Critically evaluate the leadership and management styles at the company using relevant academic models.
2025-01-03 16:39:27
BPP Business School Coursework Cover Sheet
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Module Name
Executive Leadership and Governance
Programme Name
Student Reference Number (SRN)
Assessment Title
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I hereby declare that I have read and understood BPP’s regulations on plagiarism and that this is my original work, researched, undertaken, completed and submitted in accordance with the requirements of BPP School of Business and Technology.
The word count, excluding contents table, bibliography and appendices, is words.
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MSc Management
Executive Leadership and Governance
Coursework Assessment Brief
1.General Assessment Guidance
- Your summative assessment for this module is made up of this one submission which accounts for 100% of the marks
- Please note late submissions will not be marked.
- You are required to submit all elements of your assessment via Turnitin online access. Only submissions made via the specified mode will be accepted and hard copies or any other digital form of submissions (like via email or pen drive etc.) will not be accepted.
- For coursework, the submission word limit is 5,000 words. You must comply with the word count guidelines. You may submit LESS than 5,000 words but not more. Word Count guidelines can be found on your programme home page and the coursework submission page.
- Do not put your name or contact details anywhere on your submission. You should only put your student registration number (SRN) which will ensure your submission is recognised in the marking process.
- A total of 100 marks are available for this module assessment, and you are required to achieve minimum 50% to pass this module.
- You are required to use only Harvard Referencing System in your submission. Any content which is already published by other author(s) and is not referenced will be considered as a case of plagiarism.
You can find further information on Harvard Referencing in the online library on the VLE. You can use the following link to access this information:
- BPP University has a strict policy regarding authenticity of assessments. In proven instances of plagiarism or collusion, severe punishment will be imposed on offenders. You are advised to read the rules and regulations regarding plagiarism and collusion in the GARs and MOPP which are available on VLE in the Academic registry section.
- You should include a completed copy of the Assignment Cover sheet. Any submission without this completed Assignment Cover sheet may be considered invalid and not marked.
2.Assessment Brief
You are a Management Consultant hired by BPP Consultants, who have been commissioned to provide information to a large investment firm, which is considering the following three aircraft manufacturers for investment. For this assessment, you are to select one company from the three listed below to focus on.
- Airbus SE.
- The Boeing Company.
- Embraer S.A.
The scope of your work is to complete four sections of a report covering Executive Leadership and Corporate Governance.
Please note, you are NOT required to make recommendations or advice in your report about whether to invest. This will be solely the investor’s decision after evaluating all the information obtained from your report.
Please select only one company from the above three when attempting the tasks below.
You should use the following links to obtain company presentations and reports:
The four tasks you should include in your report are:
Task 1 – Leadership and Management (LO1)
- Critically evaluate the leadership and management styles at the company using relevant academic models.
Conduct independent research into your chosen company and support your arguments with academic literature and the appropriate application of relevant leadership and management models.
Task requirements continue on the next page.
Task 2 – Corporate Governance and Regulation (LO4)
- Discuss the different governance rules, practices, and processes (collectively known as the Corporate Governance Framework) at the company that ensure that it meets the interests of its shareholders.
Conduct independent research and refer to relevant academic literature.
Ensure that you identify the internal governance mechanisms and the external governance rules and regulations and demonstrate how the company applies and complies with them to meet shareholder interests. Depending on your company of choice, these might include some of the following:
-The AMF (The French Financial Market Authority), the French Commercial Code and the French Corporate Governance Code.
The SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission), the Securities and Exchange Act in the USA, and the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002.
-CVM (The Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission), The Brazilian Corporate Governance Code, and the Novo Mercado Listing Regulation
Task 3 – Risk Management (LO3)
- Analyse three significant risks that the company faces and recommend appropriate responses to each of these risks.
Conduct independent research into your company of choice and ensure that your analysis and recommendations are specific to the company.
For higher marks, use and apply relevant risk management models and frameworks such as the Three Horizon Model, Risk Heat Maps, or the 4T’s Process. Explain how you used the models to identify and analyse the risks and to offer your recommendations.
As part of your recommendations, explain what role the board of directors plays in the risk management process at the organisation.
Task 4 – Ethical Leadership (LO2)
- Discuss at least one significant ethical business challenge that the company faces and provide ethical leadership recommendations on how the company can address and manage this ethical challenge.
Conduct independent research and explain why the challenge(s) you discuss are considered ethical, by analysing their impact on the company and its stakeholders. Ensure that your recommendations are targeted at the company’s top management and leadership.
For higher marks, use and apply a relevant ethical leadership model or framework such as the Triple Bottom Line
Task requirements continue on the next page.
Presentation and Structure
- Clear structure and layout
- Writing style: professional and concise
- Appropriate Harvard referencing: range and credibility of the sources used and correct application of Harvard referencing style throughout the report and appendices.
