LO5 Prepare, present and interpret statistical information in a range of business-related contexts using tabular and graphical techniques
2025-01-17 12:58:55
CCT College Dublin Continuous Assessment
Programme Title:
BA (Hons) in Business
Feb 23 Group (Fulltime)
Module Title(s):
Business Mathematics
Assignment Type:
Individual or Group of 2
Assignment Title:
CA 2
Issue Date:
9th October 2023
Submission Deadline Date:
11.55pm, 19th November 2023
Late Submission Penalty:
Late submissions will be accepted up to 5 calendar days after the deadline. All late submissions are subject to a penalty of 10% of the mark awarded.
Submissions received more than 5 calendar days after the deadline above will not be accepted and a mark of 0% will be awarded.
Method of Submission:
Instructions for Submission:
Submission should consist of a single Word document
Feedback Method:
Results posted in Moodle gradebook
Feedback Date:
Learning Outcomes:
Please note this is not the assessment task.The task to be completed is detailed on the next page.
This CA will assess student attainment of the following minimum intended learning outcomes:
(MLO 5) Prepare, present and interpret statistical information in a range of business-related contexts using tabular and graphical techniques(Linked to PLO 3, 6 and 7; Know-How and Skill Range, Competence Role and Learning to Learn);
Attainment of the learning outcomes is the minimum requirement to achieve a Pass mark (40%).Higher marks are awarded where there is evidence of achievement beyond this, in accordance with QQI Assessment and Standards, Revised 2013, and summarised in the following table:
Percentage Range
CCT Performance Description
QQI Description of Attainment
Level 6, 7 & 8 awards
Level 9 awards
90% +
Achievement includes that required for a Pass and in most respects is significantly and consistently beyond this
Achievement includes that required for a Pass and in most respects is significantly and consistently beyond this
80 – 89%
70 – 79%
60 – 69%
Very Good
Achievement includes that required for a Pass and in many respects is significantly beyond this
Achievement includes that required for a Pass and in many respects is significantly beyond this
50 – 59%
Achievement includes that required for a Pass and in some respects is significantly beyond this
Attains all the minimum intended programme learning outcomes
40 – 49%
Attains all the minimum intended programme learning outcomes
35 – 39%
Nearly (but not quite) attains the relevant minimum intended learning outcomes
Nearly (but not quite) attains the relevant minimum intended learning outcomes
0 – 34%
Does not attain some or all of the minimum intended learning outcomes
Does not attain some or all of the minimum intended learning outcomes
Please review the CCT Grade Descriptor available on the module Moodle page for a detailed description of the standard of work required for each grade band.
The grading system in CCT is the QQI percentage grading system and is in common use in higher education institutions in Ireland. The pass mark and thresholds for different grade bands may be different from what you have experience of in the higher education system in other countries. CCT grades must be considered in the context of the grading system in Irish higher education and not assumed to represent the same standard the percentage grade reflects when awarded in an international context.
Assessment Task
Students are advised to review and adhere to the submission requirements documented after the assessment task.
In this assignment students are required to undertake research into chosen business, economics or financial topics and to present their research in written, tabular and graphical form. Students may work individually or in groups of two.
Students will obtain four sets of data, one of which should be obtained from primary research. Each of the four sets of data should be presented in tabular and graphical form with a written explanation of the data included. The data obtained by primary research must be accompanied by a description of the data collection process used.
Submission of this assignment must be in the form of a single Word document. Graphs can either be prepared in Excel and then inserted into the Word document or prepared in the Word file using the Excel insert function. The final submission must contain Excel charts of at least four of the types listed below. A particular chart type should not be used more than once and should not be used to illustrate more than one particular set of data.
All students must include an explanation of the personal learning they have gained from the preparation and submission of this assignment. Students working in groups of two must include an explanation of their individual input into the project.
