Assignment Type: Individual Report – 2000 (+/- 10%) words. Order now
Assignment Title: Design of a Customised Reward Strategy for a New Business
Description of the assignment, task, content and structure:
In this scenario, you are the Reward Director for an actual organisation of your choice. The organisation has decided to create a new division and your task is to design an optimal reward strategy which is distinctive and tailored to fit with the requirements and context of the new division and enable its success.
Key steps:
The Context:
- Firstly, select a real/actual organisation of your choice (ie the mother company)
- Outline the context of the main company, whether is it the public/private sector, local, regional, national, or international. Is it established, developing, start-up, large, medium, or small?
- Briefly outline the organisation’s approach to reward ie its grade structure, base pay, pay progression, variable pay, and benefits.
- Contribute to business discussions by examining strategic reward issues from a range of perspectives.
The new division and its reward strategy:
- Outline the idea for the new division and the business reasons for its creation.
- Highlight why the new division requires a new and customised reward strategy.
- What are the reward principles which underpin and inform the design? (these principles refer to the non-negotiable elements which characterise the new division and set it apart from the mother company’s approach to reward)
- Identify and discuss the selected reward programmes (eg grading, base pay, pay progression, variable pay and benefits) and justify their inclusion in the new strategy – show how they fit with the reward principles and context of the new division - discuss other options considered. Reinforce your design choices with relevant theory.
- How will the new reward strategy be implemented?
- How will success be measured and monitored?
Any specific instructions: Assignment Guidance sessions will be run in tutorials
The assignment will be assessed using the HBS PG Criteria for Individual Reports (attached below)Our samples
Mark scheme:
Presentation and Structure
Intellectual Curiosity
Content and findings
Business Application