How can the four dimensions of the contemporary global business environment explain the international operations and business practices of MNEs within the sector?’

Assessment Brief


Assessment for this Unit requires students to research, evaluate and analyse developments across a multidimensional framework in order to understand the establishment of the contemporary global business environment, identify important drivers for change, before considering their implications for the sustainability of existing operations and practices of MNEs. Concerning the changing nature of nation-states, global regulators and multinational enterprises in both developing and developed world contexts, this requires students to focus their research and analysis on the external global environment, rather than internally on any particular firm. This will involve a formative group presentation activity and summative individual 3000-word assignment. 

Formative Group Presentation

Students will work in groups to research the establishment of the contemporary global business environment for a sector of their choice and consider the following question:

‘How can the four dimensions of the contemporary global business environment explain the international operations and business practices of MNEs within the sector?’

Important considerations relate to

- important elements across the four-dimensions of the contemporary global business environment (culture & society, global economic, political and legal) shaping the nature of the international division of labour and the operations and practices of MNEs within the sector

- the nature of nation-states and global regulators in both developing and developed world contexts 

Each group will present an overview of their findings in their fourth seminar class (w.b 21 March 2022) when they will receive verbal formative feedback from the instructor and fellow students (ILO1, ILO2, ILO4). Further guidance regarding the group work and presentation will be provided in the first seminar session at which time group membership will be finalised.

While not assessed, working effectively as a team on this group activity provides each group with the opportunity to collectively undertake the required research and analysis of the establishment of the contemporary global business environment for their chosen sector—an important foundation for the individual summative assessment. 

Summative Individual Assignment (100% Assessment for this Unit)

This requires students to draw on academic scholarship in a critical evaluation of potential changes to the contemporary global business environment for their chosen sector and the possible implications of these changes for the sustainability of the existing international division of labour and operations and practices of MNEs in the sector (ILO1, ILO2, ILO3).

Important considerations relate to the possible

-changing nature of nation-states, global regulators and multinational enterprises in both developing and developed world contexts

-drivers for change within any single or across multiple dimensions of the global business environment (culture & society, global economic, political and legal)

-implications of changes for the sustainability of the existing international operations and practices of MNEs in the sector

Word count: 3,000 words.

This excludes any included bibliography or evidence included in the form of appendices but includes all other in-text inclusions and end/footnotes.


The individual assignment will be in the form of an essay and will be assessed in accordance with the University’s (Level 4) marking criteria for an assignment of this type. Further information and guidance will be provided as the Unit proceeds. Submission will be through the Unit’s Blackboard VLE.

All included content must be word-processed in an appropriate font size, style and colour (recommended: Times New Roman, 12, black), with any included sources referenced using Harvard Referencing style and the inclusion of a full bibliography.

Where they add value, tables and figures may be included.

Submission deadline

Thursday 12 May 2022 – further details to follow

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