In the role of a Management Consultant, you are invited by the CEO of Goldman Sachs to their headquarters
2024-08-22 13:32:30
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Global Strategy and Sustainability
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BPP School of Business and Technology
MSc Management
Global Strategy and Sustainability
Coursework Assessment Brief
Submission mode: Turnitin online access
1.General Assessment Guidance
- Your summative assessment for this module is made up of this Coursework and Presentation slides submission which accounts for 100% of the marks.
- Please note late submissions will not be marked.
- You are required to submit all elements of your assessment via Turnitin online access. Only submissions made via the specified mode will be accepted and hard copies or any other digital form of submissions (like via email or pen drive etc.) will not be accepted.
- For coursework, the submission word limit is 3000 words. You must comply with the word count guidelines. You may submit LESS than 3000 words but not more. Word Count guidelines can be found on your programme home page and the coursework submission page. Part B - Presentation has no word limit but the limit for number of slides is 8 – 11, including references and cover slide).
- Do not put your name or contact details anywhere on your submission. You should only put your student registration number (SRN) which will ensure your submission is recognised in the marking process.
- A total of 100 marks are available for this module assessment, and you are required to achieve minimum 50% to pass this module.
- You are required to use only Harvard Referencing System in your submission. Any content which is already published by other author(s) and is not referenced will be considered as a case of plagiarism.
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- You should include a completed copy of the Assignment Cover sheet. Any submission without this completed Assignment Cover sheet may be considered invalid and not marked.
2. Assessment Brief
This module is assessed through one graded element worth 100%. You must achieve at least 50% to pass this module.
In the role of a Management Consultant, you are invited by the CEO of Goldman Sachs to their headquarters. They have secured permission from the Board of Directors (BoD) to review and upgrade their Digital global strategies in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. In view of this, you are required to undertake a strategy upgrade of Goldman Sachs’ Digital operations and provide a business REPORT to the CEO on further growth opportunities and sustainability of this growth into Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia using the techniques and concepts covered in the module.
In the role of a Management Consultant, you are required to design a short PowerPoint Presentation for the CEO of Goldman Sachs Digital operations on how the company can sustain its growth and profitability in the contemporary business environment. The models of Sustainability discussed on the module will be used.
De Wit, B (2020), Strategy, An International Perspective; 7th edition, Cengage Learning EMEA, Andover, Hampshire
PART A- Business Report (3000 words) – 70 MARKS
In the role of a Management Consultant, you are invited by the CEO of Goldman Sachs to their headquarters. They have secured permission from the Board of Directors (BoD) to review and upgrade their Digital global strategies in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. In view of this, you are required to undertake a strategy upgrade of Goldman Sachs’ Digital operations and provide a business REPORT to the CEO on further growth opportunities and sustainability of this growth into Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia using the techniques and concepts covered in the module.
Task 1 -The External and Internal Environment (15 Marks)
- Identify and critically analyse the external and internal environment for Goldman Sachs Digital using relevant models. Note that you cannot use SWOT analysis as the CEO needs a detailed and thorough understanding of each part of the business environment.
- Determine Goldman Sachs Digital current sources of competitive advantage and critically evaluate how they maintain and build on this competitive advantage.
- Support your arguments with academic literature and references to other similar real companies.
Task 2 – Strategy in the Global Environment (15 Marks)
- Using a relevant model, critically evaluate the motives for Goldman Sachs Digital international expansion into Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia and briefly explain how this impacts their overall company strategy.
- Using a relevant model, identify the Strategic Option(s) of Internationalisation which will suit Goldman Sachs Digital attempting to enter Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.
- Apply at least THREE Entry Strategies to illustrate how Goldman Sachs Digital can enter and compete in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia based on the research conducted.
- Support your arguments with academic literature and references to other similar real companies.
Task 3 – Corporate Strategy (15 Marks)
- Analyse and evaluate how Goldman Sachs Digital can improve its supply chain globally by applying Corporate Strategies like Horizontal Integration, Vertical Integration, Outsourcing, Strategic Alliances and so on.
- Using a suitable model or framework, show how Goldman Sachs Digital can increase their profitability.
- Support your arguments with academic literature and references to other similar real companies.
Task 4 – Strategic Purpose – Ethics and CSR (15 Marks)
- Analyse and evaluate Goldman Sachs Digital’s CSR strategy using a relevant CSR model and use a theory to provide recommendations for any improvements needed.
