digital Pulse

20% Duty Cycle

2mS ON time

Vp of 5v

What is the OFF time?

What is the Time Period?

What is the Frequency?

 In a circuit which dissipates electrical energy, the ratio of voltage (V) to current (I) is termed the circuit resistance (R).

In a circuit which stores energy, the ratio of voltage (V) to current (I) is termed the circuit reactance (X).

Capacitors and inductors store electrical energy and both have reactance.

  • Part A – Capacitance (C)

Capacitive Reactance (Xc) is inversely proportional to frequency f, and inversely proportional to capacitance C.

For a pure capacitance in a circuit with a sinusoidal input waveform, the current leads the voltage by 90°. 

  • Procedure:
  1. Construct the circuit below on the breadboard.
  2. Use a multimeters to measure current Ic- (mA)
  3. Use a multimeter to measure Voltage Vc- (V)
  4. Set up the Oscillator to provide an AC Sinewave at 500Hz and a Voltage (amplitude) of 1V rms on the Voltage multimeter at Vc
  5. Find the value of Ic for differing frequencies and complete the table below. 

For each set of measured readings, find the capacitive reactance Xc and

record these values in the table below.

Where;  Vc= RMS voltage

and where;  Ic=RMS Current



Vc rms



Current Ic rms

Measured Capacitive Reactance  

Calculated Capacitive Reactance


500 Hz






























Using measured values -Plot the Capacitive Reactance/Frequency characteristic graph. 

  • Part B – Inductance (L)

Since inductors store electrical energy, the ratio of applied voltage to current flowing through an inductor is the inductive reactance.

Inductive Reactance s(XL) is proportional to frequency f and proportional to inductance L.

                               XL = 2πfL

For a pure inductance in a circuit with sinusoidal input waveform, the current lags behind the voltage by 90°.

  • Procedure:
  1. Construct the circuit below on the breadboard.
  2. Use a multimeter to measure current IL- (mA)
  3. Use a multimeter to measure Voltage VL- (V)
  4. Set up the Oscillator to provide an AC Sinewave at 500Hz and a Voltage (amplitude) of 1V rms on the Voltage multimeter at VL
  5. Find the value of IL for differing frequencies and complete the table below. 

For each set of readings, calculate the value of Inductive reactance XL and record these values in the table below.

Where, VL= RMS voltage

and where; IL=RMS Current



VL rms



Current IL rms

Measured Inductive Reactance


Calculated Inductive


   XL = 2πfL

500 Hz






























Using measured values- Plot the Inductive Reactance/Frequency characteristic graph.

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