LO1Understand how to communicate orally and in writing in a clear and concise style.

Assessment Brief/s:

Assessment 1  Group presentation; 20 minutes, 30% weighting

Assessment Brief 1 

Programme title:

Foundation Year in Business and Law

Module name:

Communication and Academic Skills for HE

Assessment title:

In this module the learner will investigate the impact of coronavirus on the sector of their choice.

Class start date:

23rd September 2024

Class end date:

19th January 2025

Submission deadline:

27th November 2024, time: 2 pm

Assessment type:

Group Presentation(20 minutes including 5 minutes for questions) (Presentation will take place on week 6, 7 and 8 during face-to-face class)


30%: 1200 words (PPT)

Module Aims: 

The aim of this module is to provide and support students with the necessary skills base for engaging withFoundation Year modules, and to help students identify and develop a range of transferable skills in preparation for studying at degree level.The module aims to develop a reflective approach by helping students identify their own strengths and weaknesses, and plan for their personal, educational and career development.

Brief Module Description/Summary

This module content will cover the development of study skills specific to a Higher Education setting. This will include planning and writing assignments, preparing, and delivering oral presentations, collating, and presenting relevant information, reading, note taking and referencing from academic sources.It will then go on to introduce the purpose of research and consider a range of methods of data collection including surveys, focus groups, interviews, and secondary data collection. Then students will look at examples of data and how to utilise the relevant software to summarise and present the data. Analysis will also be considered: what can we usefully and accurately say based upon the data? 

Overview of Learning and Teaching Activities on the Module

Teaching will be primarily through small group seminars, workshops, VLE/e-learning resources, and regularone-to-one tutorials with personal tutors/supervisors. Our philosophy of learning and teaching, our understanding of teaching for Foundation years and CCCU policies and strategies have all influenced our specific approach to learning and teaching for the Foundationyear. Our teaching methods have been developed with explicit attention to debates pertaining to student learning styles.As such, our teaching methods provide a framework via which students develop the capacity to manage their own learning and evolve, over the course of their studies, into independent learners, acquiring the knowledge, understanding and skills that are essential to learning in Higher Education and to lifelong learning, post-graduation.

Module Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this module students should be able to:


Learning outcomes


Understand how to communicate orally and in writing in a clear and concise style.



In this module the learner will investigate the impact of coronavirus on the sector of their choice.

Delivery method

Group Presentation (3-4 members), 15 mins presentation and 5 mins Question & Answer session! All members should participate!Presentation will take place on week 6, 7 and week 8 during face-to-face class.


Live Presentation in a Group and Submission by PPT

Word count

PPT (1200 words including speaker note)


30% Marks

Submission method

CCCU Turnitin

Basic guidelines

Live Presentation in a Group (3-4 members) and Submission by PPT (1200 words including speaker note).


You will need to BOOK a timeslot for your presentation during seminar. The schedule will be posted on Blackboard.

The group presentation should take about 15 mins. There will be an additional 5 mins for questions at the end.All group members should participate. 

Please upload individually (each member of a group) your presentation to Turnitin by the deadline. Please ensure all the group members names and student ID numbers are included.

All the group members must submit their work into Turnitin.

Presentation contents and structure

Your presentation should include the following elements:

  • Overview/introduction

The business context and key questions chosen for investigation.

  • Review of literature

What did your desk research show? What themes and challenges did you choose?

  • Analysis of the findings

Critical evaluation of the findings. Alternative views supported by literature.

  • Conclusions and recommendations

What next and why  justify your views.

  • References

List the sources you employed, use Harvard Referencing System.

Assessment grading criteria:


  • Coherence and organisation of the assignment • Communication and

presentation • Presentation visual • Presentation oral


  • Attention to purpose • Referencing • Addressing the question



  • Content and range of knowledge displayed • Use of literature/ evidence of reading • Quality of sources used


  • Conclusion • Analysis • Critical reasoning


  • Interactive and group skills

Assessment Marking/Grading Criteria





Very good











































Learning Materials/Resources:

Essential Resources:

  • Cottrell, S. (2019), The Study Skills Handbook. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
    • Gallagher, K. (2016), Essential study and employment skills for business and management students, 3rd ed., Oxford: OUP.
    • Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2016), Cite them right: The Essential Referencing Guide. 10th ed., Palgrave Macmillan.

