LO1 Apply relevant management knowledge to complex management issues.
2025-01-10 16:26:26
ASSIGNMENT 2: Harmonic Working Version One
Issue Date:
Week 1 of Teaching Block Two
Due Date:
Friday 12th May 2023 by 23:55
Submit to:
Your Individual Report should be uploaded as a single file to the Harmonic Working Assignment Dropbox on the Management Specialism Moodle Site. The title of your document must be your Student Number. Uploading your assignment file with a name other than your student number may result in the work being counted as a late submission or not-submitted.
Return Date:
Tuesday 13th June 2023 by 23:55
Word Limit:
The individual report MUST NOT exceed 2500 words, not including footnotes, numerical tables, direct quotes, citations, references and appendices.
Learning Outcomes:
Apply relevant management knowledge to complex management issues.
Evaluate the process of organisational management intervention.
Synthesise solutions to complex management problem situations.
General Skills Outcomes:
Research skills
Study and self-management skills
Employability Skills Outcomes:
Research business and management issues
The purpose of this assignment is threefold. Firstly, when you become a manager; being able to write a report is a skill you may need in your career for new projects or annual reviews. Secondly the first part of the assignment requires you to work with your colleagues in the class to research and develop knowledge used to generate possible solutions to the problem(s) you come across so team work and group discussion are skills that you will use every day in your career as working in isolation in modern organisations is extremely rare. Finally, you are required to extract a problem from a situation, generate and research ideas then develop a rationale or framework for making a final decision – all of which is part of creating new products, improving management systems, managing your career – in fact many aspects of organisational life.
Moderated by:
Sheena Davies and James Rowe
Learning Outcomes
Assignment 2
Evaluate the impact of management knowledge on organisational control and development.
This will be addressed in the initial scanning of the case when you apply a strategy or consultancy model to the case to generate information then examine the limitations of the model. This will also be important when you identify the client/customer of your report and in the choice of management models / tools / concepts you use.
Evaluate the process of organisational management intervention.
This will be addressed in the conclusions of the assignment when you evaluate whether or not your solutions to the problems you researched are viable e.g. Suitable, Acceptable, Feasible or having enough variety. This will recognise the requirements of your client.
Synthesise solutions to complex management problem situations.
This will be addressed in the main body of the report when you use the information you and your team generated to create new ideas (or models) in order to advise the company in the case used.
All work submitted must adhere to the University Policy on ‘Cheating, Collusion and Plagiarism’
Assignment Two Schematic
The diagram below outlines the overall process of Assignment Two. You think about the problem – you meet to diagnose the problem – you split up to do individual research and analysis – you meet to share and discuss – to split up to write your individual report based on the group’s work and your own.
Part One (Group): Strategic Issues (10% or 0%)
You will form a group of five people and use the current situation at one of the companies found on this link as the source of case material for the assignment.
You will use some of the class-based activities in Assignment One or supply an alternative but equal and appropriate contribution e.g. models or theories.
Your team will discuss your perceptions of what the key problem(s) in the company situation is/are.
In class during week five an assignment meeting will be held with the Module Coordinator. You are required to bring copies of relevant class-based exercises to share from Assignment One or other work you have developed.
The first piece of work (due in Week 6) will carry out a diagnosis of the company problem(s) or problem situations by scanning the company and its environment. This will establish if the problem is related to say growth or competition or globalisation or technology shift etc.you will be given a grade for this which will count for 10% of the final Assignment Two grade or 0% depending on your final report grade. The work should be largely diagrammatic with a list of sources. You can use up to 500-words to explain your thinking. You will submit one piece of work for the whole group.
Part Two (Group): Analysis (20% or 0%)
You will reflect on the case and consider who you will write your report for (your client), what aspects of the case (as a group and as an individual) you feel are key to the project and what the purpose of your analysis and solution building is.
In class during weeks seven to eight assignment meetings will be held with the Module coordinator/Tutor discussion and in week nine a formal team meeting with the Module Coordinator will take place.
For the second piece of work (due in Week 8) your group will split up to apply consultancy or business models such as PESTEL or Ansoff’s Matrix or a model or approach you generate for yourself. The models you use must be justified and any data/information in them must be referenced/supported/evidenced. You will merge/cut-and-paste the work into one WORD file and submit it; you will be given a grade for this which will count for 20% of the final Assignment Two grade or 0% depending on your final report grade. The work should be largely diagrammatic with a list of sources unless you e.g. profile the CEO. You can use up to 1000-words to explain your thinking. You will submit one piece of work for the whole group.
