LO1 - Formulate a business project that has strategic importance in the management of organisations in a chosen specialised area.

BPP Business School Coursework Cover Sheet

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Business Project

Programme Name


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Assessment Title


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MSc Management

Business Project

Summative Assessment Brief

1.General Assessment Guidance 

  • Your summative assessment for this module is made up of this 5000 words submission which accounts for 100% of the marks
  • You are required to submit all elements of your assessment via Turnitin online access. Only submissions made via the specified mode will be accepted and hard copies or any other digital form of submissions (like via email or pen drive etc.) will not be accepted.
  • For coursework, the submission word limit is 5000 words. You must comply with the word count guidelines. You may submit LESS than 5000 words but not more. Word Count guidelines can be found on your programme home page and the coursework submission page.
  • Do not put your name or contact details anywhere on your submission. You should only put your student registration number (SRN) which will ensure your submission is recognised in the marking process.
  • A total of 100 marks are available for this module assessment, and you are required to achieve minimum 50% to pass this module.
  • You are required to use only Harvard Referencing System in your submission. Any content which is already published by other author(s) and is not referenced will be considered as a case of plagiarism.

·       Please note late submissions will not be marked.

You can find further information on Harvard Referencing in the online library on the VLE. You can use the following link to access this information: http://bpp.libguides.com/Home/StudySupport

  • BPP University has a strict policy regarding authenticity of assessments. In proven instances of plagiarism or collusion, severe punishment will be imposed on offenders. You are advised to read the rules and regulations regarding plagiarism and collusion in the GARs and MOPP which are available on VLE in the Academic registry section.
  • You should include a completed copy of the Assignment Cover sheet. Any submission without this completed Assignment Cover sheet may be considered invalid and not marked.

2.Assessment Brief


This business project assessment requires a 5000-word consultancy report on your chosen company,

i.e. private, public (but not government owned) and NGO. Your chosen company is your client who has asked you to provide the consultancy report following an investigation of a challenge they are facing and resulting issues that are currently impacting the company.

The learning outcomes assessed through this business project report are:

LO1 - Formulate a business project that has strategic importance in the management of organisations in a chosen specialised area.

LO2 - Evaluate the complexity of a business project in relation to the impact on internal and external stakeholders of your chosen specialised area.

LO3 - Articulate a business project appropriate to the context and specialisation of the research topic.

LO4 - Develop clear recommendations and solutions that add strategic value to an organisation / industry. 

The report should cover the following key areas:

  1. Executive Summary.
  2. Introduction.
    1. Challenge and issues the client is facing: Identified challenge and resulting issues explaining how they are connected to the current affairs and emerging trends in the industry and business. Plus, an examination of the problem from the consultant’s perspective.
    2. Purpose of the report – articulation of the challenge, issues, and the organisational specialisation area.
    3. Stakeholder analysis – need to analyse the power and interests of stakeholders in relation to the identified challenge and issues and evaluate impact of research on each stakeholder.
    4. Evaluation and analysis with secondary data (conceptual and numerical).
    5. Recommendations that would resolve the challenge and issues and a conclusion addressing the strategic value of the report.

You are required to discuss how your project would impact stakeholders and provide relevant recommendations which are resulting from the secondary data evaluation, and which could be of value to your chosen organisation. You are required to show your understanding of the importance of strategy in business.

Business Consultancy Report Structure

The following structure reflects a common way of organising final business reports. You are advised to follow this structure, but you can adapt it to reflect the exact nature and details of your project in liaison with in-class supervisors.

  • PP Declaration Page
  • Title page
  • Table of contents
  • List of figures/tables/abbreviations – if required
  • Executive summary
  • Introduction
  • Challenge and issues the client is facing
  • Purpose of the report
  • Stakeholder analysis
  • Evaluation and analysis with secondary data
  • Recommendations and conclusion
  • Harvard references
  • Appendices (if required)

The whole report should be 5,000 words. The front cover, table of contents, bibliography, and appendices are not included in this limit. 

