Analyse Sundar Pichai’s leadership qualities in comparison to Personal Effectiveness frameworks

BPP Coursework Cover Sheet 

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MSc Management

Module name

Personal Effectiveness

Schedule Term


Student Reference Number (SRN)


Report/Assignment Title


Date of Submission

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I hereby declare that I have read and understood BPP’s regulations on plagiarism and that this is my original work, researched, undertaken, completed and submitted in accordance with the requirements of BPP School of Business and Technology.

The word count, excluding contents table, bibliography and appendices, iswords. Student Reference Number:                                                                  Date:

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BPP School of Business and Technology

MSc Management

Personal Effectiveness

Coursework Assessment Brief

Submission mode: Turnitin online access

1.General Assessment Guidance

  • Your summative assessment for this module is made up of this Coursework submission which accounts for 100% of the marks.
  • Please note late submissions will not be marked.
  • You are required to submit all elements of your assessment via Turnitin online access. Only submissions made via the specified mode will be accepted and hard copies or any other digital form of submissions (like via email or pen drive etc.) will not be accepted.
  • For coursework, the submission word limit is 3500 words. You must comply with the word count guidelines. You may submit LESS than 3500 words but not more. Word Count guidelines can be found on the Assessment tab for your module.
  • Do not put your name or contact details anywhere on your submission. You should only put your student registration number (SRN) which will ensure your submission is recognised in the marking process.
  • A total of 100 marks are available for this module assessment, and you are required to achieve minimum 50% to pass this module.
  • You are required to use only Harvard Referencing System in your submission. Any content which is already published by other author(s) and is not referenced will be considered as a case of plagiarism.

You can find further information on Harvard Referencing in the online library. You can use the following link to access this information:

  • BPP University has a strict policy regarding authenticity of assessments. In proven instances of plagiarism or collusion, severe punishment will be imposed on offenders. You are advised to read the rules and regulations regarding plagiarism and collusion in the GARs and MOPP which are available on The Hub in the Academic registry section (found via Help & Support).
  • You should include a completed copy of the Assignment Cover sheet. Any submission without this completed Assignment Cover sheet may be considered invalid and not marked.

2.Assessment Brief

The required submission for this assignment is a 3500-word Skills and Behaviours Review. Students are required to complete THREE tasks:

  • Analyse Sundar Pichai’s leadership qualities in comparison to Personal Effectiveness frameworks

  • Apply Personal Effectiveness frameworks to identify your key strengths and weaknesses for your employability
  • Evaluate different methods of learning new skills to enhance your employability

The Learning Outcomes that you have to meet in order to pass this assessment are:

  • (LO1) Critically evaluate how people learn for professional development.
  • (LO2) Appraise the key skills and behaviours required to be effective in a professional context.
  • (LO3) Demonstrate understanding of a range of methods of supporting personal effectiveness in a professional environment.

Your Skills and Behaviours Review should contain the following:

a) A brief introduction giving:

  • a definition of Personal Effectiveness
  • an explanation of the importance of Personal Effectiveness to professional development
  • n overview of the main body of the report, which MUST mention the key points of task b (case study review) c (personal skills review) and d (learning methods discussion) below (Total 5 marks)

b) Case Study Review:

Discuss the impact of Sundar Pichai’s skills and behaviours as a leader on Google and its employees

In this section you must review the case studies from this module to:

  • Identify Sundar Pichai’s leadership skills and behaviours (15 marks)
  • Discuss the impact of Sundar Pichai’s leadership skills and behaviours on Google as an organisation and on Google employees (15 marks)

For your critical evaluation you must link Sundar Pichai’s skills and behaviours, and their impacts, to at least TWO theoretical frameworks covered in this module, e.g. Covey’s 7 Habits, the CEO Genome Project, the CMI Code of Conduct or others

(This task meets LO2)

(Total 30 Marks)

c)Personal Skills Appraisal:

Critically evaluate your own personal effectiveness

In this section you must conduct a self-assessment test using any self-assessment tool from the Topic Workbooks:

  • Summarise the results of your self-assessment test, highlighting key strengths and weaknesses (10 marks)
  • Apply a framework of personal effectiveness (e.g. Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle, Ryff’s 6 Factor Model, Organisational Citizenship Behaviour) to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses (10 marks)
  • Discuss the effect of your weaknesses on your employability prospects (10 marks)

(This task meets LO1)

(Total 30 Marks)

d)Learning Methods Discussion:

Explain different methods for supporting and developing your own personal effectivenes 

