LO1: Critically reflect on key opportunities and challenges leaders face in leading complex organisations
2025-01-17 14:06:13
BPP Business School Coursework Cover Sheet
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Assessment Title
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MSc Management
Leading through Digital Disruption
Coursework Assessment Brief
Submission mode: Turnitin online access
1.General Assessment Guidance
- Your summative assessment for this module is made up of this Coursework submission which accounts for 100% of the marks
- Please note late submissions will not be marked.
- You are required to submit all elements of your assessment via Turnitin online access. Only submissions made via the specified mode will be accepted and hard copies or any other digital form of submissions (like via email or pen drive etc.) will not be accepted.
- For coursework, the submission word limit is 2500 words. You must comply with the word count guidelines. You may submit LESS than 2500 words but not more.
- Do not put your name or contact details anywhere on your submission. You should only put your student registration number (SRN) which will ensure your submission is recognised in the marking process.
- A total of 100 marks are available for this module assessment, and you are required to achieve minimum 50% to pass this module.
- You are required to use only Harvard Referencing System in your submission. Any content which is already published by other author(s) and is not referenced will be considered as a case of plagiarism.
You can find further information on Harvard Referencing in the online library on the HUB. You can use the following link to access this information: http://bpp.libguides.com/Home/StudySupport
- BPP University has a strict policy regarding authenticity of assessments. In proven instances of plagiarism or collusion, severe punishment will be imposed on offenders. You are advised to read the rules and regulations regarding plagiarism and collusion in the GARs and MOPP which are available on VLE in the Academic registry section.
- You should include a completed copy of the Assignment Cover sheet. Any submission without this completed Assignment Cover sheet may be considered invalid and not marked.
2.Assessment Brief
This module is assessed through one graded element. You must achieve at least 50% to pass this module.
By completing this assessment you will the following learning outcomes (LOs):
- LO1: Critically reflect on key opportunities and challenges leaders face in leading complex organisations through digital disruption
- LO2: Understand how to sense changes, make informed decisions and adjust quickly in highly disruptive times
- LO3: Critically evaluate the significance of human factors and technologies to lead transformation and create a digital-ready and innovative culture
- LO4: Critically reflect on the mechanisms required to build teams and influence networks in complex and interconnected digital organisations
For this assignment you will create a “case for change” – a report that presents a proposal for how to digitally transform a company of your choice.
The report has to include the following tasks:
Task 1 (LO1): The Case for Change (10 marks)
Present the organisation you have chosen and explain what it does and in which markets it operates.
Afterwards, explain why this company is digitally transforming (e.g., emerging of e-commerce, Covid-19)
Finally, present the objectives of its digital transformation.
Task 2 (LO2): Gaining Digital Business Agility (40 marks)
By leveraging on the model developed by the Global Center for Digital Business Transformation (2018), advise your organisation on which initiatives and digital technologies can be used by your chosen company to gain Digital Business Agility.
Specifically, for each component of the Digital Business Agility Model (i.e., hyperawareness, make informed decisions and execute fast), you need to advice of at least of one initiative that can be implemented and one digital technology (e.g., Machine learning, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual/Augmented Reality) that can be used.
Task 3 (LO3): Create a Digital Ready Culture (15 marks)
By leveraging on the features of a digital-ready culture identified by Think with Google (2017), advise your chosen organisation on how a digital-ready culture can be instilled in order to support its digital transformation.
Specifically, for this task, you need to advise on how your organisation can create a digital-ready culture by:
- Putting customers first
- Creating a collaborative culture
- Instilling a culture of innovation
- Becoming a digital-champion
Your replies have to be critically justified with the support of academic literatures and/or real case examples.
Task 4 (LO4): Steer Collaboration (10 marks)
Your company is going to create a new role within the organisation in order to break silos between teams and departments and incentive collaboration: The Chief Collaboration Officer (CCO).
With the support of academic literature and of real case samples build a job description for the CCO, describing role and responsibilities.
Afterwards, please provide advice on how the CCO can increase collaboration across team members and departments within your organisation
Task 5 (LO1): Develop your Leaders (15 marks)
By using the Goleman’s leadership styles, advise which Goleman’s style leaders within your organisation need to develop to support its digital transformation. Your arguments need to be supported by academic literature.
Once you have identified the leadership style that will help your organisation to successfully digitally transform, advise your organisation on approaches and techniques that can be used to develop this leadership style in its leaders (e.g., Grow Model).
