Individually, develop a responsible and ethical global sourcing and logistics portfolio to deliver customer value for your innovation concept presented in CW1.

British School of Leadership and Management


Innovation and Global Marketing Logistics MMW2265/22/23A


Trimester(s) A

Version date 03/10/2022


Submission Date

Type of assessment (formative or summative)

Form of assessment (e.g. coursework, lab report, class test, etc.)



Weeks 2, 3,

4, 5,


Critical feedback on peer presentations; PDF/ Word Doc

Created in- seminars

Feedback in- seminars, weeks, 2- 5,

Week 6


In-class, live group presentation max 10mins & 5mins Q&A

PPT approx. 10 slides

Submit PPT Monday, week 6, 12noon (GMT)





Topic Innovation type and business case

Note the

required file- name





In-Seminar presentations





Max 10mins & 5mins Q&A


Week 13


Individual report, 3,000 words, topic, ethical and sustainable sourcing and distribution

CWK2 due Friday week 13; 12noon (GMT)





Note the required file- name


Please read the assessment guidance below and follow the IMPORTANT – Information that must be provided when any work is submitted for assessment.

Assessment Guidance

CWK 1 Purpose of this Assessment

The purpose of this assessment is for you to understand and demonstrate an understanding of what product and services are, how to manage the innovation process and lastly pitch an innovation to potential funding opportunities and customers.

Task Required

In pairs or small teams, present and critically reflect on an original product or service innovation that delivers clear, novel customer value in a dynamic global marketplace.

Your presentation is made up of three parts:

  1. Video, all students will participate, duration 1 minute
  1. PPT Presentation, all students will present, duration 9 minutes
  1. Facilitation of questions and answer session (Q&A), duration 5 minutes

All three parts of the presentation should be embedded in a formal presentation using a professional application such as Microsoft PowerPoint.

The video should be in the style of an elevator pitch-style presentation of your innovation similar to the format on crowd-funding platforms such as

Following the video, your presentation should summarise the nature of the innovation (product or service) and business case rationale for your innovation, you should critically reflect on the process/ development (your meeting notes etc. may be useful to document the process). At the end of your presentation,you will facilitate a Q&A session, this is a call for questions and direct the discussion and close the presentation.

The presentation is peer assessed. You will need to agree on everybody’s contribution to the group effort internally (see the Peer Assessment form).

CWK 1 Submission

IMPORTANT – Information that must be provided when CWK 1 is submitted, to ensure your work is graded,

  1. all students must submit a copy of the presentation PPTs
  1. all students must use the required file-name GROUPNAMEyourStudentID_cwk1

example; KRUPAL_S123456_cwk1

CWK 2 Purpose of this Assessment

The purpose of this assessment is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the role of marketing logistics in realising the value proposition of a product or service. You will evaluate both the sourcing and the distribution of your product/ service in consideration of the current global context and dynamics. Students should establish an ethical and responsible sourcing and logistics policy for their innovation.

Task Required

Individually, develop a responsible and ethical global sourcing and logistics portfolio to deliver customer value for your innovation concept presented in CW1.

Your portfolio consists of three parts:

  1. Executive Summary
  1. Introduction to and analysis of the Sourcing Strategy and Distribution Strategy
  1. Conclusion

Based on the feedback for your CW1 presentation write an Executive Summary of your product or service innovation including key points from your Sourcing and Logistics Strategy. The Executive Summary is NOT included in the word count, and must not exceed 500 words.

The Sourcing Strategy and Distribution Strategy sections should present sustainable, responsible solutions and policies that consider contemporary issues in global marketing including sustainability and ethical issues. Your conclusion should highlight the key issues and implications.

Suggested format

  1. Front page
  2. Executive summary
  3. Table of contents (use MS Word table of contents tool)
  4. Introduction
  5. Analysis
  6. Conclusion
  7. References
  8. Appendices

Submission of CWK 2

IMPORTANT – Information that must be provided when CWK2 is submitted, to ensure your work is graded,

  1. all students must submit a copy of their individual CWK2,
  1. all students must use the required file-name for submitted work; example, KRUPAL_S123456_cwk2

Marking Criteria

In line with GCU London’s Integrated Feedback Matrices the following weighting applies for the criteria with associated evidence:

CWK 1 (30%)

Knowledge and Understanding (Weighting: 30%)*

Theories and concepts (Relevant theories and concepts of innovation, product and service characteristics, entrepreneurial mind-set, innovation and other related theories and concepts)

Awareness of current issues (Relevance and currency of reference to global marketplace dynamics informing the innovation process)

Practice: Applied Knowledge, Skills and Understanding (Weighting: 20%)*

Research skills (Range and selection of academic and global marketplace insight resources)

Project planning (Ability to plan and execute the task, degree of clarity and novelty)

Generic Cognitive Skills (Weighting: 30%)*

Knowledge synthesis (Critical understanding/ synthesis of product and services; ability to abstract the proposed innovation in terms of product/ service characteristics)

Critical evaluation (Critical evaluation of the marketing innovation process and the role of entrepreneurial thought

Communication, ICT and Numeracy Skills (Weighting: 10%)*

Communication skills  presentation (eye contact, stance, ability to speak freely, timeliness etc.)

ICT skills  presentation (presentation format adheres to assessment brief: Video recording, use of professional presentation software, etc.)

Autonomy, Accountability and Working with Others (Weighting: 10%)*

Critical reflection (reflection on the innovation process with regards to the entrepreneurial mindset including reflection of group dynamics – see peer assessment)

*Please note that weighting of characteristics is only indicative.

CWK2 (70%)

  • Marking Criteria

In line with GCU London’s Integrated Feedback Matrices the following weighting applies for the criteria with associated evidence:

Knowledge and Understanding (Weighting: 30%)*

Theories and concepts (Relevant theories and concepts of product and service characteristics, sourcing and logistics and other related theories and concepts)

Awareness of current issues (Relevance and currency of reference to global marketplace dynamics informing sourcing and logistics choices)

Practice: Applied Knowledge, Skills and Understanding (Weighting: 20%)*

Research skills (Range and selection of academic and global marketplace insight resources)

Project planning (Ability to plan and execute the task, degree of clarity and novelty)

Generic Cognitive Skills (Weighting: 30%)*

Knowledge synthesis (Critical understanding/ synthesis of product and services; ability to abstract the proposed sourcing and logistics strategy in terms of product/ service characteristics)

Critical evaluation (Critical evaluation of sourcing and logistics principles in the context of the proposed innovation)

Communication, ICT and Numeracy Skills (Weighting: 10%)*

Communication skills – report (proof reading, clarity of language, balance of paragraphs, etc.)

ICT skills – report (portfolio format adheres to assessment brief: Use of professional word formatting software, formatting including table of contents, numbered subheadings, executive summary etc.)

Autonomy, Accountability and Working with Others (Weighting: 10%)*

Autonomy (new thinking in managing complex ethical issues around global sourcing and logistics)

*Please note that weighting of characteristics is only indicative.

Please refer to the GCU marking rubric

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