LO1 Discuss the significance of key features of the English Legal System, including its relationship with relevant European, international and human rights law.

Assignment Brief Template 24/25 – 4LW022 English Legal System



Academic year / semester


Module code and title

4LW022 English Legal System

Assignment name


Assignment type


Assignment weighting and size

2000 words, +/- 10%)

Assessment unpacking video location

(Location in Canvas where students can find the Module Leader’s assessment unpacking video)

‘What’s my assignment?’ unpacking date (if applicable)

(Student-led assessment unpacking session.  See Assessment Handbook for details)

Formative submission date (if applicable)

Week 4 (18th October 2024)

Formative submission method (if applicable)

Online in Canvas by 2pm

Formative feedback date (if applicable)

Week 8 (15th November 2024)

Summative (i.e., final) submission date

7th January 2025

Summative submission method

Online in Canvas by 2pm

Assignment requirements

(What are you asking the students to do? Add in box below)

You must answer ALL THREE questions on this assignment brief – all questions carry equal marks. 

Question 1 

Describe the two key defects of the common law system and how they lead to equity being established. 

Question 2 

With reference to key case law, explain the four rules of statutory interpretation. 

Question 3 

Explain how judicial precedent operates in England and Wales and consider all the sources of persuasive precedent.

You should include relevant case law to support your answers.

Learning outcomes


Discuss the significance of key features of the English Legal System, including its relationship with relevant European, international and human rights law.  


 Identify and evaluate key processes involved in the criminal and civil justice systems.


 Conduct legal research using appropriate methods                


 Prepare and present knowledge of the law to a given legal situation, providing supporting reasons                

Assessment criteria
(see rubric below for performance criteria)

(Including individual weighting, if applicable, and the learning outcomes being assessed)

Characteristics of a good submission

  • Clear knowledge and understanding on the relevant legal skills. 
  • Developed understanding of legal skills. 
  • Engagement with client care skills linked to employability.  
  • Presentation skills 
  • Well-structured answers, with attention to detail and few mistakes.  
  • Understanding of professional requirements. 

Additional instructions

Always keep a copy of your drafts and a file of working documents. There may be circumstances – for example, if there are questions relating to the academic integrity of your work – where you may be asked to submit the evidence of your work and meet with your tutor to answer questions about your submission.

(additional instructions, if applicable)

Professional Body requirements

(If applicable)

University regulations

University’s Academic Regulations

Academic Integrity Policy

Level and Mark Descriptors


Student Support and Wellbeing

Study Guides

Skills for Learning – Introduction to Academic Study Skills

Academic English Language Skills

You should also refer to your Course and Module Guides

Date by which feedback will be provided

(When can students expect their feedback?)

Feedback format

(For example, written, oral, video)

Resit details

Add some information about the type of resit submission and the date if known.  Be clear what will be required; for example, asking students to highlight areas of re-working to show how they have addressed the original feedback.

Assessment Rubric (to be appended) 

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