Word Count Breakdown

The total word count for the business project is 5000 words. It is important that you ensure you cover each section thoroughly. In order to do this, it is recommended that you allocate an approximate word count to each section of the project. Below is an example you could use: 

Section of the report

Approximate word count

Executive summary


Section 1. Introduction


Section 2. Challenge and issues the client is facing


Section 3. Purpose of the report


Section 4. Impact of research on stakeholders


Section 5. Evaluation and analysis of secondary data


Section 6. Recommendations and conclusion




Please note that the above word count is an approximation and should only be used as a rough guide.


Executive Summary

You are required to write one page (approximately 500 words) of an executive summary. The executive summary is not to introduce your report but should be a summary of the whole report. You will therefore need to write this after you complete your report.

It should include what the identified challenge and issues were, and what the purpose of the report was. You are required to discuss how your report would impact on main stakeholders. You should also summarise your critical evaluation results.

Your executive summary should be concluded by any recommendations, making up the final part of your executive summary.

Your readers should be able to understand the focus of your project just by reading the executive summary.

For merit, you should provide a comprehensive and detailed outline of the planned approach for the research.

For distinction, you should provide a clear rationale of why you have chosen to conduct this research project.


You need to write this section with three different areas. The first area can be used to explain the context of your consultancy report.

The second part can be used to briefly discuss the current challenge and issues in one organisational specialised area in your selected company. This area should be the summary of next section, but you need to set the scene here.

The final part of this section needs to include how the report will be structured, and what the readers can expect to take from your report.

For merit, you should provide an explanation of the importance of the project for business strategy.

For distinction, you should provide a compelling discussion of rationale of why you have chosen to conduct this research project.

Challenge and issues the client is facing

You are required to discuss existing or potential future challenge and issues your chosen company [client company] is facing. This must be founded in recent evidence confirming that the challenge and issues are ongoing and unresolved.

If you decide to discuss current / existing challenge and issues, you will need to evaluate why your chosen company has been facing these issues and connect these to current affairs.

If you would like to discuss possible future challenge and issues which might occur because of the current affairs, you will need to discuss, as consultant’s perspective, why your client company might face challenges in future because of current affairs.

For merit, you should provide a discussion of how the chosen challenge is impacted by current affairs.

For distinction, you should provide a compelling discussion on opportunities and threats posed for your chosen company by current affairs and emerging trends.

Purpose of the report

You are required to state the purpose of the report. You must explain why you are evaluating specific challenge and issues and how this would benefit your client company. Your purpose of the report should be justified by the identified challenge and issues established in section 2. Your purpose of the report will form the question you later evaluate and suggest recommendations for.

For merit, you should provide evidence of currency of the challenge and issues you propose to evaluate using recent references.

For distinction, you should provide a brief discussion of methods [management frameworks] you will use to evaluate the challenge and issues your client company is facing.

Impact of Research on Stakeholders 

In this section, you firstly need to identify who your internal and external stakeholders are in relation to your report. You also need to discuss how your project is connected to different groups of internal and external stakeholders, and finally evaluate how your project would impact these stakeholders.

For merit, you should provide an analysis of each stakeholder’s power and interest in relation to the challenge and issues investigated.

For distinction, you should provide a discussion of relative importance of the various stakeholders that will allow you client company to effectively manage its resources and strategies to ensure success of the project [implementation of recommendations].

Evaluation and analysis with secondary data for your purpose of the repor 

This section is to show your critical evaluation skills. 

You are required to collect secondary data and analyse the data to answer the purpose of the report, including opinions, facts, and statistical information. You should consider including tables or charts using existing data you have collected for effective data presentation. You should ensure that sources of data are referenced correctly.

For the critical evaluation, you should consider application of theoretical frameworks. You may decide to evaluate data you collected without specific frameworks. However, you need to remember to compare and contrast different data and discuss how different data shows different perspective for your purpose of the report.

