LO1 Critically evaluate the argument that supposes that management and leadership practices may be similar functions in organisations.
2024-12-12 14:29:01
Critical Perspectives in Strategic Management and Leadership
7SG500 Assessment Brief
Critical Perspectives in Strategic Management and Leadership – 7SG500
Module Leader 3
Key dates and details 3
Description of the assessment 3
Assessment Content 4
Assessment Rubric 5
Anonymous Marking 9
Assessment Regulations 9
This section is where you must include the module leaders contact information.
Key dates and details
Assessment Type:
Individual Report
Assessment weighting:
Word count/Length
4000 words (Plus or minus 10%)
Learning Outcomes:
1, 2, and 3 (all learning outcomes)
Submission Method:
Submission Date:
Noon (12) UK time, 20/01/2025
Provisional Feedback Release Date:
Noon UK time, 10/2/2025
Please note that time will be put aside in one of the lectures (week to be confirmed) to discuss the assignment in detail, as well as online synchronous session week commencing the 6th January 2025 (more information to be provided closer to the time)
Description of the assessment
Component 1: COURSEWORK
Summary of Assessment Method: Written report, 4000 words
Individual report can be used to assess the student’s knowledge and understanding of the theories, contemporary business issues facing the successful formulation and implementation of organisational strategies. In addition, the assignment will explore the extent to which the student has a critical grasp of relevant research literature and knowledge of the strategic implementation in an organisation with a specific emphasis on management and leadership practices
Weighting: 100%
Assesses Learning Outcomes: 1, 2 and 3
The task
This is an individual case study-based report of 4,000 words where you explore the following three themes, anchoring on your chosen organisation and basing your writing primarily on content studied in the module but also upon your own research from relevant academic sources.
- Critically evaluate the argument that supposes that management and leadership practices may be similar functions in organisations.
- If national cultures are different between nations and regions as asserted in the GLOBE leadership research and Hofstede’s five cultural dimensions, critically evaluate how the dominant culture or cultures of a nation might affect the knowledge, skills and behaviour exhibited by managers. Further analyse how national culture might also shape or influence the leadership approaches they adopt.
- Critically evaluate three contemporary factors within the business and political world that might disrupt the successful formulation and implementation of competitive advantage strategies in your chosen organisation in the 21st century.
Assessment Content
Individual written REPORT (4000 words)
You will select a case study organization from the list below, that will form the subject of your report (you may, with prior approval of the module leader, choose a different organization, if there is a compelling reason to do so, in exceptional circumstances)
National Trust
Mugg and Bean
Enda Athletic
Virgin Wines
Qatar Airways
LG Corp
X platform
BBC (British Broadcasting Company)
Based on your chosen case study (above), you will undertake a 4000 word report that addresses the following 6 key aspects of the above task.
- Undertake a critical evaluation of the leadership and management styles exhibited by the dominant senior personnel within the organization (i.e.; CEO, President, Chairman, Managing Director etc), and how, and to what extent, his or her approach fits within the leadership/management similarity, disparity and other debates as expressed in recent literature on leadership and management scholarship (circa 1,200 words – weighting 30%)
- Critically explore the cultural specificity of the home country of your chosen organisation relative to relevant models on leadership and national culture and evaluate the extent to which leadership practice as applied by a dominant leader in the organisation may be influenced by the national culture/cultures of the home country in terms of propensity to globalize, growth ambition and mission and values of the organization at present. Your evaluation needs to be analysed through the critical application of a range of academic theories, concepts and frameworks (Circa 1,200 words – weighting 30%)
- Critically evaluate two key strategic (rather than ‘operational’) management challenges that the organization is either currently presented with, or, is likely to encounter in the near future that might disrupt its ability to implement management concepts that enable or create sustainable competitive advantage strategies. These challenges may be either external or internal to the organization and one should be political and the other a business environment challenge. Ensure the critical application of a range of academic theories, concepts and frameworks. (circa 1,200 words – weighting 30%).
- Your introduction should succinctly capture the essence of the task, justify why the work to be accomplished is important and provide clues about some of relevance of the issues and concepts to be developed in more detail in the body of the report. Also, add a brief structure or road map to guide the development and assembly of your report (circa 200 words).
- Your conclusion should capture the key points or power arguments raised within each of three themes of your report, reflect on learning gained in the process of accomplishing the task and suggest areas for future focus (Circa 200 words).
