In this component, you are required to provide evidence of a minimum of six weeks of work experience.

Module Title:Mental Wealth 2 - Graduate Employment Competencies

 Module Code: HR5040

Level 5

Term 1

Academic Year 2023/24



Assessment 1 Guide – Due date 22/11/2023

Component (80%)

Summary: Individual Portfolio - Real-Life Business Scenario This assessment aims to evaluate your professional growth and development through practical application and demonstration of knowledge and skills in a real-life business scenario. The portfolio consists of three main components: Work Experience, Professional Qualifications, and Additional Supplements. Each component contributes to your final grade.

Submission procedure: Electronic, via Turnitin

Feedback will be given via seminars and Grademarks.

Learning outcomes to be covered for this assessment are 1-7 of the module. 

1.    Grasp new technical facts, business principles and relevant work theory (DP).

2.   Understand the organisation of the work environment and its wider impact (CI).

3.   Identify a problem of industrial or commercial significance (EE).

4.   Determine what information is relevant for business analysis and decision-making (COI).

5.   Solve complex problems and make decisions involving the evaluation of conflicting arguments to arrive at a considered conclusion (COI).

6. Use information and knowledge effectively including collecting, evaluating, synthesising, and presenting business information in a manner appropriate to the issues being considered (DP).

7.    Develop solutions to problems that arise in the organisation or in the course of work (SEI).

Component 1: Work Experience (30%) In this component, you are required to provide evidence of a minimum of six weeks of work experience. If you have prior work experience, you should submit an employment contract or letter as evidence. However, if you do not have work experience, you will be assigned to a group by the module lecturer. Together with your group, you will engage in a hypothetical organisation where job roles and responsibilities will be assigned accordingly. This business simulation activity will serve as a substitute for real work experience. 

Component 2: (25%) Professional Qualifications In this component, you will review a job description and engage in a reflective exercise to assess your qualifications and areas for improvement. Follow the steps below to complete this section:

Step 1: Review the Job Description Carefully examine the provided job description relevant to your field of study. Familiarise yourself with the required skills, knowledge, and responsibilities outlined in the description.

Step 2: Highlight Areas of Improvement Reflect on your current qualifications and identify areas where you can improve or further develop your skills. These areas might align with the requirements mentioned in the job description. Highlight these areas for self-improvement.

Step 3: Compare Strengths and Weaknesses Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses in relation to the job description. Identify your key strengths and how they align with the requirements of the position. Similarly, recognise any weaknesses or areas where you may fall short of the desired qualifications.

Step 4: Recommend Actionable Goals Based on your analysis, recommend actionable goals to enhance your professional qualifications. These goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). They should target the areas you highlighted for improvement in Step 2.

Step 5: Provide Constructive Feedback Offer constructive feedback to yourself, acknowledging your accomplishments and recognising areas where you can grow. Be honest and objective in your assessment, focusing on areas where you can make meaningful progress.

Step 6: Welcome Employee Input In this section, consider the perspective of an employer or hiring manager. Imagine that you are reviewing this portfolio as an employer. Welcome employee input by considering what additional information or qualifications you would like to see from a potential candidate for this job.

Grading Criteria:

Your final grade for Component 2 will be based on the quality and depth of your analysis, the relevance of your goals, and the level of constructive feedback provided. Remember to demonstrate critical thinking and a clear understanding of the job requirements. Submission Guidelines: Include a written report that incorporates the steps outlined above. Make sure to format your report professionally and provide clear and concise explanations. Your report should demonstrate your ability to analyse job requirements, assess your own qualifications, and set actionable goals for professional growth.

Component 3: Additional Supplements (25%) In this component, you can provide supplementary materials that enhance your portfolio. You should include your Gateway task completion and Curriculum Vitae (CV). You may also include other certificates of workshop or conference attendance, and evidence of participation in mock assessment canters, interviews, or online psychometric test practice. These additional supplements highlight your commitment to continuous learning and professional growth. 



Learning outcomes must be met for an overall pass

Knowledge and understanding

Analysis, Creativity and Problem-Solving

Self-awareness and Reflection



Written English

Presentation and Structure


(Exceptional Quality)

85% - 100%

Work is directly relevant and expertly addresses the requirements of the brief.

Learning outcomes are met.

Demonstrates breadth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice beyond the threshold expectation for the level. Demonstrates excellent understanding of key concepts in different contexts. 

Presents an excellent discussion of findings through the analysis of information sources. Draws justified, relevant, and thoughtful conclusions.  Demonstrates creative fair and initiative. Applies excellent problem-solving skills.