Recommended Resources:

  • Bassot, B. (2016), The Reflective Journal. 2nd ed., London: Palgrave.
  • Buzan, T. (2006), The Buzan study skills handbook. BBC publications.
  • Cameron, S. (2009), The Business Student’s Handbook. Prentice Hall.
    • Cottrell, S. (2015), Skills for Success: Personal Development and Employability. 2nd ed., Palgrave.
    • Creme, P. Lea, M. (2008), Writing at University: A guide for students, 3rd ed., Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press.
    • Gröppel-Wegener, A. (2016), Writing Essays by Pictures: a workbook. Huddersfield: Innovative Libraries.
    • Hall, R. (2011), Brilliant presentation: what the best presenters know, do and say. Harlow: PrenticeHall.
    • Institute of Management (2005), Personal Effectiveness. Hodder & Stoughton.
    • Lowes R, Peters, H. and Turner, M. (2004) The international students’ guide, studying in

English at University, Sage.

  • Marsen, S. (2005), Professional Writing, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Morris, C. (2012), Quantitative approaches to business studies, Prentice Hall.
    • Oakshott, L. (2012), Essential Quantitative Methods for Business, Management & Finance. PalgraveMacmillan.
    • Richards, D. (2002), Get it Across. Elliot Right Way.
    • Stanton, N. (2009), Mastering Communication. Palgrave.
    • Stuart-Hoyle, M. and Wiles, J. (2012), Orientation to Higher Education, 2nd ed., Reader’


  • Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2013), Cite them Right: The Essential Referencing Guide. 9th ed., Palgrave Publishing.
  • Trought, F. (2017), Brilliant Employability Skills: How to stand out from the crowd in the Graduate Job Market. Pearson.
  • Winstanley, D. (2005), Personal effectiveness, CIPD.


Relevant learning and support resources will be uploaded to the module Blackboard and provided on a student-specific basis by personal tutors. Students will be instructed and guided on usage of this materialthroughout the module. You are expected to keep abreast of current theories, issues and events that involve or affect business, or law, and studying at Higher Education. This may be via published academic journals, newspapers, trade magazines etc.:

  • Harvard Business Review (Available through the e-library)
  • Financial Times
  • The Economist
  • The Guardian Education
  • The Cambridge Law Journal
  • Business Law Review
  • Business Law International


You are expected to keep abreast of news, both specific to business management and general news as wellas other information published in websites. Websites you need to use and be aware of are:

Chartered Management Institute www.managers.org.uk

Confederation of British Industry www.cbi.org.uk

Office of National Statistics https://www.ons.gov.uk/ Organisation for Economic Cooperation http://www.oecd.org/unitedkingdom/ and Development – OECD

Government Website portal www.direct.gov.uk

The Bar Council https://www.barcouncil.org.uk/

The Law Society https://www.lawsociety.org.uk/

Please note that the format and order of this reading list is for illustrative purposes only. Additional course material can also be found in Library services. Students are requested to submit a single alphabetical order bibliography list containing all sources used for each piece of work submitted. For guidelines on the required Harvard referencing style, please refer to: http://www.canterbury.ac.uk/library/docs/harvard.pdf

Other Information

This handbook should be read in conjunction with other sources:

  • Student Handbook: for programme academic information applying to all modules. The Programme Handbook(s) available on the student administration Blackboard(s) for your Programme(s). This not only provides general information about matters relating to your whole Programme of study but also provides help and guidance on support relating to personal problems that might be affecting your study as well as rules and procedures and links to academic support and careers and employment guidance and opportunities.

Most of what you need to know about your foundation year, your degrees, rules, and procedures, where tofind help, and so on, can also be found via your student portal.

We look forward to working with you – please don’t hesitate to communicate any concerns or needs toyour module leader who is always happy to help!

Date and Validity of Assessment Brief:

September 2024: Valid for academic year 2024/2025.

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