Critically explore the pivotal relationship between strategic reward and organisational success


Module Title: 

Strategic Reward

Module Code: 


Assignment Format & Maximum

 Word count

Individual Report

2000 Words (+/- 10%)

Assignment weighting


Coursework Submission:

Time: 2300

Date: 29th March 2024
Method: Canvas

Coursework return Date returned to students:

4 weeks after submission date

Internal Moderator

Approved ☐

Module Board name


External Examiner

Approved ☐

Module Board date

July 2024

Module eligible for an extension on submission date (subject to UPRs)





Assessment Criteria

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding assessed in this assignment:

  • Critically explore the pivotal relationship between strategic reward and organisational success
  • Critically explore the main contextual factors which influence and impact strategic reward.
  • Evaluate the major practices, processes and approaches to strategic reward.
  • Critically appraise the importance of relevant underpinning theory in understanding the link between reward and human motivation.

Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes assessed in this assignment:

  • Contribute to business discussions by examining strategic reward issues from a range of perspectives.
  • Analyse a range of strategic reward issues and make relevant proposals to address them, both individually and working collaboratively
  • Determine the complexities and challenges of strategic reward, when implemented across multiple national borders/cultures,
  • Communicate effectively through debate, discussion and presentations, using initiative and independence in study

Transformational Opportunities:
E.g. Use LinkedIn Learning to improve skills

  • Feedback /Marking criteria for this Assignment
  • Performance will be assessed using HBS Grading Criteria (Rubric)
  • Feedback for improvement will be given in writing via your Canvas module site within 4 weeks of submission
  • Lateness Penalty: For each day or part day up to five days after the published deadline, coursework relating to modules submitted late will have the numeric grade reduced by 10 grade points until or unless the numeric grade reaches the minimum pass mark (UG 40/PG 50).  Where the numeric grade awarded for the assessment is less than the minimum pass mark no lateness penalty will be applied.  If the coursework is submitted more than 5 days after the published deadline, it will not be marked and a grade of zero will be awarded. Please note: Referred coursework submitted after the published deadline will be awarded a grade of zero (0).”
  • Critically explore the pivotal relationship between strategic reward and organisational success
  • Extensions: Students do not have an automatic right to an extension.  If you require an extension,this must be requested in advance of the submission deadline.  Please give your reason(s) for needing an extension.


Detailed Brief for Individual / Team Assignment

Assignment Type: Individual Report – 2000 (+/- 10%) words. Order now

Assignment Title: Design of a Customised Reward Strategy for a New Business

Description of the assignment, task, content and structure:

In this scenario, you are the Reward Director for an actual organisation of your choice. The organisation has decided to create a new division and your task is to design an optimal reward strategy which is distinctive and tailored to fit with the requirements and context of the new division and enable its success.

Key steps:

 The Context:

  • Firstly, select a real/actual organisation of your choice (ie the mother company)
  • Outline the context of the main company, whether is it the public/private sector, local, regional, national, or international. Is it established, developing, start-up, large, medium, or small?
  • Briefly outline the organisation’s approach to reward ie its grade structure, base pay, pay progression, variable pay, and benefits.
  • Contribute to business discussions by examining strategic reward issues from a range of perspectives.

The new division and its reward strategy:

  • Outline the idea for the new division and the business reasons for its creation.
  • Highlight why the new division requires a new and customised reward strategy.
  • What are the reward principles which underpin and inform the design? (these principles refer to the non-negotiable elements which characterise the new division and set it apart from the mother company’s approach to reward)
  • Identify and discuss the selected reward programmes (eg grading, base pay, pay progression, variable pay and benefits) and justify their inclusion in the new strategy – show how they fit with the reward principles and context of the new division - discuss other options considered. Reinforce your design choices with relevant theory.
  • How will the new reward strategy be implemented?
  • How will success be measured and monitored?

Any specific instructions: Assignment Guidance sessions will be run in tutorials

The assignment will be assessed using the HBS PG Criteria for Individual Reports (attached below)Our samples

Mark scheme:



Presentation and Structure


Intellectual Curiosity


Content and findings


Business Application







 Any specific instructions: 
The HBS Grading Criteria (rubric) will evidence how marks are awarded for individual parts of the assignment i.e. Presentation and Structure, Intellectual Curiosity and Referencing, Content, Analysis, Discussion 


Academic Integrity,  Plagiarism and Essay Mills

  • You are NOT allowed to copy any information into your assignment without using quotation marks and a reference – this is ‘plagiarism’ (a type of academic misconduct). 
  • You are NOT allowed to copy from other students (or allow other students to copy from you) – this is ‘collusion’. 
  • You are NOT allowed to copy from your own assignments on other modules – this is ‘self-plagiarism’. 
  • You must NEVER buy assignments from websites (essay mills) – this is called ‘contract cheating’ and it is now illegal in the UK. 
  • If you commit academic misconduct, your mark will be reduced, and you will face disciplinary action for repeat offences. 

Contact if you are unsure of the rules or how to avoid academic misconduct, and you will receive help.


Student Support and Guidance

  • For further help on module content and assignment details, contact your Module Leader during his or her drop-in/office hours or by email.
  • Use the Learning Outcomes and HBS Grading Criteria (Rubric) to help inform you of the expectations of the assessment.
  • Use CASE (Centre for Academic Skills Enhancement) website resources: . Attend CASE workshops and drop-ins to develop academic skills to meet HBS expectations (see the timetable on the CASE website homepage or drop-in to CASE in L064, in the LRC).
  • Visit the Academic English for Business Programme Site for tips on developing your academic English and contact if you have any questions.
  • For help with Turnitin, look for the “Check your work (Turnitin Originality Report)” practice assignment in the Assignment section of all of your modules.  For help with understanding plagiarism and how to make changes to your assignment, contact

Use the Online Library to access quality business information resources:

The relevant HBS Grading Criteria (Rubric) for your assignment should be added as a table immediately below the assignment description.  If you are unable to find the Grading Criteria (Rubric), please contact your Module Leader.

100% Plagiarism Free & Custom Written, Tailored to your instructions