Knowledge and understanding
Little or no understanding of the required content of the presentation. Some ideas presented but with little or no logical development. Explanations are often confusing.
Adequate understanding of some of the required content of the presentation. Very general presentation of an idea/event which lacks clarity and detail. Some confusing explanations.
A sound understanding of all (or nearly all) of the required elements of the presentation. A functional idea presented but needs development and greater detail. Sound explanations.
A clear, detailed, and convincing coverage of all the required elements. A good functional idea presented with detailed explanation. Good explanations.
Authoritative, clear, and confident coverage of all the required elements. A clear functional idea presented, and excellent understanding shown. Excellent explanations backed up with relevant examples.
Outstanding coverage of all the required elements. An outstanding presentation of a clear functional idea and perfect understanding shown of how the idea will work. Outstanding explanations backed up with relevant examples.
Presentation skills – structure, how fluently content is expressed, influencing skills, the use of visual aids
• application of logical structure
• influencing skills
• effective communication
• appropriate use of visual aids
Little or no logic in the structure of the presentation. The overall flow of the presentation is confusing and unconvincing. The use of visual aids is poor and requires major improvement. Very little or no influencing skills demonstrated. Poor communication skills.
The presentation lacks clarity and is not always easy to follow. The structure and flow of the presentation is quite poor and unconvincing. The use of visual aids is not very engaging and requires improvement. Some attempts were made to use influencing skills but not always successful. Satisfactory communication skills that need improvement.
The presentation is sound in clarity and structure. The overall flow of the presentation is reasonable and rather convincing. The use of visual aids is appropriate but needs improvement. Influencing skills are adequate. Sound communication skills overall.
The presentation is very clear. Care and thought have gone into the structure and smooth flow of the presentation. The visual aids are appropriate and effective. Influencing skills are skilfully used. Overall, good communication skills demonstrated.
The presentation is of an excellent standard - very clearly and professionally delivered, logically structured, with a very good use of visual aids. An excellent example of professional communication with influencing skills used very effectively.
Outstanding integration of content throughout the presentation, logical and easy to follow structure. The use of visual aids is very imaginative. Outstanding influencing skills demonstrated. A professional communication at its highest standard.
Time management
• effective delivery within the allocated time
Significantly under or over- time, the presentation has clearly not been tried out.
Presentation is either rushed, where many aspects are not covered, or covered inadequately, or presentation drags and/or becomes repetitive.
Right length of the presentation, but some material is not covered as a result/or over- runs.
Presentation delivered on time. Good evidence of planning.
Very well planned and timed presentation.
Outstandingly planned and perfectly timed and organised presentation.
Referencing and accuracy of language
• appropriate Harvard referencing style
• accuracy of the language (grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation)
Major errors in referencing or no referencing. Harvard Referencing Style not used. Exceedingly high number of language errors.
References are used, but in a very poor manner (i.e., only reference list or only in text referencing is used). Major improvement needs to be made to one of these areas: grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation.
Basic references have been provided, with some mistakes in the application of the Harvard Referencing style. Few issues with one of these areas: grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation.
Good referencing which supports the presentation well; however, with minor mistakes in the application of the Harvard Referencing style. There are hardly any errors in grammar, vocabulary, spelling, or punctuation.
Excellent referencing – very accurate, skilful, and appropriate. The sources excellently support the presentation. No noticeable errors in grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation.
Flawless referencing, an outstanding range of sources. There are no errors in grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation.