Grade Boundaries
Criteria/Learning outcomes
40 – 49%
50 – 59%
60 – 69%
70 – 79%
80 – 89%
Fairly good
Criteria 1:
Choose a FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) company and show how the changes in the marketplace over the past 5 years have influenced their existing product range. 30%
Does not meet the learning outcome and criteria to pass the assignment
Minimum understanding and knowledge of key ideas in change management. Lacks systematic, in depth engagement with key concepts.
Satisfactory understanding and knowledge of key ideas in change management. Satisfactory systematic, in depth engagement with key concepts.
Fairly good understanding and knowledge of key ideas in change management. Fairly good systematic, in-depth engagement with key concepts.
Good understanding and knowledge of key ideas in change management. Good systematic, in depth engagement with key concepts.
Excellent understanding and knowledge of key ideas in change management. Excellent systematic, in depth engagement with key concepts.
Exceptional understanding and knowledge of key ideas in change management. Exceptional systematic, in depth engagement with key concepts.
Outstanding understanding and knowledge of key ideas in change management. Outstanding systematic, in depth engagement with key concepts.
Criteria 2:
Define how change in consumer demand has affected their creativity and discuss the main drivers in satisfying the market. Analyse the various components of change in the most important areas of the strategic plan. 30%
Does not meet the learning outcome and criteria to pass the assignment
Minimum analysis, enquiry, and critical evaluation. Arguments are poorly developed with minimum support from research to make judgements or find solutions. Ideas are poorly communicated.
Satisfactory analysis, enquiry, and critical evaluation. Arguments are satisfactorily developed with satisfactory support from research to make judgements or find solutions.
Ideas are satisfactorily communicated.
Fairly good analysis, enquiry, and critical evaluation. Development of arguments is fairly good with fairly good support from research, to make judgements or find solutions.
Communication of ideas is fairly good.
Good analysis, enquiry, and critical evaluation. Development of arguments is good with good support from research, judgements or find solutions.
Communication of ideas is good.
Excellent analysis, enquiry, and critical evaluation. Development of arguments is excellent with excellent support from research to make judgements or find solutions. Communication of ideas is excellent.
Exceptional analysis, enquiry, and critical evaluation. Development of arguments is exceptional with exceptional support from research to make judgements or find solutions. Communication of ideas is exceptional.
Outstanding analysis, enquiry, and critical evaluation. Development of arguments is outstanding with outstanding support from research to make judgements or find solutions. Communication of ideas is outstanding.
Criteria 3:
Critically evaluate the importance of the technological advancement in the area of management change and how it has been influenced by environmental issues and in particular the effect of the recent pandemic. 25%
Does not meet the learning outcome and criteria to pass the assignment
Minimum understanding and knowledge of key ideas in technological advancements and environmental analysis. Lacks systematic, in depth engagement with key concepts.
Satisfactory understanding and knowledge of key ideas in technological advancements and environmental analysis. Satisfactory systematic, in depth engagement with key concepts.
Fairly good understanding and knowledge of key ideas in technological advancements and environmental analysis. Fairly good systematic, in depth engagement with key concepts.
Good understanding and knowledge of key ideas in technological advancements and environmental analysis. Good systematic, in depth engagement with key concepts.
Excellent understanding and knowledge of key ideas in technological advancements and environmental analysis. Excellent systematic, in depth engagement with key concepts.
Exceptional understanding and knowledge of key ideas in technological advancements and environmental analysis. Exceptional systematic, in depth engagement with key concepts.
Outstanding understanding and knowledge of key ideas in technological advancements and environmental analysis. Outstanding systematic, in depth engagement with key concepts.
Criteria 4:
Quality of the written work. Clear structure to the work and correct spelling was used throughout (10%)
Inadequate or incomplete
Written to a poor standard, poor English, and Grammar.
Satisfactory attempt to construct a fluent and coherent argument. Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors present. Accurate and written to a satisfactory standard
Fairly good attempt to construct a fluent and coherent argument. Legible and carefully proofread. Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors non-existent). Accurate and written to an adequate standard
Good attempt to construct a fluent and coherent argument. Legible and carefully proofread Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors non-existent. Accurate and written to a very good standard
Power and persuasive conclusion made, based upon the analysis/evaluation presented.
Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors non-existent. Accurate and written to a very excellent standard
Exceptionally powerful and persuasive conclusion made, based upon the analysis/evaluation presented.
Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors non-existent. Accurate and written to a very exceptional standard
Outstanding, original, and persuasive conclusion made, based upon the analysis/evaluation presented. Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors non-existent. Accurate and written to an outstanding standard
Criteria 5: Harvard Referencing formatting and use of source material
Inadequate or incomplete
No references in text with errors in text and list of sources and/or only websites used.
Many omissions of references and format errors in text with omissions and format errors on list of sources.
Occasional omission of reference in text with some format errors in text and list of sources. Limited range of source material.
Good range of source material. All sources acknowledged in text with minor format error in text or list of sources.
Broad range of source material. All sources acknowledged in text and appropriately referenced in line with LBS Harvard referencing.
Exceptional range of source material. All sources acknowledged in text and appropriately referenced in line with LBS Harvard referencing.
Outstanding range of current and field leading source material. All sources acknowledged in text and appropriately referenced in line with LBS Harvard referencing.
All marks/grades remain indicative until they have been considered and confirmed by the Assessment Board- Total