Discuss the contemporary monetary environment of the company’s home country (such as monetary history, exchange rate regime, the role of the central bank in the foreign exchange market, and any relevant exchange rate crises)

FE7052 International Corporate Finance

Assessment Brief 2024/25 (First Sit)

Summative Assessment:

Title: 001 Individual Coursework (3000 words) Due Date: Week 11, 06/Dec/2024, 3PM Weight: 100%

Submission Instructions: submit via `Assessment` under the name of `001 Individual Coursework (3000 words)`

Assessment Instructions: available in `Assessment Brief & Recording`.

Feedback Date: in 3 weeks excluding holidays

To pass the module you must achieve an overall minimum mark of 50%.

 If you pass the module on reassessment, your mark will be capped at a pass mark level of 50%.

This coursework constitutes 100% of the assessment for this module.Students are required to writea report (3000 words)

by completing the coursework questions.Students are encouraged to access company information (e.g., annual report)to conduct independent research and collect data to answer the questions.

Discuss the contemporary monetary environment of the company’s home country (such as monetary history, exchange rate regime, the role of the central bank in the foreign exchange market, and any relevant exchange rate crises)

Students are required to complete all the questions listed below in their individual report.

Students are required to construct an analysis of a multinational corporation (MNC) covering a period of a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 10 years. The analysis should address the following questions:

  • Provide a historical overview of the selected company;  Mark: 10%
  • Discuss the contemporary monetary environment of the company’s home country (such as monetary history, exchange rate regime, the role of the central bank in the foreign exchange market, and any relevant exchange rate crises), and its effects on the company’s international trade flows with other economies; – Mark: 20%
    • Examine the capital structure of the chosen company and analyse on its cost of capital within the selected timeframe and discuss the implications for the value of the company; – Mark: 15%
    • Track and report on the chosen company’s share/bond price changes (choose one only). Illustrate the risks and returns of the company in the market within the selected timeframe and provide commentary on the future prospects of the company (Tables/Figures/Graphs are expected to be included); – Mark: 15%
    • Evaluate the company’s net working capital and debate whether the company has managed its working capital efficiently, and whether it has positively affected on the company’s value; – Mark: 10%
    • Debate the factors that need to be considered in the process of multinational capital budgeting and investment decisions. Analyse their impact on the multinational corporation’s value; – Mark: 10%
    • Provide any additional economic or political insights that could affect the chosen company’s value and its future. – Mark: 10%

Structure and presentation of the report  Mark: 10% Total Marks: 100%

Examine the capital structure of the chosen company and analyse on its cost of capital within the selected timeframe and discuss the implications for the value of the company

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