You will share your exercises; in that other team members are allowed to use them as their own i.e. they may well end up in their final papers.
Part Three (Individual): Final Report (100% or 70%)
You must now have a final team meeting in week ten to discuss each other’s work and ideas/discoveries; your seminar tutor may attend this meeting on request. During this meeting you may disagree with each other but remain respectful. You may need to explain your ideas or have others explain theirs.
The purpose of this meeting is to see where differences and similarities lie in your group thinking.
Once you have shared your Part Two analysis you will own the work produced by your colleagues. You are free to reflect on it, use it or develop it. You may prefer to build more on the ideas of other people in the group rather than your own – this is your choice. Once you share the exercises they belong to the whole group – there is no need to cite other group member’s work you just use it as if you thought of it.
You will then prepare an individual report for your client outlining your perceptions of what the key problem(s) in the case situation is/are and how you would solve or begin to solve them.
You must produce a 2500 word (word-processed) individual Final Report that includes as many of the ideas your group generated as is sensible, submitted as per the date above. For extra credit the VSM and Value Chain can be used and associated diagnosis submitted as appendices.
Part Four (Individual): Self-check Appendix (submitted with the Final Report)
The Self-check Appendix is designed to guide you to “good scholarship”. Using four of your references (or all if you used less than four) you are required to quote the element of your text that contains a reference to support your argument or point then take a screenshot of the part of the text in the source that supports your writing. A blank (see page 7) for that you can use in your assignment and an example (see page 8) are given below. This must be attached to your Final Report.
Part Five (Individual): Critical Reflection
For extra credit write a 300-word explanation of why you did this report the way you did. You might explain why you planned it in a particular way or why you did the research in a particular way. Justify why you thought your approach was sensible/logical/rational and explain why you did not use another possible way to write the report i.e. why the way you chose was the better way.
Part Five will be marked out of 10-marks and the marks will be added to the marks for Parts One and Two, Three and Four.
Nota Bene: The Final Report must not exceed 2500 words. 2500 words is a limit not a target. High volume does not equate to high marks, conciseness is valued but the upper limit is set high to accommodate the work of other members of the team.
Though this report will contain other people’s ideas it will be assessed on an individual basis, as each interpretation could be different. It would not be expected to see group members cite other group members work and it would not expected that each report contained five pieces of individual work all in the same order – you can split the words up add your own ideas etc.
The report must be written in a recognised style, i.e. with an abstract, list of references, results (where applicable) and conclusions.
To draw on and relate to a management topic, to carry out individual and group research and evaluation to produce a problem-solving report.
Meet the learning objectives listed above. Identify and critically analyse fundamental issues related to a specific area of management. Undertake a study that shows clear evidence of synthesis and evaluation. Prepare a report that is of a standard appropriate for the final examination of a Master’s Degree.
Report Structure
The report structure is flexible (see “Before you start your assignment read this” below) but some things that may be obvious can sometimes be missed if you get interested in a particular aspect of the situation. When writing the report some issues that you should consider are:
- Who is the client the report is written for and did their role or background direct your report?
- Has the economic/competitive/global environment been researched and considered?
- Were your solutions decisions supported with evidence?
- Why do you think your decisions are practical and likely to be acceptable to the client?
Assessment Criteria
Your seminar tutor will assess the paper on the basis of the Learning Outcomes plus the General and Employability Skills Outcomes:
Discretion - additional credit may be awarded to a student who tackles a difficult subject area well.
The report will receive credit for integration and synthesis of ideas as well as the further development from your initial ideas. Credit will be given if your ideas become key in the work of others.
The assignment will be graded for individuals as defined below:
Independent thought. ‘Flair’, originality in style, a personal response. Original insights and/or synthesis of theory and practice. ‘Surprise’ for others. Lateral, creative and sophisticated connections with other ideas and disciplines. Wide and original reading. Criticism of opinions and arguments found in literature. Ability to generalise and hypothesise. Style and credibility - clarity and conciseness. Ability to plan, carry out and evaluate own work without guidance.
