Analyse critically the strategic planning and implementation process in a global context.

 L7 Global Business Strategy

Key Details and Requirements

Submission deadline: Tuesday 30 January 2024, no later than16:30 (UK local time)

Learning outcomes:

1. Analyse critically the strategic planning and implementation process in a global context.

2. Synthesise and evaluate critically organisational leadership, particularly the principles that support values and strategies in a global context.

3. Apply and appraise critically different approaches to innovation and change management.

4. Evaluate, synthesise and draw conclusions from emerging models of strategies, their impact on relations with management, strategic direction and implementation in a global environment.

5. Identify a range of strategic leadership styles and critically evaluate their impact on strategy; ethics and values; and assess the benefits and limitations of each style.

Assessment details: Individual Portfolio (tasks and activities accumulated over the semester), 100%

Referencing: Students are expected to use Harvard Referencing throughout their assignments where required. Please follow the Harvard Referencing Handbook for all your assignments at the ULBS.

Submission Method: Turnitin - Your work will be put through Turnitin. All submissions will be electronically checked for plagiarism and the use of AI software.

You have the option to upload your work ahead of the deadline, more than once. ULBS will be reviewing your last submission only. You can only upload one file. For example if your work contains a word document and power point slides/Excel spreadsheet you will need to copy your slides/spreadsheet into the word document.Analyse critically the strategic planning and implementation process in a global context.

ULBS Assessment Office Contact Details

The ULBS Assessment Office are here to help should you have any non-academic questions related to your assessments. You can contact them at Ulbs-

Note: Keep in mind that self-plagiarism (when you reuse your own specific wording and ideas from work that you have previously submitted without referencing yourself) is also a form of plagiarism and is not allowed.

A portfolio is a purposeful and organised collection of materials, artefacts, or evidence that showcases a person`s skills, accomplishments, experiences, and growth in a particular domain or field. The objects (usually termed artefacts) may be written, physical, digital artistic, or any combination.

In this portfolio assignment, you will conduct a comprehensive analysis of a named global company facing a significant global problem. Your task is to research and identify a global company, either large or small, from any industry that is encountering challenges, such as a loss of market position or inability to gain/regain market share operational challenges or, a decline in revenues and profit. By applying relevant theories and models, you will assess the condition of the global business environment and propose strategic options for the company`s sustainable growth and success, including the impact of leadership.

Task Guidelines:

1.Phase 1 (Week 3) - Selecting a Global Company, Problem Identification and Diagnosis

a) Research and choose a named global company that is currently experiencing or did experience a significant challenge such as a loss of market position or inability to gain/regain market share or operational challenges or, decline in revenues and profit. The challenge that is chosen must have occurred within the last 5 years. The company can be small or large and should be operating in any industry of your choice.

b) Clearly identify the specific global problem faced by the selected company and analyse the root causes and implications of the problem in the global business context. Apply appropriate theories and models (e.g., Fishbone, VRIO/VRIN, SWOT) to support your analysis and provide insights into the company`s current situation.

2.Phase 2 (Week 6) - Researching Trends and Opportunities

a) Conduct extensive research on the global business environment of the selected company, using relevant theories and models (e.g., PESTEL, Porter’s 5 Forces) to analyse the company`s internal and external factors that may have contributed to the global challenges. As well as helping you to identify the challenges, the analysis must identify opportunities in the global business environment.

3.Phase 3 (Week 8) - Developing Global Strategic Options and Role of Leadership

a) Propose at least two strategic options that the company could/can consider to address its global problem, highlighting the role of leadership and leadership styles.

b) You may include aim of strategy (using BCG Matrix), tactics (using Ansoff Product-Market Mix), method of strategy (using Competitive Generic Strategy) and other international strategies. Justify each strategic option by considering its feasibility, potential impact, and alignment with    the company`s goals and resources.

4.Phase 4 (Week 9) - Conclusions, Recommendations and Reflections

a) Summarise the key findings of your analysis and strategic recommendations, discussing how your proposed strategies will positively impact the company`s future performance and competitiveness in the global market

b) Reflect on your own learning journey while completing this portfolio assessment. Remember the reflection section has to be written in informal language. E.g. I found that… / I felt that…/ I learned that… etc. 

Submission Guidelines:

  • Create an e-portfolio with Pebble Pad into which you copy and narrate things (or artefacts). Into each of the Phases (Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3), you then paste screenshots of things, which you then write a narrative about how and why this particular thing is relevant to the topic of the assignment brief, for example:

a) Interesting newspaper article from the Financial Times (the headlines and part of the actual text)

b) Front cover of a report you find online, that has been published by a Think Tank, or by the Government, or some professional body.

c) A still picture from a video you find on YouTube or some official and trustworthy website, Etc.

· So, what you could and should do, is do a PrintScreen on your computer/laptop, use of Snipping Tool or search for the item in Pebble Pad of what is of interest to you. You then save and upload that into the Pebble Pad as a PICTURE, and create a textbox just above it, into which you

a) make note of the location of that particular items – a reference identifying the name, location, publication etc, along with the date you located this link – basically your academic reference. This reference you would then copy into your List of References at the end.

b) Write paragraph(s) about the content of the video, report, or news article, particularly Identifying why this is relevant to your assignment

– in what way did you find this interesting and useful?

·Then, according to your Assignment Brief as described above, you would then write a summary report as shown on the Pebble Pad, where you summarise your accumulated knowledge from the artefacts you have gathered in your e-Portfolio, include in-text citations based on the references you have already made, and create a List of References.

·Your e-Portfolio assignment will be compiled and structured as a single report, adhering to appropriate academic writing format and referencing conventions all completed in Pebble Pad, and then print your portfolio in a pdf file, save it on your computer and then submitted as a pdf in Turnitin by the assignment submission deadline. Synthesise and evaluate critically organisational leadership, particularly the principles that support values and strategies in a global context.

· The report should be approximately 2500 +/- 10% words in length, excluding references and appendices.

· Ensure that you appropriately cite and reference all sources using a ULBS Harvard referencing style.

Recommended Structure of Portfolio Report

1. Page cover (including student number, module name, and assignment title)

2. Table of Contents (automatically generated in Pebble Pad)

3. Summary Report – the summary should cover the following:

a)  Introduction

b)   Analysis of company and problem/crisis

c)   Trends and Opportunities

d)   Global Strategic Options and role of leadership

4.    Conclusion

5.    Recommendations

6.    Reflection

7.    References

8.    Portfolio Items (portfolio items to be referred to in the summary report) NB: Your portfolio items will look like this: 

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