Provides insightful reflection and self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility.

A range of contemporary and relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon. Sources cited accurately l in both the body of text and in the Reference List/ Bibliography.


Writing style is clear and appropriate to the requirements of the assessment. An exceptionally well written answer with competent spelling, grammar, and punctuation. For example, paragraphs are well structured, include linking and signposting, and bullet points are used appropriately. Sentences are complete and different types are used. A wide range of appropriate vocabulary is used.


The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment.  Evidence of planning and logically structured. Where relevant, there is effective use of, and reference to, figures, tables, and images.

(Excellent Quality)

70% - 84%

Work is relevant and comprehensively addresses the requirements of the brief.


Learning outcomes are met.

Demonstrates an excellent breadth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level. Demonstrates excellent understanding of concepts.

Presents an excellent overview of findings through the interpretation of relevant information sources. Draws justified, relevant, and thoughtful conclusions. Clear evidence of initiative. Applies excellent problem-solving skills.

Provides excellent reflection and self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility.

A range of relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon. Sources cited well in both the body of text and in the Reference List/Bibliography.

Writing style is clear and appropriate for the type of assignment. Paragraphs are well-structured with linking and signposting and bullet points are used appropriately. There are a few minor grammar, punctuation and spelling mistakes that do not pose difficulties for the reader. A very good range of vocabulary is demonstrated. Sentences are complete and a few different types are used.

The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment.  Evidence of planning and logically structured. Where relevant, there is effective use of and reference to, figures, tables, and images.

(Very Good Quality)

60% - 69%

Work is relevant and addresses most of the requirements of the brief well.


Learning outcomes are met.

Demonstrates a thorough breadth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level. Demonstrates very good understanding of concepts.

Presents a perceptive overview of findings through the interpretation of relevant information sources. Draws justified and relevant conclusions. Demonstrates initiative. Applies strong problem-solving skills.


Provides justified reflection in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, as required by the assessment.

A range of appropriate reference sources drawn upon. Sources cited well in the main in the text and in the Reference List/ Bibliography.

Writing style is mainly clear and appropriate for the type of assignment. Paragraphs are mostly well-structured with linking and signposting, and bullet points are used appropriately. Grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistakes may be frequent, but do not pose difficulty for the reader. A good range of vocabulary is demonstrated. Sentences are complete with some attempt at different types.


The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment.  Evidence of planning and logically structured in the main.  Where relevant, there is use of figures, tables, and images.

(Good Quality)

50% - 59%

Work addresses key requirements of the brief. Some irrelevant content.


Learning outcomes are met.

Demonstrates a sound breadth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level. Demonstrates sound understanding of key concepts.

Presents a clear overview of findings through the interpretation of some relevant information sources. Draws relevant conclusions.  Demonstrates some initiative. Applies sound problem-solving skills.

Provides some reflection in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, as required by the assessment.

Relevant reference sources drawn upon.  Some sources cited well in both the body of text and in the Reference List/Bibliography.

Writing style is broadly appropriate for the type of assignment. Paragraphs are used and most contain some linking and signposting. Bullet points are not overused. Grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistakes may be frequent, but do not cause significant difficulty for the reader. A range of vocabulary is demonstrated. Sentences are complete.

The presentational style and layout are largely correct for the type of assignment.

Logically structured in the most part. Where relevant, effective placement of some figures, tables, and images.

(Satisfactory Quality)

40% - 49%

Work addresses the requirements of the brief, although superficially in places. Some irrelevant content.


Learning outcomes are met.

Demonstrates a sufficient breadth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level. Demonstrates a sufficient understanding of key concepts.

Presents an overview of findings through the interpretation of a limited number of relevant information sources. Draws some relevant conclusions. Demonstrates limited initiative. Applies some problem-solving skills.

Provides limited reflection in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, as required by the assessment.

Some relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon. Some weaknesses in referencing technique.

Writing style is not appropriate in places for the type of assignment. There may be some over-reliance on bullet points, but attempts at paragraphs, signposting and linking are also evident. Grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistakes may be frequent, and a few may pose minor difficulties for the reader. Vocabulary may be limited. Sentences are mostly complete.

The presentational style and layout are largely correct for the type of assignment.

Adequately structured. Inclusion of some figures, tables, and images but not always relevant and/or clear.


35% - 39%

Work addresses only some of the requirements of the brief. Irrelevant and superficial content.