All students must inform the lecturer in advance whether they intend to work individually or as part of a pair. If working in a pair, the name of the other student must be provided. All students must inform the lecturer, in advance, of the topic they have chosen for their primary research. Full referencing of all secondary sources used is an essential part of this assignment and all secondary sources must receive both in-text and end-of-text acknowledgement using the Harvard referencing system.
A cover page, table of contents and a list of references should be included. The list of references should show, in alphabetical order and using the Harvard referencing system, all of the reference sources used.
Overall introductions and conclusions are not required.
- An explanation of the data, its source and its subject matter, should be provided for each set of data. The reason(s) for choosing the type of diagram used (i.e. bar chart, pie chart, line graph etc.) should be given.
- Each data set should be shown and illustrated by the provision of the relevant table of data accompanied by one of the statistical diagrams listed below. Each data set must be illustrated by one chart only. A particular chart type may not be used to illustrate more than one of the four data sets.
- The diagrams must include a title and all other necessary elements such as axes labels, axes scales, legends etc.
- The source of each table of data must be clearly identified both in the diagram and in the list of references attached at the end of the submission.
- Additional credit will be awarded for submissions that demonstrate independence in approach and thinking.
- The secondary data submitted must be as recent as is available
List of Statistical Diagrams:
- Simple bar chart
- Component bar chart
- Multiple bar chart
- Pie chart
- Line graph
- Histogram
- Frequency curve
- Frequency polygon
- Cumulative frequency curve
Here are some reputable sources where statistical information appropriate for this assignment might be found:
- Central Statistics Office (www.cso.ie)
- Irish Government Website (www.irlgov.ie)
- W.T.O (www.wto.org)
- O.E.C.D. (www.oecd.org)
- R.T.E. (www.rte.ie)
- Newspapers, e.g. Irish Independent, Irish Times, Financial Times
- Business and Current Affairs publications, e.g. The Economist
Students are free to use data from other reputable sources of their choosing.
Submission Requirements
All assessment submissions must meet the minimum requirements listed below. Failure to do so will affect the mark awarded.
- Submissions should be in the form of a single Word document containing all the relevant texts, tables and charts.
- With regard to the primary data, the process of collecting the actual data must be explained.
- Use font size 11 with 1.5 line spacing throughout (varied font size can be used for headings).
- Submissions, including cover page, table of contents and list of references, should not exceed 2,000 words.
- Completed submissions should be uploaded to the relevant submission link using students’ personal log-in details.
- Instances of collusion, plagiarism or other academic impropriety will be subject to penalty in accordance with CCT College regulations.
All assessment submissions must:
- Be submitted by the deadline date specified (11.55pm, Sunday, 19th November 2023) or be subject to late submission penalties
- Be submitted via Moodle upload
- Use Harvard Referencing when citing third party material
- Be students’ own work.
- Include the CCT assessment cover page.
Additional Information
- Lecturers are not required to review draft assessment submissions. This may be offered at the lecturer’s discretion.
- In accordance with CCT policy, feedback to learners may be provided in written, audio or video format and can be provided as individual learner feedback, small group feedback or whole class feedback.
- Results and feedback will only be issued when assessments have been marked and moderated / reviewed by a second examiner.
- Additional feedback may be requested by attending the next class or by direct Moodle message to the lecturer.
Additional feedback may be provided as individual, small group or whole class feedback. Lecturers are not obliged to respond to email requests for additional feedback where this is not the specified process or to respond to further requests for feedback following the additional feedback.
- Following receipt of feedback, where a student believes there has been an error in the marks or feedback received, they should avail of the recheck and review process and should not attempt to get a revised mark / feedback by directly approaching the lecturer. Lecturers are not authorised to amend published marks outside of the recheck and review process or the Board of Examiners process.
- Students are advised that disagreement with an academic judgement is not grounds for review.
- For additional support with academic writing and referencing students are advised to contact the CCT Library Service or access the CCT Learning Space.
- For additional support with subject matter content students are advised to contact the CCT Student Mentoring Academy
- For additional support with IT subject content, students are advised to access the CCT Support Hub.
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