- It is imperative that your report showcases high quality, contemporary research, on your chosen organization, that is synthesized appropriately with a range of academic tools, frameworks, theories and concepts, drawn from the academic leadership and strategic management literature. Many of these will be introduced to you within the lectures and it is for you to decide upon, and then select, those tools that are most relevant to the organization and the challenges that you have identified.
Assessment Rubric
Please see next page.
Exceptional 90-100%
(Work is virtually flawless)
Excellent 70-89%
(High/Very high quality work)
Very Good 60-69%
(Clear and coherent work)
Good /Satisfactory 50-59%
(Work is generally sound)
(Narrowly fails to achieve the learning outcomes)
Very Poor 5-39%
(Fails to achieve the learning outcomes in several critical respects)
Knowledge of the organisation
and understanding of employed academic concepts
- Outstanding Subject knowledge
- Effectively introduces and integrates knowledge from independent study beyond scope of module materials
- Draws links to other modules
- No further development of answer required
- Potential to influence new thinking in the subject area
- Uses a wide range of ideas and concepts from the module
- Draws different concepts together effectively
- Strong use of relevant theoretical models and/or research
- Fully referenced with wide range of sources
- Strong evidence of independent research to enhance the answer
- Draws together key ideas and concepts from the module effectively
- Demonstrates current subject knowledge
- Sound use of theoretical models and/or research to support answer
- Well referenced including some sources from independent research
- Uses some relevant ideas and concepts from the module
- Limited gaps in knowledge or misunderstanding of concepts
- Some relevant references but largely guided by references provided in the module
- Limited use of ideas and concepts from the module
- Some significant gaps in knowledge or misunderstanding (errors)
- Limited or poor reference sources
- May be overreliance on core textbooks/overuse of direct quotes etc.
- Learning outcomes are not fully demonstrated
- Insufficient knowledge to demonstrate the learning outcomes
- Serious misunderstanding
- No/inadequate independent research
- Overreliance on lecture slides and notes
Critical writing and originality of ideas
- Extensive critical evaluation of arguments and referenced research and literature
- Provides new insight
- Researched and answered from different angles.
- Considers the limitations of some of the research sources used
- Presents appropriate questions/critique of supporting research/literature
- Strong development of advantages/disadvantages, pros and cons etc. evident in answer
- May be some evidence different approaches to answering the question are understood
- May be some reference to research quality
- Acknowledges some alternative interpretations to the answer e.g. advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons
- Little/no reference to limitations of references research/literature
- Very limited identification of alternative view points
- Accepts reference sources as face value
- No evidence of critical thinking
- Poor critical analysis
Application and synthesis between theory and case study research.
- Thoughtful and thorough application of knowledge, theory and research to case study throughout analysis and recommendations
- Provides new insight
- Tailors information to answer the question fully
- Illustrates answer with range of organisational examples
- Links relevant personal examples/experiences to appropriate theoretical concepts and literature
- Applies concepts thoroughly to case study organisation
- Illustrates answer with some appropriate organisational examples
- Integrates personal examples where relevant to the question/task.
- Links to case study but integration with theory/research may still be disjointed in places
- Examples are very limited or lack relevance
- Examples/experience are not always linked back to theoretical concepts and literature
- Organisational examples/case study evidence/personal experiences may be mentioned but poorly integrated into the answer
- Lacks examples
- Very limited reference to case study organisation/personal experiences needed to fully address the task
- Ideas are confused or incoherent
Structure and presentation quality of report.
- Outstanding, sophisticated written communication
- No significant areas for further development
- Publishable/ Exhibitable quality
- Logical organisation and flow of ideas
- Error free written communication
- Precise Harvard Referencing
- An enjoyable read
- Well-structured answer
- Only minor spelling/grammatical errors
- Good grasp of Harvard Referencing
- Mainly easy to read and follow
- Some spelling/grammatical errors but do not significantly interfere with understanding
- Some attempt to Harvard Reference
- Difficult to read and follow in places
- Repeated spelling/grammatical issues
- Weak Referencing skills
- Difficult to read and follow
- Unacceptable standard of presentation
- Repeated errors in referencing presentation
Anonymous Marking
Submissions in Turnitin and Blackboard
You must submit your work using your student number to identify yourself, not your name. You must not use your name in the text of the work at any point. When you submit your work in Turnitin you must submit your student number within the assignment document and in the Submission title field in Turnitin. A video showing how to do this can be found in the Student Guides on Blackboard.
Assessment Regulations
The University’s regulations, policies and procedures for students define the framework within which teaching and assessment are conducted. Please make sure you are familiar with these regulations, policies and procedures.
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