Do NOT include an executive summary, introduction, or conclusion.
Your report structure should include the following sections: Cover page (University cover sheet)
Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations (if appropriate)
Task 1- Leadership and Management (LO1)
Task 2 – Corporate Governance and Regulation (LO4) Task 3 – Risk Management (LO3)
Task 4 – Ethical Leadership (LO2)
Appendix (if appropriate)
Suggested Word Count Guide
Task 1- Leadership and Management
1,250 Words
Task 2 – Corporate Governance and Regulation
1,250 Words
Task 3 – Risk Management
1,250 Words
Task 4 – Ethical Leadership
1,250 Words
5,000 Words
The word count applies to the main body of the report only i.e., cover page, table of content, list of abbreviations, references, and appendices are not part of the 5,000-words count.
3.Marking Guide
Learning Outcome
Marginal Fail
High Distinction
0% – 39%
40% – 49%
50% – 59%
60% – 69%
70% – 79%
80% - 100%
LO1: Develop your
Weak or
Limited knowledge of
Good level of
Excellent knowledge
knowledge of
critical leadership
knowledge and
knowledge and
and understanding of
knowledge and
critical leadership
knowledge of
capability in leading
understanding of
understanding of
critical leadership
understanding of
capability in
organisations. Limited
critical leadership
critical leadership
capability in leading
critical leadership
evaluation of the
capability in
capability in leading
organisations. An
capability in leading
capability in
company`s leadership
organisations. A good
excellent critical
organisations. An
and management
critical evaluation of
evaluation of the
outstanding critical
style. Limited research
the company`s
company`s leadership
evaluation of the
Weak or no
and analysis of the
evaluation of the
leadership and
and management
company`s leadership
evaluation of
company’s leadership
management style,
style, that objectively
and management
the company`s
leadership and
and management.
leadership and
with some discussion
of the strengths and
weighs the strengths
and weakness of the
style, that objectively
weighs all the
style. Some
weakness of the
strengths and
style. Weak or
research and
leadership and
weakness of the
analysis, of the
leadership and
management. An
research and
management. Good
excellent and
leadership and
analysis of the
leadership and
application of
detailed application
management. An
leadership and
relevant leadership
and management
of relevant
leadership and
outstanding and
extensive application
models to the
management models
of relevant
company. Evidence-
to the company.
leadership and
backed analysis of
Excellent evidence-
management models
the company’s
backed analysis of
to the company.
leadership and
the company’s
Outstanding and
extensive evidence-
backed analysis of
leadership and management.
the company’s leadership and management.
LO4: Critically
Weak or
Limited evaluation of
Good evaluation of
Excellent evaluation
evaluate the
the impact of the
evaluation of the
the impact of the
of the impact of the
evaluation of the
impact of the
evaluation of
governance and
impact of the
governance and
governance and
impact of the
governance and
the impact of
regulatory context on
governance and
regulatory context on
regulatory context on
governance and
regulatory context
the governance
the success of an
regulatory context
the success of an
the success of an
regulatory context on
on the success of
and regulatory
organisation. Limited
on the success of
organisation. Good
the success of an
an organisation
context on the
knowledge of the
an organisation.
and clear
Thorough and deep
success of an
Corporate Governance
understanding of the
knowledge and
Thorough, balanced,
Framework at the
appreciation of
understanding of the
and deep knowledge
Weak or
company. Limited
the Corporate
and understanding of
explanation of internal
Framework at the
the Corporate
knowledge of
governance in the
Framework at the
company. Good
Framework at the
the Corporate
company and external
explanation of
company. Excellent
Framework at the
governance rules and
internal governance
and detailed
Framework at
the company.
explanation of
internal and
in the company and
external governance
discussion of internal
governance in the
Outstanding and
extensive discussion
Weak or
rules and regulations.
company and
of internal
governance rules
A good discussion on
relevant external
governance in the
explanation of
and regulations.
how the company
governance rules and
company and
Some discussion
complies with these
regulations that
relevant external
governance in
on how the
rules and regulations.
apply to the
governance rules and
the company
company complies
company. An
regulations that
and external
with these rules
excellent discussion
apply to the
and regulations.
on how the company
company. An
outstanding and
rules and regulations.
complies with these rules and regulations.
extensive discussion on how the company complies with these rules and regulations.
LO3: Critically
Weak or
Limited appreciation
Good critical
Excellent critical
Outstanding critical
evaluate risk
of critical evaluation of
appreciation of
evaluation of risk
evaluation of risk
evaluation of risk
management at a
appreciation of
risk management at a
critical evaluation
management at a
management at a
management at a
corporate level
corporate level,
of risk
corporate level. A
corporate level.
corporate level.
evaluation of
Limited analysis, and
management at a
good and clear
Thorough and deep
Thorough, balanced,
evaluation of three
corporate level.
analysis and
knowledge and
and deep knowledge
management at
risks faced by the
evaluation of three
understanding of risk
and understanding of
a corporate
company. Limited
analysis and
significant risks faced
management. A
risk management. An
level. Weak or
recommendations for
evaluation of
by the company.
thorough an
outstanding analysis
the management of
three risks faced
Good and
excellent analysis and
and evaluation of
analysis and
the risks identified.
by the company.
evaluation of three
three significant risks
evaluation of
Limited discussion on
significant risks faced
faced by the
three risks faced
the board’s role in
for the management
by the company.
by the
managing these risks.
for the
of the risks identified.