For merit, you should provide a justification for your choice management framework(s) for the evaluation of secondary data.

For distinction, you should provide a discussion of limitations of the evaluation of secondary data.

Recommendations and Conclusions 

The recommendations offered to resolve the challenge and resulting issues that impact your client company should be justified by the results of the analysis and critical evaluation, and you must also ensure that these recommendations are connected to the purpose of the report. It may be helpful for your readers if you remind them in this section what the purpose of the report was, and how this has been answered by the recommendations.

For the conclusion, you will need to address the key challenge and issues you have evaluated and how you have answered the purpose of the report. You should use evidence from the previous sections to support your conclusion.

For merit, you should provide explanation how the recommendations add strategic value to your client company and the industry.

For distinction, you should provide explanation of strengths and limitations of the recommendations.

References and Presentation

You should use the Harvard referencing system throughout the report (for in-text citations and list of references) and make sure there are no errors in spelling or grammar. You are required to use academic writing and your language should be formal, clear, and precise. The report must be presented as a professional business report.

Your report must use a consistent approach to headings, tables, and graphs. Pages should be clearly numbered, and this should correspond to the page numbers provided in the table of contents.

You are required to show a broad range of reading including academic journal articles.

3. Marking criteria:

Learning Outcome



Marginal Fail 40-49%

Pass 50-59%

Merit 60-69%

Distinction 70-79%

High Distinction 80-100%

LO 1:

Formulate a business project that has strategic importance in the management of organisations in a chosen specialised area.

Weak introduction of a business challenge and resulting issues impacting the organisation.

There is no clarity of thoughts related to specialised business area and business strategy, and no rationale for the investigation.

No link to current affairs is demonstrated.

Unclear articulation of a business challenge and limited link to resulting issues impacting the organisation.

There is limited rationale for the investigation but unclear link to the organisational specialisation area and no understanding of business strategy is demonstrated.

Limited understanding and link to current affairs.

Basic articulation of a business challenge with resulting issues impacting the organisation.

Somewhat demonstrated rationale for the investigation and link to organisational specialised area, but no understanding of business strategy is demonstrated.

Link to current affairs is somewhat demonstrated.

Well-articulated business challenge with resulting issues impacting the organisation. Demonstrated clear rationale for the investigation and link to organisational specialised area, and explained how it`s situated in the context of business strategy. Good understanding and links to current affairs.

Thorough and deep understanding of chosen business challenge and resulting issues impacting the organisation discussed in the context of organisational specialised area and the wider business strategy with compelling discussion of rationale for the investigation.

Excellent demonstration of links to current affairs and emerging trends with specific examples.

Outstanding knowledge of chosen business challenge and resulting issues impacting the organisation critically evaluated in the context of organisational specialised area and the wider business strategy. Critical discussion of rationale and links to current affairs and emerging trends with specific examples.


Learning Outcome



Marginal Fail 40-49%

Pass 50-59%

Merit 60-69%

Distinction 70-79%

High Distinction 80-100%

LO 2:

Evaluate the complexity of a business project in relation to the impact on internal and external stakeholders of your chosen specialised area.

Inadequate or no identification and categorisation of internal/external stakeholders.

There is no explanation of power and interests of each stakeholder in relation to the chosen specialised area.

Inadequate or no evaluation of impact of research on each stakeholder.

Limited identification of stakeholders with flaws with internal/external categorisation.

Unclear explanation of power and interests of each stakeholder in relation to the chosen specialised area.

There is limited evaluation of impact of research on each stakeholder.

Some key stakeholders are identified and appropriately categorised into internal and external stakeholder groups. Power and interests of each stakeholder in relation to the chosen specialised area is somewhat determined.

There is evidence of basic evaluation of impact of research on each stakeholder with some data interpretation.

Key internal and external stakeholders are identified with good analysis of power and interests of each stakeholder in relation to the chosen specialised area.

Good evaluation of impact of research on each stakeholder with good level of data interpretation and reasoning.