One or more learning outcomes have not been met.

Demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level. Demonstrates a lack of understanding of key concepts.

Presents a limited overview of findings with little consideration of the quality of information drawn upon.  Draws some irrelevant conclusions. Demonstrates little initiative. Problem-solving skills are lacking.


Provides scant reflection in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, when required.

Sources selected are limited and lack relevance. Poor referencing technique employed. 

Writing style is unclear and does not match the requirements of the assessment in question. Deficiencies in spelling, grammar and punctuation makes reading difficult and arguments unclear in places. Paragraphs are poorly structured.

For the type of assignment, the presentational style, layout and/or structure are lacking. Figures, tables, and images included when required but these lack clarity and relevance.



Work does not address the requirements of the brief. Irrelevant and superficial content.


One or more learning outcomes have not been met.

Demonstrates inadequate knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level. Demonstrates insufficient understanding of key concepts.

Presents a poor overview of findings with no consideration of the quality of information drawn upon. Draws irrelevant conclusions. Initiative and problem-solving skills are absent.

Provides no reflection in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, when required.

There is an absence of relevant sources. Poor referencing technique employed.

Writing style is unclear and does not match the requirements of the assessment in question. Deficiencies in spelling, grammar and punctuation makes reading difficult and arguments unclear. Unstructured paragraphs.

For the type of assignment, the presentational style, layout and/or structure are lacking. Figures, tables, and images are absent when required or lack relevance/clarity.


You should aim to submit all coursework by the deadline set.  Meeting deadlines is an essential employability skill, and an expectation for your course.  Should you be unable to submit your assignments on time, one of the following may be available:


·       You may submit coursework up to 24 hours after the deadline.  Work submitted within 24 hours of the deadline will be subject to a fixed penalty of 5% of the total marks available (as opposed to marks obtained).  Please note that if you submit both before the deadline and during the 24-hour late period, then the second submission will be marked and 5% deducted. Students submitting at resit will not be eligible to submit 24 hours late.


·       You may be able to request an automatic 7-day extension.  You have two opportunities to request automatic extensions in one academic year (one per term).  Follow this link to find out more about how to request an automatic extension.

   These rules normally only apply to coursework.  It does not apply to examinations, presentations, performances, practical assessments or viva voce examinations.  If you are unable to take advantage of these opportunities, then you will need to apply for extenuating circumstances, or accept that you will receive a zero mark.


Extenuating Circumstances are circumstances which: 


  •    impair your examination performance prevent you from attending examinations or other types of assessment, or
  •     prevent you from submitting coursework or other assessed work by the scheduled deadline date, or within 24 hours of the deadline date
  •      Such circumstances rarely occur and would normally be: 
  •        unforeseeable - in that you could have no prior knowledge of the event concerned, and
  •        unpreventable - in that you could do nothing reasonably in your power to prevent such an event, and
  •        expected to have a serious impact on performance 

You can make an application for extenuating circumstances by following this link. 


 Formal results are ONLY available in UEL Direct, and will be published within 8 working days of the Board, where results are formally confirmed. Any other results are provisional / indicative but not approved.

 You will receive feedback throughout your course through the following:



one-to-one or individualised (i.e. tutorials, conversations with supervisors, or individualised comments on assignments)


generic feedback (i.e. use of rubrics, ‘Quickmarks’ in Turnitin or standardised forms)


peer feedback (i.e., feedback from other students)


informal feedback (i.e., through in-class discussions or online forums)


self-evaluation (i.e., online checklists or reflective submissions)


other (see below)



If you selected ‘other’, please provide details here

 Feedback and students’ marks should be provided within 15 working days of the due date for summative work (i.e. work that counts towards the final course grade) and formative work (i.e. work that is developmental and designed to help you improve).

 Whilst feedback will be given on draft/formative work, it shouldn’t be assumed that every aspect will be identified.



If you experience a problem submitting your work online, you should notify your lecturer/tutor by email immediately.


Deadlines are not extended unless there are significant systems problems.  If UEL finds that the issue with the system was significant, you will receive an email notifying you of the issue and that you have been given a 24-hour extension.  If you don’t receive any email that specifically states you have been given an extension, then the original deadline has not been changed.


Best advice: Don’t wait until the last minute to submit your assessments electronically. 


More Information


·       A guide to submitting your work through Turnitin

·       A guide to viewing and understanding the similarity report in Turnitin

·       Guide to Automatic Extensions

·       Guide to Extenuating Circumstances

·       Assessment & Feedback Policy


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