Structure and References (10 Marks)
- Structure is in line with the given instructions
- Give a professional appearance with consistent formatting
- Spelling and grammar are correct
- Each page has page number in the Footer
- Any tables or figures are correctly labelled
- Tables and figures do not cross boundaries, unless necessary
- Properly cite your sources in the text and in the list of references
- Use Harvard style for referencing and in text citations (see referencing guides and https://bpp.libguides.com/Home/StudySupport)
Assessment Self-Evaluation
You should complete the self-evaluation for each task of your report by using the rubric provided in the marking guide and attach it to your report. The template for this can be found in the marking guide section. The section to be filled in is highlighted in yellow.
Report Structure
Your report structure should include the following sections:
- Cover page (University cover sheet)
- Table of Contents
- List of Abbreviations (if appropriate)
- Task 1: The Case for Change
- Task 2: Gaining Digital Business Agility
- Task 3: Create a Digital Ready Culture
- Task 4: Steer Collaboration
- Task 5: Select your Leaders
- References
- Appendix (if appropriate)
Word count: 2500. It only applies to the main body (shown in bold)
Tip for Mapping the Assessment towards Module Topics
Task in Summative
Corresponding Topic
Task 1 - The Case for Change
Refer to the contents covered in “Leading in Digital Disruption”
Task 2 – Gaining Digital Business Agility
- Hyperawareness is discussed in “Sensing the Change”
- Making Informed Decisions is discussed in “Making Informed Decisions”
- Fast Execution is discussed in “Leading Change and Transformation”
Task 3 - Create a Digital Ready Culture
Refer to the contents covered in
- “Creating Digital Ready Cultures”
- “Create your Ethical Leadership Style”
Task 4 - Steer
Refer to the contents covered in “Leading High Performing Teams and Build Network”
Task 5 - Develop your Leaders
Refer to the contents covered in “Create your Ethical Leadership Style”
Structure and References
3. Marking Guide (Student Version)
The assignment is marked out of 100 and counts towards 100% of your module mark. The following table shows the tasks, marks and marking rubric:
Highlight in the rubric what level you believe you have met each task (fail, pass, merit, distinction)
Assignment part
Distinction (70-100%)
Merit (60-69%)
Pass (50-59%)
Fail (0-49%)
The Case for
- Present the organisation you chose and explain what it does and in which markets it operates.
- Explain why this company is digitally transforming (e.g., emerging of e-commerce, Covid-19)
- Finally, present the objectives of its digital transformation.
Explain why you
Change (10 marks,
feel you have met
this task and
highlight what
level you believe
you have met -fail,
pass, merit,
(not part of maximum
word submission)
Detailed presentation of the chosen company and of the sector in which it operates. Detailed presentation of what are threaths that the chosen company is facing and that oblige it to digitally transform. Detailed presentation of what are the objectives and the
vision of the chosen company’s digital transformation.
Presentation of some of the most recent digital initiatives run by the chosen company.
Good presentation of the chosen company and of the sector in which it operates. Good presentation of what are threaths that the chosen company is facing and that oblige it to digitally transform. Good presentation of what are the objectives and the vision of the chosen company’s digital transformation.
Adequate presentation of the chosen company and of the sector in which it operates.
Adequate presentation of what are threaths that the chosen company is facing and that oblige it to digitally transform.
Adequate presentation of what are the objectives and the vision of the chosen company’s digital transformation.
Student does not explain what the chosen company is and/or the sector in which it operates. It is not clear what are the objectives of its digital transformation and what are the threats that oblige it to change.
Gaining Digital
- Advice on initiatives and digital technologies to gain each component of the Business Digital Agility
o Hyperawareness
o Make Informed Decisions
o Execute Fast
- Example of digital technologies: Machine learning, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual/Augmented Reality
- For a high mark, you have to bring really case examples to support your arguments
Explain why you
Business Agility (40
feel you have met
marks, LO2)
this task and
highlight what
level you believe
you have met -fail,
pass, merit,
(not part of maximum
word submission)
Student gives detailed advice about one initiative and one digital technology that can help to gain Digital Business Agility.
Each dimension of Digital Business Agility is presented in detail.
Student shows good critical discussion and apply the concept to the chosen company. Arguments are supported with academic
Student gives good advice about one initiative and one digital technology that can help to gain Digital Business Agility.
Each dimension of Digital Business Agility is presented in detail.
Student shows critical discussion and apply the concept to the chosen company.
Student gives adequate advice about one initiative and one digital technology that can help to gain Digital Business Agility
Student is descriptive, but applies the concept to the chosen company.
