Learning Outcomes (LO) Assessed:
LO1 Use advanced numerical methods and apply these techniques to a wide range of structures, materials and loading conditions;
LO2 Integrate knowledge of statics, dynamics and mathematics to solve structural integrity problems and predict the modes of failure;
LO3 Use numerical simulations of real-world structures using principles of mechanics of materials under various types of loading, to solve problems of structural analysis;
LO4 Devise a practical method of attack for the solution of an industrially relevant problem, and fully justify decisions;
LO5 Generate and analyse all available evidence to solve complex problems of structural integrity and failure analysis, and work with technical uncertainty within the data;
LO6 Make general evaluation of technical risks and safety, through understanding of the basis of such risks and justify fully decisions throughout in practical analyses of structures; and
LO7 Establish and present an engineering solution that rests on limited data, and make recommendations for future development.