1.1 Explain how ethical considerations may affect the decision making of healthcare professionals.
2025-01-31 14:44:17
Access to HE Assessment Brief
Access to Higher Education (Health Professions/Nursing & Midwifery)
Ethical Issues in Contemporary Healthcare
Assignment Number (if applicable)
Ethical Issues in contemporary healthcare
Submission Date and Time:
Draft permitted (Y/N)/deadline
Approved Late Submission Date
Assessment Guidance
• To achieve a pass grade the submission must meet all the assessment criteria below.
• If all the assessment criteria are met, your submission for a graded unit will be assessed for higher grades against the identified grade descriptor components.
• If all the assessment criteria are not met, then you will be offered a resubmission within a short deadline set by your tutor.
• If your second submission, within the designated short period, meets the assessment criteria it becomes eligible for assessment for the higher grades.
• Work submitted after the deadline without an agreed extension or appropriate mitigation will be considered for a pass only.
Student declaration of authenticity
I confirm that the submitted assignment is my own work (if submitted as a group project, those sections
relating to my contribution are clearly identified and represent my own work). Where appropriate, I have
acknowledged / referenced all public sources of information, including AI-generated information, in
accordance with the requirements of accepted academic conventions (as identified within the Centre policy
on academic referencing)
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Assessment criteria applied to this assignment*
1. Understand ethical considerations that may face healthcare professionals.
1.1 Explain how ethical considerations may affect the decision making of healthcare professionals.
2. Understand possible ethical considerations that may arise from a current contemporary healthcare issue.
2.1 Choose a contemporary healthcare issue and evaluate how any possible ethical considerations may be managed by healthcare professionals.
3. Understand the ethical issues associated with resource allocation in the context of your chosen healthcare issue.
4. Understand the impact of an ethical issue on professional practice.
3.1 Discuss ethical considerations associated with resource allocation in respect of your chosen healthcare issue.
4.1 Analyse the impact an ethical issue can have on:
(a) the practitioner
(b) the service user
Grading Standards
*Please delete as appropriate.
Using Grading Standard 1: Utilise both components. For component (b) for 3 credits, select a minimum of 2 and maximum of 4 of the most relevant sub-components; for 6 and 9-credit units, select a minimum of 2 and maximum of 6. Choices must be consistent across merit and distinction.
To achieve a Merit:
The student’s work or performance
To achieve a Distinction:
The student’s work or performance
Knowledge and Understanding
generally demonstrates the ability to apply knowledge appropriately in a given context showing breadth OR depth of knowledge in responding to
the demands of the unit,
b. a very good understanding and use of
(choose from):
• facts
• concepts
• principals
• procedures
a. consistently demonstrates the ability to apply knowledge appropriately in a given context showing breadth OR depth of knowledge in responding to the demands of the unit,
b. an excellent understanding and use of
(choose from):
• facts
• concepts
• principals
• procedures
Using Grading Standard 2: For all units irrespective of size, select a minimum of 2 and maximum of 4of the most relevant sub-components in (b). Choices must be consistent across merit and distinction.
Grading Standard 2
To achieve a Merit:
The student’s work or performance
To achieve a Distinction:
The student’s work or performance
a. generally demonstrates an ability in
selecting and using skills as required
by the unit,
b. very good levels of (choose from):
• accuracy
• precision
• reasoning
• interpretation
a. consistently demonstrates an ability
in selecting and using skills as
required by the unit,
b. excellent levels of (choose from):
• accuracy
• precision
• reasoning
• interpretation
Using Grading Standard 3: There are 3 components for this grading standard; (a), (b) and (c). A minimum of 2 components must be selected for all graded units (irrespective of size of unit). All 3 components must be used at least once across the assessment of the Diploma. Components (a) and (b) each have a set of sub-components. Select a minimum of 2 and maximum of 4 of the most relevant sub-components for both (a) and (b).
To achieve a Merit:
The student’s work or performance
To achieve a Distinction:
The student’s work or performance
a. demonstrates very good
communication and/or presentation
skills evidenced by the use and/or
selection of (choose from):
• format
• structure
• grammar
• spelling and punctuation
b. demonstrates autonomy and/or
independence evidenced by a
very good ability to (choose from):
• plan, organise and complete work
• respond appropriately to supervision
• conduct independent research
• manage time
c. generally adheres to academic and/or
professional conventions in use of
technical/specialist language and/or format
in responding to the instructions set out in
the assignment brief
a. demonstrates excellent
communication and/or presentation
skills evidenced by the use and/or
selection of (choose from):
• format
• structure
• grammar
• spelling and punctuation
b. demonstrates autonomy and/or
independence evidenced by an
excellent ability to (choose from):
• plan, organise and complete work
• respond appropriately to supervision
• conduct independent research
• manage time
c. consistently adheres to academic
and/or professional conventions in use
of technical/specialist language and/or
format in responding to the instructions
set out in the assignment brief
Assignment Task/s
Assignment Task Description (mapped to assessment criteria)
*Please add extra rows for further tasks if required.
Task: Assessment 1 of 1
Ethical issues are key concerns for practicing healthcare professionals. Being able to understand and evaluate how ethical considerations impact both on the practitioner and the service user as well as to resource allocation.
Your task is to produce an essay regarding the following:
• Explain how ethical considerations may affect the decision making of healthcare professionals.
• Choose a contemporary healthcare issue and evaluate how any possible ethical considerations may be managed by healthcare professionals.
• Discuss ethical considerations associated with resource allocation in respect of your chosen healthcare issue.
• Analyse the impact an ethical issue can have on:
(a) the practitioner
(b) the service user
(1500-2000 words)
Draft assignments are not permitted for this graded assignment. All work must be referenced in accordance with Harvard convention and submitted via turnitin. Plagiarised work will not be accepted and Academic Malpractice will lead to disciplinary action (Academic malpractice includes, but is not limited to, purchasing an assignment, someone else writing it for you or using AI to write extensive parts of your assignment).
1.1, 2.1, 3.1
& 4.1
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