Student does not advise on any initiatives and technologies on how to develop the three components of digital business agility
Student presents only general concepts without applying them to the chosen organisation
Create a Digital-
- You have to advice on how your organisation can create a digital-ready culture by:
o Putting customers first
o Creating a collaborative culture
o Instilling a culture of innovation
o Becoming a digital-champion
- Replies have to be critically justified with the support of academic literatures and/or real case examples
Explain why you
Ready Culture (15
feel you have met
marks, LO3)
this task and
highlight what
level you believe
you have met -fail,
pass, merit,
(not part of maximum
word submission)
Student gives detailed advices on how the organisation can create a digital-ready culture.
Student gives good advices on how the organisation can create a digital-ready culture.
Student gives adequate advices on how the organisation can create a digital-ready culture.
Student does not give advice on how the organisation can create a digital-ready culture.
Student shows good critical discussion and apply the concept to the chosen company with the support of academic literature and/ore real case
Student shows critical discussion and apply the concept to the chosen company.
Student is descriptive, but applies the concept to the chosen company.
Student presents only general concepts without applying them to the chosen organisation
- With the support of academic literature and of real case samples, student has to build a job description for The Chief Collaboration Officer (CCO)., describing role and responsibilities.
- Student gives advices on how the CCO can increase collaboration across team members and departments within the selected organisation
Explain why you
Collaboration (10
feel you have met
marks, LO4)
this task and
highlight what
level you believe
you have met -fail,
pass, merit,
(not part of maximum
word submission)
Student provides a detailed job description of the CCO and give detailed advice about how this person can help steering collaboration within the chosen organisation.
Student shows good critical discussion and apply the concept to the chosen
Student provides a good job description of the CCO and give good advice about how this person can help steering collaboration within the chosen organisation.
Student shows critical discussion and apply the concept to the chosen
Student provides a adequate job description of the CCO and give adequate advice about how this person can help steering collaboration within the chosen organisation.
Student is descriptive, but applie the concept to the chosen organisation
Student does not provide a job description for the CCO and does not give advice about how this person can steer collaboration.
Student presents only general concepts without applying them to the chosen organisation
Develop your Leaders (15 marks, LO1)
- By using the Goleman’s leadership styles, advice which Goleman’s style leaders within your organisation need to develop to support its digital transformation.
- Once you have identified the leadership style that will help your organisation to successfully digitally transform, advice your organisation about approaches and techniques that can be used to develop this leadership style in its leaders (e.g., Grow Model).
- Arguments have to be supported by academic literature.
Explain why you feel you have met this task and highlight what level you believe you have met -fail,
pass, merit, distinction
(not part of maximum word submission)
Student identifies and presents in detail one leadership style that leaders need to develop to support the organisation’s digital transformation.
Student is giving a detailed advice about techniques and approaches that can be used for developing those leadership skills
Student shows good critical discussion ability and apply the concepts to the chosen company. Arguments are supported by academic literature
Student identifies and clearly present one leadership style that leaders need to develop to support the organisation’s digital transformation.
Student is giving a good advice about techniques and approaches that can be used for developing those leadership skills
Student shows critical discussion ability and apply the concepts to the chosen company.
Student identifies and adequateally present one leadership style that leaders need to develop to support the
organisation’s digital transformation.
Student is giving a adequate advice about techniques and approaches that can be used for developing those leadership skills
Student is descriptive, but applies the concept to the chosen organisation
Student is not advising on any leadership style that can support the digital transformation of the organisation and is not giving indication of approaches and techniques that can be used for develop those skills.
Student presents only general concepts without applying them to the chosen organisation
Structure and
- Structure is in line with the given structure
- Give a professional appearance with consistent formatting
- Spelling and grammar are correct
- Each page has page number in the Footer
- Any tables or figures are correctly labelled
- Tables and figures do not cross boundaries, unless necessary
- Properly cite your sources in the text and in the list of references
- Use Harvard style for referencing and in-body citations (see referencing guides and tools here: https://bpp.libguides.com/Home/StudySupport )
Explain why you
References (10
feel you have met
this task and
highlight what
level you believe
you have met -fail,
pass, merit,
(not part of maximum
word submission)
For a distinction the report will use a consistent approach to
headings, tables and graphs.
Referencing has few if any errors. The report is reasonably
well presented but could be
There is a limited number of references but the correct format
is used, albeit with some errors.
References are inappropriate, irrelevant and/or incorrectly
formatted. The references
Sources will be correctly cited and there will be a complete set of references in the correct format and in alphabetical order. There is evidence of extensive independent reading and research. Formatting and presentation is professional
improved by greater attention to detail. There is evidence of wider reading and research.
There may be some errors in formatting and presentation but the report is reasonably professional in appearance.
themselves suggest they have simply been copied from another source without accessing the material by the student.
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