- Using relevant concepts/theory, identify and critically discuss the main ethical issues which Goldman Sachs Digital currently face and provide recommendations as to how they can address these ethical issues.
- Support your arguments with academic literature and references to other similar real companies.
Presentation and Structure (10 Marks)
Word count: 3000 words
Your report structure should include the following sections: Cover page (University cover sheet)
Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations (if appropriate)
Task 1 – The External and Internal Environment Task 2 – Strategy in the Global Environment Task 3 – Corporate Strategy
Task 4 – Strategic Purpose – Ethics and CSR Concluding remarks
Appendix (The last one should be the PowerPoint Presentation)
Word count – only applies to the main body (shown in bold); i.e., cover page, table of content, list of abbreviations, references, assessment self-evaluation and appendix are not part of the 3000-word count.
Tip for Mapping the Assessment towards Module Topics and Module Learning Outcomes (LOs)
Assessment Task
Module Topics
Module LOs
Task 1 – The External & Internal Environment
External Analysis – Opportunities and Threats
Internal Analysis – Distinctive competencies, profitability and
competitive advantage
LO1: Critically analyse the internal and external business environment as sources of competitive advantage to facilitate a global strategy.
Task 2 – Strategy in the Global Environment
Strategy in the Global Environment – profit growth through global
LO3: Evaluate the implications of global strategy to management practice within a business environment.
Task 3 – Corporate Strategy
Corporate Strategy – diversification, integration and
LO2: Critically evaluate both strategic direction and strategic options in complex business environments.
Task 4 – Strategic Purpose - Ethics and CSR
Strategic Purpose –
Ethics and CSR
LO4: Assess and apply suitable frameworks and ideas
to formulate and control sustainability for organisations in a global context.
Report Presentation and
Your PowerPoint presentation should contain the following: -
Title of presentation Student SRN No
Apply a suitable stakeholder management model (ideally Mendelow’s Matrix) in mapping Goldman Sachs Digitals stakeholders.
Identify one INTERNAL STAKEHOLDER based on the above and provide a clear analysis of their power, interest and expectations relating to Goldman Sachs Digital.
Identify one EXTERNAL STAKEHOLDER based on the above and provide a clear analysis of their power, interest and expectations relating to Goldman Sachs Digital.
Based on your analysis, provide recommendations for improving engagement with some of the identified stakeholders.
Overall presentation and structure
Please use a maximum of 8 to 11 slides to complete Part B - PowerPoint Presentation.
Please add all PowerPoint slides at the end of your report, as part of the appendix. Please ensure that your PowerPoint slides are saved correctly within the appendix section and are visible. You can do this by taking SCREEN SNIP, PHOTOSHOOT or by COPYING/PASTING your PowerPoint presentation slides one after another within the appendix section of the report so that only one document in the form of the Report plus the PowerPoint presentation is submitted. Please discuss this with your class tutor and Module Leader should you require further clarity or guidance on this.
No hyperlinks will be accepted for Part B.
If you have any further questions about this coursework assignment, please contact the Module Leader or the tutor.
Tip for Mapping the Assessment towards Module Topics and Module Learning Outcomes (LOs)
Assessment Task
Module Topics
Module LOs
In the role of a Management Consultant, you are required to design a short PowerPoint Presentation to the CEO of on how they can sustain their growth and
profitability in the
Strategic Purpose - Sustainability
LO4: Assess and apply suitable frameworks and ideas to formulate and control sustainability for organisations in a global context.
contemporary business environment. The models of Sustainability discussed on the module will be used.
Marking Guide
The assignment is marked out of 100 and counts towards 100% of your module mark. The following table shows the guidelines, marks and marking rubric:
Assignment task
Fail (0-39%)
Low Fail (40-49%)
Pass (50-59%)
Merit (60-69%)
Distinction (70-100%)
Task 1 of the report (15% weighting, LO1)
- Identify and critically analyse the external and internal environment for Goldman Sachs Digital.
- Digital using relevant models. Note that you cannot use SWOT analysis as the CEO needs a detailed and thorough understanding of each part of the business environment.
- Determine Goldman Sachs Digital’s current sources of competitive advantage and critically evaluate how they maintain and build on this competitive advantage.