In this section you must: 

  • Identify and explain different strategies you can use to improve on your weaknesses as stated in task (c) (10 marks)
  • Create an action plan with specific proposals for your personal development based on these strategies (10 marks) 

(This task meets LO3)

(Total 20 Marks) 

e)     A brief conclusion covering:

  • Key points of task b (Case Study Review)
  • Key point of task c (Personal Skills Appraisal)
  • Key points of task d (Learning Methods Discussion)
  • A summarising remark which explains the connection between all tasks

(Total 5 Marks)

Use of evidence in all parts of the report

Your report must contain evidence that you have read and understood the theories, models, additional reading and case studies in Personal Effectiveness on the Hub. This evidence must be present in all sections of the report.

Which forms of evidence must be in the report

  • In-text citations and a bibliography: there must be frequent citations throughout your assignment; they should be supported by a bibliography
  • Links to theoretical frameworks: there must be frameworks applied in the Case Study Review and the Personal Skills Appraisal. To apply frameworks effectively you must explain how Sundar Pichai’s skills, and your own strengths and weaknesses, compare to the qualities contained within the theories you choose. For example, you could discuss how Pichai demonstrates the CEO Genome Project habit of ‘deciding with speed and conviction’.
  • References to the case studies: in the Case Study Review there must be frequent references to the case studies which can be found in the Apply section of every topic on the Hub
  • References to additional reading: throughout your assignment there must be frequent references to the articles and videos in the additional tasks, which can be found in the Prepare section of every topic in the Hub Presentation (10 marks)

Your business report should contain the following:

  • BPP assignment cover sheet (including SRN and word count)
  • Business report title page
  • Contents page
  • Introduction
  • Case Study Review (written in third person narrative)
  • Personal Skills Appraisal (written in first person narrative)
  • Learning Methods Discussion (written in first person narrative)
  • Conclusion
  • Reference listing
  • Glossary (optional)
  • Appendices (if appropriate)

Recommended structure

The table below shows the sections and headings you should include in your assignment, with recommended word counts for each section.

BPP cover page

Assignment title page

Contents page


300 words

Case Study Review

  • Sundar Pichai’s skills and behaviours
  • Impact of Pichai’s skills and behaviours on Google

1100 words

Personal Skills Appraisal

  • Summary of test results
  • Framework evaluation
  • Impact on my employability

1100 words

Learning Methods Discussion

  • Strategies for personal development
  • Action plan

700 words


300 words



Total word count: 3500.

Please note the BPP cover page, Assignment title page, Content page, Bibliography and Appendices are not included into the word count. 

3.Marking Guide (Student Version) 

Assignment task

Distinction (70-100%)

Merit (60-69%)

Pass (50-59%)

Fail (0-49%)

Introduction (5 marks, LO1)

Guideline contents:

  • Explanation of what personal effectiveness means, which can both be personal and professional, to achieve your career goals.
  • Outline of what the report will include


Outstanding knowledge and understanding of the concept/purpose of Personal Effectiveness, including the importance of personal effectiveness in business.

Inclusion of wider business context and strong explanation of the links to the contents of

the report.

Good knowledge and understanding of the concept/purpose of Personal Effectiveness. Good explanation of the links to the contents of the report.

Satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the concept/purpose of personal effectiveness. Satisfactory explanation of the links to the contents of the report.

Weak knowledge and understanding of the concept/purpose of personal effectiveness. Limited or no explanation of the links to the contents of the report.

Case Study Review: Identify Sundar Pichai’s leadership skills and behaviours (15 marks) (LO2)

Guideline contents:

  • Identification of 2-4 of Pichai’s leadership skills in the case studies
  • Use of case studies
  • Application of Personal Effectiveness frameworks to Pichai’s skills and behaviours


Outstanding possibly creative discussion of Pichai’s leadership skills, including concrete evidence provided from the case studies and supporting references from further resources (such as Associate Learning Content). Answer includes outstanding application of a range of personal effectiveness concepts and understanding of

wider context.

Good discussion of Pichai’s leadership skills, including concrete evidence provided from the case studies.

Answer includes good application of a range of personal effectiveness concepts.

Adequate discussion of Pichai’s leadership skills,

including limited evidence provided from the case studies. Answer includes limited application of at least one personal effectiveness concept.

Severely limited discussion of Pichai’s leadership skills. Discussion lacks depth and contains inadequate or no examples of Pichai’s skills/behaviours. No evidence provided from the case studies. No application of personal effectiveness concepts.