Key internal and external stakeholders are identified with excellent understanding and analysis of power and interests of each stakeholder in relation to the chosen specialised area.

Comprehensive discussion of relative importance of the various stakeholders.

Excellent evaluation of impact of research on each stakeholder demonstrating high levels of data interpretation and reasoning.

Key internal and external stakeholders are identified with outstanding critical analysis of power and interests of each stakeholder in relation to the chosen specialised area. Exceptionally thorough discussion of relative importance of the various stakeholders.

Exemplary evaluation of impact of research on each stakeholder demonstrating high levels of critical thinking, data interpretation and reasoning.



Learning Outcome



Marginal Fail 40-49%

Pass 50-59%

Merit 60-69%

Distinction 70-79%

High Distinction 80-100%

LO 3:

Articulate a business project appropriate to the context and specialisation of the research topic.

Inadequate and often implicit knowledge base of the business challenge and organisational specialisation area with some omissions and/or lack of relevant secondary data or theory of discipline.

There is no discussion of concepts and/or secondary data and no understanding of links to the current business environment is demonstrated. No justification of applied management frameworks provided.

Limited and increasingly explicit knowledge base of the business challenge and organisational specialisation area that begins to explore and analyse the secondary data and theory of the discipline.

There is some discussion of concepts but with major flaws in argument, limited numerical and non-numerical data, and limited understanding of

links to the current business environment. No justification of applied management frameworks


Satisfactory knowledge base; explores and explicitly analyses the business challenge and organisational specialisation area, its secondary data and theory with some originality, detail and autonomy.

There is some discussion of numerical and / or non-numerical data, and some understanding of links to the current business environment.

Application of management frameworks is somewhat justified.

Good knowledge base, exploring and analysing the business challenge and organisational specialisation area, its secondary data and theory with considerable originality and autonomy.

There is clear and consistent conceptual evaluation of numerical and non-numerical data with clear links to the current business environment.

Application of management frameworks is clearly justified.

Excellent information and knowledge base which deeply explores and analyses the business challenge and organisational specialisation area, its secondary data and theory with clear originality and autonomy.

There is critical evaluation of numerical and non-numerical data and its limitations, situated in the current business environment.

There is logical justification for chosen management frameworks.

Outstanding information and knowledge base which deeply and extensively explores, critiques and analyses the business challenge and organisational specialisation area, its secondary data and theory with clear originality, innovation and autonomy.

There is critical evaluation of concepts and numerical data, presentation of argument and counterargument, and limitations of data, situated in the current business environment.

There is comprehensive justification for chosen management frameworks.



Learning Outcome



Marginal Fail 40-49%

Pass 50-59%

Merit 60-69%

Distinction 70-79%

High Distinction 80-100%

LO 4:

Develop clear recommendations and solutions that add strategic value to an organisation / industry.

Weak/unrealistic or no recommendations are provided.

There is no connection of the recommendations to the evaluation of secondary data. The concluding remarks are missing or do not explain the strategic value of the report and its recommendations to the organisation and/or industry.

Some recommendations are provided but not all are realistic and would not resolve the identified challenge and all resulting issues impacting the organisation.

There is no clear connection of the recommendations to the evaluation of secondary data. Some concluding remarks given but do not explain the strategic value of the report and its recommendations to the organisation and/or industry.

Some recommendations are provided that are realistic but would not resolve the identified challenge and all resulting issues impacting the organisation adequately. There is some connection of the recommendations to the evaluation of secondary data. Some concluding remarks given but do not fully explain the strategic value of the report and its recommendations to the organisation and/or industry.

Recommendations are meaningful and would resolve the identified challenge and all resulting issues impacting the organisation adequately. All recommendations are connected to the evaluation of secondary data.

Concluding remarks explain the strategic value of the report and its recommendations to the organisation and/or industry.

Recommendations are insightful and supported by a comprehensive discussion of how they would resolve the identified challenge and all resulting issues impacting the organisation. All recommendations are connected to the evaluation of secondary data and their strategic value to the organisation and/or industry thoroughly discussed through the concluding remarks with identification of strengths and weaknesses.