Weak knowledge of the
Limited knowledge of
Satisfactory knowledge
Good knowledge of
Excellent information
Internal and External
the Internal and External
of models for analysing
models in exploring and
and knowledge which
Global Environment,
Global Environment,
the internal and external
analysing the Internal
deeply and critically
with some omissions
which begins to explore
Global environment,
and External Global
explores and analyses the
showing personal
and analyse the Global
exploring and analysing
Environment. The
Internal and External
opinions and no, or
Environment using
application of theory
Global Environment. The
limited reference to
models with some
advantage(s). There is
shows a considerable
analysis uses theory and
theories in the course
originality and lacking or
some originality, detail
originality and
Models with clear
materials on the Global
showing limited critical
and autonomy shown.
autonomy, detailing
originality and
environment. Showing
factors and the
Satisfactory critical
autonomy, detailing
inadequate knowledge,
competitive advantages
evaluation supported by
advantage(s) arising and
competitive advantage(s)
omissions and/or lack of
solid, well-reasoned
how to maintain these
arising and how to
application of critical
competitive advantages.
maintain and build on
analysis and or
All based on the
All based on the
these competitive
competitive advantages
sufficient use of the
extended reading
advantages based on
arising from the analysis
course materials to
beyond the course
extensive extended
of the Global
materials, which are
reading, using a wide
understanding of the
referenced to
range of additional
course materials.
academic resources.
demonstrate wider reading.
Task 2 of the report (15% weighting, LO3)
- Using a relevant model, critically evaluate the motives for Goldman Sachs Digitals international expansion into Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia and briefly explain how this impacts their overall company strategy.
- Using a relevant model, identify the Strategic Option(s) of Internationalisation which will suit Goldman Sachs Digital attempting to enter Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.
- Apply at least THREE Entry Strategies to illustrate how Goldman Sachs Digital can enter and compete in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia based on the research conducted.
Weak knowledge and lack of Market Entry Models using personal opinions and no, or limited reference to theories in the course materials. Motives for entry are either not explored or only some references indicated. Strategic option(s) are not provided. General entry strategies fails to explore and analyse market entry models, showing an inadequate knowledge and omissions to the thoughts and practices related to market entry required.
Limited knowledge of market entry models, which does not explore motives for entry or explores them in a limited way. The strategic option(s) available are not explored or are just mentioned and or described. There is a lack of suggestions of entry models which are supported by reasoned arguments.
Satisfactory knowledge of market entry models based on the motives for entry and general entry strategies using experience at an intuitive or emotive level gained affectively from the ‘experience’. Insights based on conscious reflection on the theory of global entry strategies.
It includes remarks that show an analysis and synthesis of the criteria, and the suggestions follow from the criteria or are outside it but relevant All based on the sufficient use of the course materials to demonstrate understanding of the course materials
advance its entry based on previous entry strategies.
It is based on the extended reading beyond the course materials, which are referenced to demonstrate wider reading.
Excellent information and knowledge which deeply explores and critically analyses the Market Entry Models derived from the motives of entry, the strategic option(s) available and general entry strategies. Emerging application of thoughts and practices at the forefront of market entry.
Succinct and precise suggestions for future entry Strategic option(s) and Entry Strategies based on the facts are made with clear originality and autonomy based on extensive extended reading, using a wide range of additional academic resources.
Task 3 of the report (15% weighting, LO2)
- Analyse and evaluate how Goldman Sachs Digital can improve its supply chain globally by applying Corporate Strategies like Horizontal Integration, Vertical Integration, Outsourcing, Strategic Alliances and so on.
- Using a suitable model or framework, show how Goldman Sachs Digital can increase their profitability.
Weak knowledge and lack of understanding of Corporate Strategy Models which fails to explore and analyse corporate strategy and profitability, showing an inadequate knowledge and omissions in the discussion of corporate strategy to the thoughts and practices related to corporate strategy and based on personal opinions and no, or limited reference to theories in the course materials.
Limited knowledge of different aspects Corporate Strategy and models of corporate strategy and their applicability in increasing profitability. Lack of originality, detail, and autonomy.
No recommendations within the corporate strategy through reasoned arguments
Satisfactory knowledge of different aspects of Corporate Strategy using models. Explores and analyses the theory of corporate strategy and ways of increasing profitability with some originality, detail, and autonomy.
It provides remarks that show an analysis and synthesis of upgraded
Good knowledge which critically analyses different aspects of Corporate Strategy and analysis of how profitability can be increased with a Model that show supply chain strategies.
