LO1 Use advanced numerical methods and apply these techniques to a wide range of structures, materials and loading conditions

University of Lincoln Assessment Framework Assessment Briefing Template 2022- 2023

Module Code & Title: EGR9044 Advanced Modelling and Simulation

Contribution to Final Module Mark (module weighting): 60%

Coursework Title: Coursework

Coursework Issue Date: 01/05/23

Coursework Submission Date & Time: 22/05/23, 23:59

Coursework Feedback Date: 13/06/23

Description of Assessment Task and Purpose:

The task is to design and simulate a porte-cochère, a porch-like structure, used to afford those getting in or out of vehicles protection from the elements (e.g., rain and snow). An example of a porte-cochère is shown in Figure 1. The porte-cochère is intended for use at the entrance to a hotel in Penang, Malaysia, and must have room for at least two large family cars. It is desired that the total mass of the porte-cochère is kept to a minimum. There are no restrictions on materials used or methods of manufacture.

Figure 1  Example of a porte-cochère at the entrance to a hotel.

Learning Outcomes (LO) Assessed:

LO1 Use advanced numerical methods and apply these techniques to a wide range of structures, materials and loading conditions;

LO2 Integrate knowledge of statics, dynamics and mathematics to solve structural integrity problems and predict the modes of failure;

LO3 Use numerical simulations of real-world structures using principles of mechanics of materials under various types of loading, to solve problems of structural analysis;

LO4 Devise a practical method of attack for the solution of an industrially relevant problem, and fully justify decisions;

LO5 Generate and analyse all available evidence to solve complex problems of structural integrity and failure analysis, and work with technical uncertainty within the data;

LO6 Make general evaluation of technical risks and safety, through understanding of the basis of such risks and justify fully decisions throughout in practical analyses of structures; and

LO7 Establish and present an engineering solution that rests on limited data, and make recommendations for future development.

Knowledge & Skills Assessed:

Subject Specific Knowledge, Skills and Understanding, Professional Graduate Skills.

Assessment Submission Instructions:

This submission is: ☒ individual work.

☐ group work.

You are required to submit your assessment in Portable Document Format (PDF) file format using the turnitin online assessment submission facility on the module Blackboard site.

All work should be submitted by the deadline stated above. Any late submissions will be subject to a lateness penalty in line with the University policy.

The method of submission described above should be used in the first instance however, in cases of technical issues please email your assessment to: soesubmissions@lincoln.ac.uk by the above deadline. Please include the module code and coursework title in the email subject. 

All work will be subject to plagiarism and academic integrity checks. In submitting your assessment you are claiming that it is your own original work; if standard checks suggest otherwise, Academic Misconduct Regulations will be applied.

Format for Assessment:

Your submission should take the form of an individual report using the following headings (with indicative weightings): Problem definition, Proposed design (16%), Pre-processing (50%), Post-processing (28%) and Summary (6%). All pre-processing (e.g. geometry, boundary conditions, loading etc.) must be shown and introduced in context. Where applicable, units should be stated. Results should be presented in a clear and concise manner with post-processing data and figures where appropriate. There is a 12-page limit for your report.

Marking Criteria for Assessment:

Marks will be allocated for suitability of element type(s) used, suitability of analysis type(s) used, computational efficiency, numerical accuracy and effective use of post-processing.

Please note that all work is assessed according to the University of Lincoln Management of Assessment Policy and that marks awarded are provisional on Examination Board decisions (which take place at the end of the Academic Year.

Feedback Format:

Feedback will be provided via the turnitin online assessment submission facility on the module Blackboard site, under the ‘Feedback Summary’ tab.

Additional Information for Completion of Assessment:


Important Information on Dishonesty & Plagiarism:

University of Lincoln Regulations define plagiarism as `the passing off of another person`s thoughts, ideas, writings or images as one`s own...Examples of plagiarism include the unacknowledged use of another person`s material whether in original or summary form.

Plagiarism also includes the copying of another student`s work`.

Plagiarism is a serious offence and is treated by the University as a form of academic dishonesty. Students are directed to the University Regulations for details of the procedures and penalties involved.

For further information, see www.plagiarism.org


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