Expert recommendations are provided and supported by a critical discussion of how they would resolve the identified challenge and all resulting issues impacting the organisation with demonstration of logical reasoning. All recommendations are connected to the evaluation of secondary data and their strategic value to the organisation and/or industry is critically discussed through the concluding remarks with discussion of strengths and weaknesses.



Learning Outcome



Marginal Fail 40-49%

Pass 50-59%

Merit 60-69%

Distinction 70-79%

High Distinction 80-100%

Personal research skills

Inadequate evidence of personal research using sources from less than two different types of research, (i.e.

Company research, academic research, etc).

There are no sources of recent evidence to support the chosen business challenge.

Limited evidence of personal research using sources from at least two different types of research, (i.e. Company research, academic research, etc).

There are limited sources of recent evidence to support the chosen business challenge.

Satisfactory evidence of research and some evidence of using a range of sources from at least three different types of research, (i.e.

Company research, academic research, etc).

There are some sources of recent evidence to support chosen business challenge.

Good evidence of research using a substantial range of sources from three and more different types of research, (i.e.

Company research, academic research, etc). There is significant number of sources of recent evidence to support chosen business challenge.

Excellent evidence of extensive research using a range of sources from four and more different types of research, (i.e. Company research, academic research, etc).

There is extensive number of sources of recent evidence to support chosen business challenge.

Outstanding evidence of extensive research using a range of sources from five and more different types of research, (i.e.

Company research, academic research, etc). There is extensive number of sources of recent evidence to support chosen business challenge.


Inadequate or no references and notes provided. Where reference list is provided it may contain inconsistencies, errors, or omissions.

Limited, appropriate references and notes provided with significant inconsistencies or errors.

Satisfactory, appropriate references and notes provided with minor inconsistencies or errors.

Good, with precise, full, and appropriate references and notes provided.

Excellent with precise, full, and appropriate references and notes at near- publishing standard.

Outstanding with precise, full, and appropriate references and notes at publishing standard.



Learning Outcome



Marginal Fail 40-49%

Pass 50-59%

Merit 60-69%

Distinction 70-79%

High Distinction 80-100%

Overall Grade

Your submission demonstrates a limited understanding of the key concepts and theories covered in the module. Your analysis is superficial and lacks critical thinking or evidence-based support. Your writing is unclear, disorganised, and contains significant errors.

Your submission demonstrates a limited understanding of some of the key concepts and theories covered in the module. You have attempted to apply these concepts to the chosen project or case study, but your analysis is limited and lacks depth. Your writing is somewhat unclear and contains some errors.

Your submission demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of the key concepts and theories covered in the module. You have applied these concepts to the chosen project or case study with some

success. Your analysis is generally clear and logical but may lack depth or critical

thinking. Your writing is mostly clear and organised, with few errors.

Your submission demonstrates a good understanding of the key concepts and theories covered in the module. You have effectively applied these concepts to the chosen project or case study, providing a well- structured and insightful

analysis. Your writing is clear, organized, and free of significant errors. You have demonstrated a strong understanding of the subject matter.

Your submission demonstrates an excellent understanding of the key concepts and theories covered in the module. You have applied these concepts to the chosen project or case study with exceptional clarity, depth, and critical

thinking. Your analysis is highly insightful and demonstrates a strong grasp of the complexities involved in your field of

study. Your writing is exemplary, clear, concise, and free of errors. You

have exceeded expectations and

Your submission demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the key concepts and theories covered in the

module. You have applied these concepts to the chosen project or case study with deep insight, originality, and critical thinking. Your analysis demonstrates a deep understanding of the innovative advancements in your field of study. Your writing is outstanding,

setting a new standard for clarity, conciseness, and originality. You have exceeded all expectations and demonstrated an unparalleled mastery of the subject matter.








demonstrated an outstanding understanding of the subject matter.



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