Ability to inter-relate concepts and ideas. Able to relate theory to practice. Able to make connections with wider issues. Ability to exercise research techniques. New, unusual or imaginative texts/sources. Sense of controversy or disagreement. Appreciation of moral and ethical considerations. Accurate comprehensive coverage. Flow, style, presentation, consistency and credibility. Independence in planning and carrying out work.
Technically competent in academic conventions with some but limited reading of mainstream texts and lecture notes citations used and some evidence of clear arguments being developed alongside personal and/or general opinions/assertions not always fully supported. Main aspects covered with some uncritical acceptance of popular or current ideas or rhetoric. Generally accurate in research methods and content, attempts to relate and balance theory and practice with some limitations. Generally coherent with some style and presentation issues that restrict the audience. Some evidence of independence in planning and carrying out work with some guidance and help needed.
The above criteria are to be considered in the context of the University Criteria:
As below plus:
- Excellent work - able to express an original reasoned argument in a lucid manner by reviewing & critiquing a wide range of material. Original, critical thinking based on outstanding insight, knowledge & understanding of material. Material contributes to current understanding & is of potentially publishable quality in terms of presentation and content
- Wide reaching research showing breadth & depth of sources
As below plus:
- Clear, balanced coherent critical & rigorous analysis of the subject matter. Detailed understanding of knowledge & theory expressed with clarity
- Extensive use of relevant & current literature to view topic in perspective, analyse context & develop new explanations and theories
As below plus:
- Detailed review and grasp of pertinent issues & a critical contextual overview of the literature. Thorough knowledge of theory and methods & uses this to underpin arguments and conclusions
- Confidence in understanding and using literature
- Demonstrates grasp of key concepts & an ability to develop & support an argument in a predominately descriptive way with valid conclusions draw from the research
- Familiarity with key literature which is cited and presented according to convention
- Logical & clear structure, well organised with good use of language and supporting material
FAIL Some knowledge of relevant concepts & literature but significant gaps in understanding and/or knowledge. Little attempt at evaluation, conclusions vague, ambiguous & not based on researched material. Limited or inappropriate research. Deficits in length, structure, presentation &/or prose
Before you start your assignment read this
Word Limit
2500 words not including tables, quotations and appendices (see Format overleaf)
Page Size
Not applicable
Proportional, single line
11 point Arial
Right and left justified
Left, right, top and bottom 2 cm
Number pages bottom left
Bold upper and lower case, left aligned
Bold upper and lower case, left aligned
One-line space between paragraphs, no indent
Long quotations in indented paragraphs. Harvard or similar.
Italics, not more than five lines, right and left justified
Key Words
Not more than two lines, left aligned
Introduction/Background/Preamble + Findings/Discussion/Analysis + Conclusion
5+ peer reviewed journal articles + recognised industry reports e.g. Mintel
Use your student ID but do not put the names of your team (including your own name) on/in the report.
Self-check Appendix: Please download and use as the appendix to your final submission
Text from essay 1
Screenshot from source 1
Text from essay 2
Screenshot from source 2
Text from essay 3
Screenshot from source 3
Text from essay 4
Screenshot from source 2
Self-check Appendix: Example
Text from essay 1 from the first paragraph
Research indicates that there is a complex relationship between culture and ethics. Several researchers have investigated the possible links between cultural differences and ethical reasoning (Kuntz et al., 2013; Moon & Franke, 2000; Tsui & Windsor, 2001).
Screenshot from source 1 from Kuntz et al., 2013 in the Abstract
Text from essay 2 from the fourth paragraph
Simga-Mugan et al. (2005) suggest that people’s ethical sensitivity is higher to potential wrongs to themselves, than potential wrongs to others with whom they have less in common.
Screenshot from source 2 from Simga-Mugan et al. (2005) in the sixth paragraph, page 143
Text from essay 3 from the fifth paragraph
This idea relates to the differences between the views and values of people of western origins and indigenous peoples of Australia and other indigenous peoples around the globe (Bennion & Kelly-Mundine, 2021).
Screenshot from source 3 from Bennion & Kelly-Mundine (2021) in the second paragraph, page 171
Text from essay 4 from the eighth paragraph
This could explain the lack of understanding and dismissive perspectives of the significance of aboriginal places to lead to unethical decisions resulting in their destruction at an increasing rate (Tutchener et al., 2021).
Screenshot from source 4 from Tutchener et al. (2021) in the Introduction, page 1310
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