1- Selection of technology and overall objectives (weighting 15%): This section will be informed by the situation analysis research and presentations you will carry out in class. You are expected to demonstrate your ability to think creatively and commercially. You are also expected to articulate DM specific objectives, effectively communicate planned marketing effort, and making use of appropriate terminology
2- Strategic approach (weighting 35%): This section should begin with a succinct explanation of the reasoning behind the selection of technology and your overall strategic plan to successfully position and launch the product/service in the UK market with specific attention to:
DATA (7%): A clear articulation of your plans for data collection and structure and management of the database. What should the database contain and how will it be used in the marketing plan?
MARKET SEGMENTATION (7%): An explanation and justification of your proposed segmentation approach and careful consideration of the characteristics and needs of each group
TARGETING (7%): Selection and justification of your final target groups. You will need to consider which audiences are a priority in light of your objectives. You may wish to develop audience specific objectives / messages to focus your planning further.
POSITIONING AND APPROPRIATION OF THE COMMUNICATIONS APPROACH (7%): You should include brief details of proposed service / product positioning, key messages (focus on benefits vs. features), look and feel of communications, and any overall creative theme / central idea you wish to propose.
OFFER, PRICING AND ANY PROPOSED INCENTIVES (7%): Summarise your core value proposition and explain how your offer will be adapted to suit (each of) your identified target audiences (be mindful of the specific response you want your offer to generate). Provide details on the pricing strategy and any incentives you plan to use
3- Content plan and budget (weighting 50%): Provide an outline of your planned contact with target audiences. You will need to include detail on:
MEDIA (10%): Media selection, suitability for purpose, and justification including any plans for testing (to minimise risk)
CONTACT PLAN (10%): How communications will be organised by target, in time and in sequence
CAMPAIGN MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION (10%): How responses will be recorded to ensure that sales can be correctly and accurately attributed to EWW campaign activity
BUDGET ALLOCATION AND CONTRIBUTION TO TARGET (10%): How will the budget be allocated to each area of expenditure and what contribution each element will make to the overall targets you set for your product/service.
Further information on University mark descriptors can be found here.
This assignment is designed to assess the following learning outcomes:
- Understand the key principles, techniques and tools and become familiar with the wide range of media employed by direct and digital marketers.
- Ability to design DDM campaigns that are data-driven and consumer-centric
- Familiarity with the challenges and pitfalls of working in realistic marketing situations
- Ability to communicate succinctly and effectively in an oral presentation format