Case Study Review: Discussion of the impact of Pichai’s skills and behaviours on Google (15 marks) (LO2)

Guideline contents:

  • Discussion of the impacts of Pichai’s skills and behaviours on Google and its employees
  • Application of Personal Effectiveness frameworks to the impacts


Outstanding possibly creative discussion of the impact of

Pichai’s leadership skills on Google and its employees, including concrete evidence provided from the case studies and further resources (e.g.

Associated Learning Content). Answer includes outstanding application of a range of personal effectiveness

concepts and understanding of wider context.

Good discussion of the impact of Pichai’s leadership skills on Google and its employees, including concrete evidence provided from the case studies.

Answer includes good application of a range of personal effectiveness concepts.

Adequate discussion of the

impact of Pichai’s leadership skills on Google and its employees, including limited evidence provided from the case studies. Answer includes limited application of at least one personal effectiveness concept.

Severely limited discussion of the impact of Pichai’s leadership skills on Google and its employees. No evidence provided from the case studies. No application of personal effectiveness concepts.

Personal Skills Appraisal: Summary of results of self- assessment and framework evaluation (20 marks) (LO1)

Guideline contents:

  • Summarise the results of your self-assessment test, highlighting key strengths and weaknesses
  • Apply a framework of personal effectiveness (e.g. Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle, Ryff’s 6 Factor Model, Organisational Citizenship Behaviour) to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses


Outstanding summary of the results of the self-assessment test. Creative explanation of main strengths and weaknesses identified by the test. Answer includes outstanding application of a range of personal effectiveness concepts and understanding of

wider context.

Good summary of the results of the self-assessment test. Effective explanation of main strengths and weaknesses identified by the test. Answer includes good application of a range of personal effectiveness concepts.

Adequate summary of the results of the self-assessment test. Adequate explanation of main strengths and weaknesses identified by the test. Answer includes limited application of at least one personal effectiveness concept.

Answer does not include the results of a self- assessment test. Weak explanation of main strengths and weaknesses identified by the test. No application of personal effectiveness concepts.

Personal Skills Appraisal: Discussion of effects of your

weaknesses (10 marks) (LO1)

Guideline contents:

  • Discuss the effect of your weaknesses on your employability prospects



Outstanding understanding of the impact that weaknesses have on employability, possibly evidenced with feedback from


Good understanding of the impact that weaknesses have on employability.

Adequate understanding of the impact that weaknesses have on employability.

Severely limited connection between weaknesses and employability.

Learning Methods Discussion (20 marks) (LO3)

Guideline contents:

  • Identify and explain different strategies you can use to improve on your weaknesses as stated in task (c)
  • Create an action plan with specific proposals for your personal development based on these strategies


Outstanding explanation of different methods or strategies to improve on weaknesses.

Strong connection from methods to identified weaknesses. Excellent action plan clearly linked to methods, with clear and specific steps or techniques required for self- improvement.

Good explanation of different methods or strategies to improve on weaknesses. Mostly clear connection from methods to identified weaknesses. Good action plan clearly linked to methods, with clear and specific steps or techniques required for self-


Adequate explanation of different methods or strategies to improve on weaknesses. Adequate connection from methods to identified weaknesses.

Satisfactory action plan clearly linked to methods, with a broad strategy required for self-


Unclear explanation of different methods or strategies to improve on weaknesses. No connection from methods to identified weaknesses. Limited action plan not clearly linked to methods, may contain no clear strategies required for self-improvement.

Conclusion (5 marks, LO1)

Guideline contents:

  • Provide overall closing statement, tying the main threads together


Excellent conclusion presented which clearly draws on the previous tasks and links insightfully to the wider


Good conclusion presented which draws a coherent thread between the key points of the previous tasks.

Satisfactory conclusion presented which draws on the previous tasks.

Conclusions show little relevance to the key points; limited or no argument presented.

Presentation (10 marks)


  • Clear structure and layout
  • Writing style: professional and concise
  • Appropriate Harvard referencing: range and credibility of the sources use and correct application of Harvard referencing style throughout report and appendices


Excellent with precise, full and appropriate references extensively used.

An exemplar of structured layout and professional and

Good with precise, full and appropriate references and correct Harvard referencing style.

Satisfactory with full and appropriate references (possibly limited in quantity; largely correct Harvard referencing style).

Weak with inappropriate references.

Limited structure and expression.



accurate expression. Inclusion of sources outside of the prescribed course reading.

A good example of structured layout and professional and accurate expression.

Structured layout and mainly accurate expression.


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