LO1 Demonstrate state-of-art understanding and critically review literature and business practice in the area of creativity and business development with modern technology to characterise current leading edge business practice.
2025-01-09 09:21:27
MG5601 Business Intelligence Assignment/Coursework for 2020/21
Distribution Date:
Submission Deadline:
12 noon on 15th December 2020
Feedback by :
20 working day after submission
Contribution to overall module assessment:
Intention and aims
The central theme in MG5601 is to study theories and practices for Business Intelligence. Methods and theories have been introduced in lectures and laboratory sessions to help you understand the relevant issues. This coursework provides opportunities to demonstrate your understandings and abilities. This coursework is designed to help you develop your understandings of the theories and practices in business intelligence and apply the related techniques for resolving problems.
It is a project based coursework. You are required to apply theories and common practices in business intelligence to resolve specific tasks/issues in a specific case (the specific case/tasks/issues to be investigated need to be agreed by your module tutor, without such agreements, you will NOT receive credit), and to write an essay to report your work. Meanwhile you will need to keep a logbook for the project.
The tasks and assessment for this coursework involves two parts: (1) individual essay; and (2) project logbook.
1) Individual Essay
2500 words maximum (excluding references and appendixes) are needed and must be written in a professional style (Harvard style please) while adhering to the principles of good essay writing. The essay should be structured to enhance readability and use appropriate references method.
Consider a specific issue and analyse how the principles and techniques of business intelligence can be applied for business decision making. Provide suggestions and recommendations.
A title is needed for your essay. An overall introduction is needed;
Literature (Background) review: You are expected to conduct an extensive review with a particular focus on areas of business intelligence, increasing business competitiveness, business development, business decision making and their connections.
Main Body(with Section/subsection): This coursework provides the following opportunities (but not only limited to these) to:
- Apply methods of SWOT, PESTLE, etc. for analysis;
- Identify issues where business Intelligence can be applied for supporting business decision making;
- Discuss the methods or techniques of business intelligence that can be applied;
- Describe the procedures or operations involved; apply techniques; present the outcomes with discussion and analysis;
- Assess and evaluate factors influencing applications of business intelligence as well as recommendation.
Your own recommendations: You are required to explain how your chosen organisation/aspect of practice can adopt the strategies and be more effective and competitive.
A list of references using is required.
2) A logbook to record the activities involved in the coursework is required with evidence, where weekly based activities updates are expected (support documents, references can be provided in appendix).
The two parts (individual essay and logbook) should be submitted together in one MS WORD file.
Submission guidelines and assessment
Online submission
The one MS WORD file (essay +logbook) and the presentation slides need to be submitted using the completed coversheet via Blackboards assignment submission feature by the deadline. The file must have the following format:
StudentID-MG5601-cw.doc, e.g. 06983782-MG5601-cw.doc
Include your student id number as the name of the file, and “doc” as the file extension. Before submitting the file check that it can be opened and that it is readable. Re-submissions will not be permitted after the submission deadline. Files received in an unreadable form (e.g.corrupted or wrong format) may be subject to penalty and/or given a grade F. Ensure that your student ID is displayed in the coversheet (in the title page of the essay).
Important note
Please be conscious of avoiding any possibility of suspicion of plagiarism. It is very easy to detect similarities at the structural level of documents, even if superficial features differ. The examiner may deem unexplained similarities in essays are unreasonably included and designate an “irregularity”, which will lead to further inquiries and potentially a penalty such as failure on the module.
Grading Scheme
Grades will be awarded according to the scheme detailed below.
The following learning outcomes are assessed through this assignment.
- Explore and evaluate the means and approaches surrounding technology and business development, business model.
- Demonstrate state-of-art understanding and critically review literature and business practice in the area of creativity and business development with modern technology to characterise current leading edge business practice.
- Examine and reflect critically on the theory and practice of business models, strategies for business management with modern technology, as well as approaches to the development process.
Content: appropriateness of material; relevance; quality of analysis (35%)
The text displays an authoritative grasp of the link between the literature and the task. There are indications of originality in either application of theories/ideas or in synthesis of material. The analysis demonstrated your excellent insights into the aspect(s) of
business/management that you chose to explore. There are no major omissions, or irrelevant or inappropriate material.
70 and above
The text displays a very good grasp of the link between the literature and the task. There is an appropriate application of theories/ideas or in synthesis of material. Most aspects of the task are addressed competently. There are no major omissions, or irrelevant or inappropriate material.
The text displays a good grasp of the link between the literature and the task. Most aspects of the task are addressed with a moderate level of competency and professionalism, though the treatment may not be comprehensive. There may be one
major omission, but little if any irrelevant or inappropriate material.
The text displays an adequate grasp of the link between the literature and the task. There may be a major omission or two, and some irrelevant and/or inappropriate material. There is an adequate degree of skill in either application of ideas or in
synthesis of material.