It shows critical insights into the application of Corporate Strategies, which upgrades those
Excellent information and knowledge which deeply explores and critically evaluates the different aspects of Corporate Strategy and how profitability can be increased.
Emerging application of thoughts and practices at the forefront of corporate strategy.
Excellent suggestions
corporate strategies, that follow from the criteria or are outside it but relevant.
It is based on the sufficient use of the course materials to demonstrate understanding of the course materials.
used by the organisation. It makes connections with implications for self and some sense of complexity.
Creates how the organisation can advance its corporate strategies on previous entry strategies.
It is based on the extended reading beyond the course materials, which are referenced to demonstrate wider reading.
supported by solid, well- reasoned arguments with clear originality and autonomy, detailing how the corporate strategies can be set out. Based on extensive extended reading, using a wide range of additional academic resources
Task 4 of the report (15% weighting, LO4)
Analyse and evaluate Goldman Sachs Digitals CSR strategy using a relevant CSR model and use a theory to provide recommendations for any improvements needed.
Using relevant concepts/theory, identify and critically discuss the main ethical issues which Goldman Sachs Digital currently face and provide recommendations as to how they can address these ethical issues.
Weak knowledge and lack of understanding of Strategic Purpose -
Limited knowledge of different aspects
Strategic Purpose -
Satisfactory knowledge of different aspects of Corporate Social
Good knowledge which critically analyses different aspects of
Excellent information and knowledge which deeply explores and
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Ethics, showing an inadequate knowledge and omissions in the discussion of Corporate Social Responsibility to the thoughts and practices related to Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics.
Weak knowledge and lack of understanding of theory(s) for recommending improvements in CSR and Ethics. Personal opinions and no, or limited reference to theories in the course materials is shown
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Ethics. Lack of originality, detail and autonomy.
No recommendations within the Strategic Purpose - Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Ethics through reasoned arguments.
Limited knowledge and understanding of theory(s) for recommending improvements in CSR and Ethics.
Responsibility (CSR) and Ethics with models.
Explores and analyses the theory of CSR and Ethics with some originality, detail and autonomy.
It provides concluding remarks that show an analysis and synthesis CSR and Ethics that follow from the criteria or are outside it but relevant.
Knowledge and understanding of theory(s) for recommending improvements in CSR and Ethics are shown. All based on the sufficient use of the course materials to demonstrate understanding of the course materials.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Ethics with models that show how the organisation can resolve ethical issues.
It shows critical insights into the application of CSR and Ethics, which critically analyse those used by the organisation with a sense of complexity.
Shows how the organisation can advance its Ethics by using models to improve its ethical position.
Good knowledge and understanding of theory(s) for recommending improvements in CSR and Ethics. All based on the extended reading beyond the course materials, which are referenced to
critically evaluates the different aspects of Strategic Purpose - Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Ethics that show how the organisation can resolve. Application of emerging application of thoughts and practices at the forefront of Strategic Purpose (CSR and Ethics). Critical recommendations supported by solid, well- reasoned arguments with clear originality and autonomy, detailing how the Strategic Purpose (CSR and Ethics) can be used to generate sustainable growth.
Excellent knowledge and understanding of theory(s) for recommending improvements in CSR and Ethics. Based on extensive extended
reading, using a wide
demonstrate wider reading.
range of additional academic resources.
Report Presentation and Structure (10%)
·Clear structure and layout
·Writing style: professional and concise
·Appropriate Harvard referencing: range and credibility of the sources use and correct application of Harvard referencing style throughout report and appendices
Weak references with errors or inconsistencies.
Inadequate structure and expression.
Limited appropriate references with minor errors.
Limited use of appropriate structure and expression.
Satisfactory with full and appropriate references.
Satisfactory structure, layout and mainly accurate expression.
Good with precise, full and appropriate references.
Well-structured layout and professional and accurate expression.
Excellent with precise, full and appropriate references.
Outstanding structure, layout and professional and accurate
including presentation structure)
- Apply a suitable stakeholder management model (ideally Mendelow’s Matrix) in mapping Goldman Sachs Digital’s stakeholders.
- Identify one INTERNAL and EXTERNAL STAKEHOLDER based on the above and provide a clear analysis of their power, interest and expectations relating to Goldman Sachs Digital.
- Provide relevant recommendations for improving engagement with identified stakeholders to support Sustainability.
