grammar, punctuation, and numeracy)
numeracy are highly accurate.
spelling, and numeracy are accurate.
grammar, spelling, and numeracy are accurate.
spelling and/or numeracy are mainly accurate.
detract from the style and fluency. Accuracy of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and numeracy allows understanding but needs to be improved.
spelling, and or numeracy.
grammar, punctuation and/or numeracy make interpretation challenging for an assessor.
17. Digital skills
Excellent use of a range of appropriate digital technologies to enhance the work, showing digital literacy and originality.
A range of digital technologies are used accurately to enhance the work, demonstrating very good digital literacy.
A range of appropriate digital technologies are used largely accurately to enhance the work, showing good digital literacy.
Appropriate digital technologies are used to enhance the work, showing some digital literacy.
Understandable and clear work with use of appropriate digital technologies but errors which detract from digital literacy.
Some appropriate digital technologies are used but overall digital literacy is poor.
Digital technologies are not used appropriately; digital literacy not demonstrated.
18. Presentation (visual)
Message is presented clearly and imaginatively with very strong visual impact.
Message is presented clearly and creatively with strong visual impact.
Presentation is clear and has some visual impact.
Presentation has a generally sound structure and visual tools are used effectively.
Visual aspect and/or structure of presentation is adequate but with limited creativity.
Presented in a disorganised manner. Lacks appropriate support from visual tools.
Presentation is disorganised and/or incoherent and/or medium is non-visual.
19. Presentation (oral)
Presentation is very well structured and engaging. Audibility and pace are appropriate to audience and used engagingly with excellent effect to enhance the presentation.
Presentation is well structured and engaging. Audibility and pace are effective in engaging the audience.
Presentation is well- structured and attempts to engage the audience. Pace and audibility are very good.
Presentation has a generally sound structure. Pace and audibility are satisfactory most of the time.
Pace, audibility and/or structure of presentation are adequate with some areas for development.
Delivery is disorganised and/or pace and audibility is poor.
Presentation is not understandable and/or inaudible and/or not an oral presentation.
20. Interactive and group skills (including teamwork, negotiation, understanding group dynamics)
Interacts effectively within a learning group, giving and receiving information and ideas and modifying responses where appropriate.
Meets obligations to others (tutors and/or peers) providing contributions to support shared objectives.
Recognises and assesses alternative options.
Shows awareness of the need to adopt a range of responses to interact effectively. Contributes effectively to group aims.
Shows awareness of the need for adopting a range of responses to interact effectively.
Contributes reasonably effectively to group aims.
Uses basic interactive skills appropriately to usefully contribute to the group aims.
In this assignment there was a tendency to avoid working with others or contributions to this group activity were not effective or constructive.
In this assignment there was a lack of contributions to the group, or the contributions made were unconstructive and made it harder for the group to achieve their aims.
21. Self- presentation/ interpersonal skills
Confident self- presentation employing a range of interpersonal skills appropriate to the
Confident self- presentation and interpersonal skills appropriate to the
Adopts both a formal and informal style and uses basic interpersonal
Adopts both a formal and informal style and uses basic interpersonal skills generally
Shows awareness of different styles of self- presentation and is willing to use them in
Demonstrates some self-awareness and/or interpersonal skills but at key moments the
In this task self- awareness and appropriate interpersonal skills