All, or many, of the following apply: an inadequate grasp of the link between the literature and the task; major omissions, irrelevant and/or inappropriate material.
39 and below
Structure: overall structure; sequencing; references; professionalism (35%)
The structure of the text is very clearly highlighted by use of appropriate paragraphs; there is very clear and logical sequencing. The references, both within and at the end of the text, are accurately cited and presented. The presentation is of a professional academic style. The grammar/punctuation is error-free. There are no spelling mistakes or incorrectly-used words. There are no long, confused or unwieldy sentences which detract from legibility. Material taken from other sources is accurately paraphrased. It is within the word limit of 2500 words and is not less than 2000 words
in length.
70 and above
The structure of the text is clearly highlighted by use of appropriate paragraphs; there is very clear and logical sequencing. The references, both within and at the end of the text, are accurately cited and presented. The presentation is of a professional academic style with only minor flaws. The grammar/punctuation is near error-free.
There are very few, if any, spelling mistakes or incorrectly-used words. There are very few, if any, long, confused or unwieldy sentences which detract from legibility.
Material taken from other sources is well paraphrased. It is within the word limit of 2500 words and is not less than 2000 words in length.
The structure of the text is highlighted by use of appropriate paragraphs; there is clear and logical sequencing. The references, both within and at the end of the text, are adequately cited and presented. The presentation is of a professional academic style in places but with some significant flaws. The grammar and punctuation is reasonable. There are a few spelling mistakes, incorrectly-used words, and/or long, confused or unwieldy sentences which detract from legibility. It is within the word limit of 2500
words and is not less than 2000 words in length.
The structure of the text is adequately highlighted by use of appropriate paragraphs; there is reasonably clear and logical sequencing. The references, both within and at the end of the text, are adequately cited and presented. The presentation is not of a professional academic style. The grammar and punctuation is adequate. There is a number of spelling mistakes, incorrectly-used words, and/or long, confused or unwieldy sentences which detract from legibility. Material taken from other sources is only adequately paraphrased. It is within the word limit of 2500 words and is not less
than 2000 words in length.
Many, or all, of the following apply: the structure of the text is inadequate; the ordering lacks a clear and logical sequence; the references both within and/or at the end of the text are missing or inadequately cited and presented. The presentation is not of a professional academic style and many, or all; the grammar and punctuation is poor; there are many spelling mistakes, incorrectly used words, and/or long, confused or unwieldy sentences which detract from legibility; material taken from other sources is inadequately paraphrased; the references are either non-existent or inadequately
cited and presented.
39 and below
Overall (30%)
Evidence of a consistently authoritative grasp of concepts and content appropriate to writing a research essay, with evidence of depth and confidence in the understanding of issues underpinning the assessment task.
70 and above
A confident level of understanding based on an assured grasp of relevant concepts and content appropriate to writing a research essay. Evidence of significant skill in interpreting complex material articulated with a high level of competence.
A coherent response to the requirements of the assessment task. Evidence of accurate restatement and organisation of relevant concepts, methodology and material appropriate to writing a research essay.
Awareness of the requirements of the assessment task. Evidence of reading and
organisation of relevant source material and of an attempt to draw relevant conclusions. Evidence of attainment of all learning outcomes described for the task.
The work presented does not show achievement of some (or all) of the learning outcomes described for the task.
39 and below
PG mark bands and grade point bands [Senate Regulation 3 (2013 starters onwards)] are:
Indicative Mark Band
Grade Point
90 and above
Submission Instructions
Coursework must be submitted electronically via the University’s WISEflow system. The required file format for this report is Adobe PDF. Your student ID number must be used as the file name (e.g. 0123456.pdf). You must ensure that you upload your file in the correct format and use the College’s electronic coursework coversheet. Please note that submissions of ‘.pages / .docx etc’ documents will not be accepted and must be converted to approved format.
The electronic coursework coversheet must be completed and included at the beginning of all coursework submissions prior to submitting on WISEflow.
Academic Misconduct, Plagiarism and Collusion
Any coursework or examined submission for assessment where plagiarism, collusion or any form of cheating is suspected will be dealt with according to the University processes which are detailed in Senate Regulation 6.
You can access information about plagiarism here.
The University regulations on plagiarism apply to published as well as unpublished work, collusion and the plagiarism of the work of other students. Please ensure that you fully understand what constitutes plagiarism before you submit your work.
University’s Coursework Submission Policy
Please refer to the College’s Student Handbook for information on submitting late, penalties applied and procedures.
College’s Coursework Submission Policy
Please refer to the College’s Student Handbook for information relating to the College’s Coursework Submission Policy and procedures.
* this can be found at the bottom of the page under the ‘Documents’ section *
Extenuating Circumstances Policy
Please refer to the College’s Student Handbook for information relating to extenuating circumstances and procedures.
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