- Appropriate Harvard referencing: Range and credibility of the sources used and correct application of Harvard Referencing style throughout the presentation and speaker notes.
- Overall presentation and structure of the PowerPoint slides.
Weak knowledge of a stakeholder management model for mapping stakeholders and lack of analysis of
Limited knowledge of a stakeholder management model for mapping stakeholders and lack of analysis of
Satisfactory outline of a stakeholder management model for mapping stakeholders and satisfactory of
Good analytical knowledge which critically analyses a stakeholder management model for mapping stakeholders
Excellent information and knowledge which deeply explores and critically analyses a stakeholder
one internal and one external stakeholder in in providing analysis of their power, interest and expectations in relation to sustainability and growth of the organisation in the global context. Weak knowledge of relevant recommendations in improving engagement with identified stakeholders.
one internal and one external stakeholder in in providing analysis of their power, interest and expectations in relation to sustainability and growth of the organisation in the global context. Limited knowledge of relevant recommendations in improving engagement with identified stakeholders.
analysis of one internal and one external stakeholder in providing analysis of their power, interest and expectations in relation to sustainability and growth of the organisation in the global context.
Uses available information to evaluate possible recommendations. Final decision is clear and linked to the evaluation.
and a good critical analysis of one internal and one external stakeholder in providing analysis of their power, interest and expectations in relation to sustainability and growth of the organisation in the global context.
Uses a range of appropriate information to evaluate suggestions and applies clear criteria to demonstrate reasons.
management model for mapping stakeholders and an excellent analysis of one internal and one external stakeholder in analysing their power, interest and expectations in relation to sustainability and growth of the organisation in the global.
Uses a range of appropriate suggestions, for Sustainability, exercising autonomy and initiative when exploring other options. Makes clear decisions which give due weight to alternatives.
Weak references and recommendations with minor or insignificant errors or omissions. Lacking
Limited use of appropriate references, recommendations and with minor or
insignificant errors.
Satisfactory with precise, full and appropriate references recommendations and notes.
Good with precise, full and appropriate references, recommendations and of a high standard.
Excellent with precise, full and appropriate references recommendations and notes of near-
publishing standard.
Weak overall presentation and structure.
Limited overall presentation and structure.
Limited overall presentation and structure.
Good overall presentation and structure.
Excellent overall presentation and structure.
Example Answer (Please Do Not Copy)
Identify and critically analyse the external and internal environment for Goldman Sachs Digital using relevant models. Note that you cannot use SWOT analysis as the CEO needs a detailed and thorough understanding of each part of the business environment.
To analyse Goldman Sachs Digital`s external and internal environment, we`ll use relevant frameworks that offer a comprehensive view without relying on SWOT analysis. For the external environment, the PESTEL and Porter`s Five Forces models will be applied. The internal environment will be examined using the VRIO framework and value chain analysis.
External Environment
1. PESTEL Analysis
PESTEL examines the macro-environmental factors that can influence Goldman Sachs Digital:
- Regulatory changes in fintech and banking are crucial, especially with evolving digital currencies and blockchain technologies. Government policies on data protection, cybersecurity, and digital banking significantly affect operations.
- Political stability in key markets (e.g., the US, UK, and EU) ensures a conducive environment for growth, while trade tensions or regulatory crackdowns could impose challenges.
- Interest rates, inflation, and economic cycles directly impact Goldman Sachs` profitability and investment activities.
- The global shift towards digital banking, especially post-pandemic, offers growth opportunities but requires significant investments in technology.
- Economic disparities between developed and emerging markets might affect digital adoption rates, influencing the firm`s global strategy.
- Increasing consumer demand for digital and mobile banking solutions requires Goldman Sachs to continually innovate and offer user-friendly, accessible products.
- Demographic shifts, such as the rise of Millennials and Gen Z, who are more inclined towards digital financial services, present both an opportunity and a challenge in terms of maintaining brand loyalty.
- Rapid advancements in AI, blockchain, and cybersecurity are critical. Goldman Sachs must invest in cutting-edge technologies to stay competitive and secure in the digital landscape.
- The rise of fintech startups presents both a threat and an opportunity for partnerships or acquisitions.
- As sustainability becomes a focus, Goldman Sachs needs to incorporate green banking initiatives into its digital services.
- Digital banking reduces the need for physical branches, contributing to lower carbon footprints, but energy consumption in data centres remains a concern.
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