Excellent, realistic,
company. Weak
management of
A good discussion on
and appropriate
realistic, and
or inadequate
the risks
the board’s role in
identified. A
managing these risks.
for the management
ns for the
some application of a
of the risks identified.
for the management
management of
discussion on the
risk management
An excellent
of the risks identified.
the risks
board’s role in
model or framework
discussion on the
An outstanding
identified. Weak
managing these
such as the Three
board’s role in
discussion on the
or inadequate discussion on
the board’s role
Horizon Model or Risk Heat Maps.
managing these risks. Excellent and
detailed application
board’s role in
managing these risks.
Outstanding and
of a risk management
extensive application
in managing these risks.
model or framework such as the Three Horizon Model, the 4T Model or Risk Heat Maps.
of one or more risk management modes or frameworks such as the Three Horizon Model, the 4T Model or Risk Heat Maps.
LO2: Apply your
Weak or
Limited application of
Good application of
Excellent application
understanding of
how an understanding
application of how
how an
of how an
application of how an
application of
of leadership
an understanding
understanding of
understanding of
understanding of
principles to key
how an
principles can be
of leadership
leadership principles
leadership principles
leadership principles
applied to key
principles can be
can be applied to key
can be applied to key
can be applied to key
of leadership
principles can
business challenges.
Limited knowledge
applied to key
business challenges.
Good and clear
business challenges.
Thorough, and
business challenges.
Thorough, balanced,
be applied to
displayed of a
evaluation of a
balanced evaluation
and deep evaluation
key business
significant ethical
significant ethical
of a significant
of a significant
challenge that the
appreciation of a
challenge that the
ethical challenge that
ethical challenge that
Weak or
company faces.
significant ethical
company faces. Good
the company faces.
the company faces.
Limited demonstration
challenge that the
demonstration of
of how this challenge
company faces.
how this challenge
demonstration of
demonstration of
displayed of a
impacts the company
impacts the company
how this challenge
how this challenge
and its stakeholders.
demonstration of
and its stakeholders.
impacts the company
impacts the company
Limited or
how this challenge
and its stakeholders.
and its stakeholders.
challenge that
impacts the
Excellent, realistic,
the company
recommendations on
company and its
recommendations on
and appropriate
realistic, and
faces. Weak or
how the company can
how the company
insightful leadership-
address this ethical
can address this
recommendations on
ethical challenge.
how the company
recommendations on
of how this
on how the
Some application of
can address this
how the company
company can
an ethical leadership
ethical challenge.
can address this
impacts the
address this
framework or model,
Excellent application
ethical challenge.
company and its stakeholders.
Weak or
ethical challenge.
such as the Triple Bottom Line.
of an ethical leadership
frameworks or
Outstanding application of one or
more ethical
model, such as the
ns on how the
Triple Bottom Line.
framework or model
such as the Triple
company can
Bottom Line.
address this
Research Skills
Weak or poor
Limited research skills
Good demonstration
research skills
exhibited through the
demonstration of
of research skills
demonstration of
demonstration of
use of a narrow range
research skills
through the use of a
research skills
research skills
through an
academic sources –
exhibited through
somewhat broad
through the use of a
through the use of a
overreliance on
and corporate sources
the use of some
range of academic
broad range of
broad range of
some sources
and annual reports
academic sources
sources – and
academic sources –
academic sources –
and limited use
where appropriate.
– and corporate
corporate sources
and corporate
and corporate
of academic
sources and
and annual reports
sources and annual
sources and annual
annual reports
where appropriate.
reports where
reports where
Presentation and Structure
Weak presentation, inadequate structure, weakly referenced.
Limited presentation and structure with inappropriate references. Limited expression.
Presentation and structure are satisfactory with full and appropriate references (possibly limited in quantity; largely correct Harvard referencing style). Structured layout and mainly accurate expression.
Presentation and structure are good with precise, full and appropriate references and correct Harvard referencing style. A good example of structured layout and professional and accurate expression.
Presentation and structure are excellent with precise, full and appropriate references extensively used. An exemplar of structured layout and professional and accurate expression. Inclusion of sources outside of the prescribed course reading.
Presentation and structure are outstanding with precise, full and appropriate references extensively used. An exemplar of structured layout and professional and accurate expression. Inclusion of sources outside of the prescribed course reading.
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