The system will allow the user to retrieve data from a CSV file using the csv module and fundamental python (control structure and file processing) to perform the following
2024-06-26 07:29:46
Coursework Assessment Brief
Assessment Details
Module Title:
Programming for Problem Solving
Module Code:
Module Leader:
Assessment Title:
The Software Project
Assessment Number:
Assessment Type:
Software Artefact and documentation
Restrictions on Time/Word Count:
Documentation No more than 2000 words (excluding
Table of contents, Table of Figures, Index of Tables)
Consequence of not meeting time/word count limit:
It is essential that assignments keep within the time/word count limit stated above. Any work beyond the maximum time/word length permitted will be disregarded and not accounted for in the final grade.
If a group
Assessment Weighting:
Issue Date:
25th September 2023
Hand In Date:
9th January 2024 by 4:00 pm.
Planned Feedback Date:
Within 4 working weeks
Mode of Submission:
Online via SOL
Only FINAL submissions will be accepted. DRAFT submissions will not be considered an attempt and will not be marked.
Number of copies to be submitted:
1 copy of a zip file containing the source codes: main program as Jupyter notebook (.ipynb), own-defined module as .py) and dataset for your software artefact
1 copy of a software document in PDF format. This should not be included in the zip file but instead
submitted as a separate file.
Anonymous Marking
This assessment is exempt from anonymous marking.
Assessment Task
You are required to develop a software application that addresses the problem scenario using Python and the tools specified in this assessment brief. You must document software implementation which provide a concise and critical discussion of your solution. You should discuss how your solution has been implemented with suitable justifications.
PhoneDB website, which is the information website for smartphones, tablets, PDAs, and mobile devices. PhoneDB offers a comprehensive collection of data and various services that harness the potential of this valuable resource to aid users in finding the most suitable mobile device.
In this assessment, you will process, manage, and analyse device features extracted from the PhoneDB website. You will work with this real-world data set which is provided to you in the form of a CSV file. The data file, device_features.csv, contains 48 columns. Each row in the file represents a single record for a device. The data set contains complete data for all columns for each record in the file. This means that there are no missing values. Some columns may contain multiple values within the same column. It is recommended that you familiarise yourself with the content of the data file before attempting the remainder of this assessment.
The requirements for the system are as follows:
a) The system will allow the user to retrieve data from a CSV file using the csv module and fundamental python (control structure and file processing) to perform the following:
Load the data from a CSV file into memory using the csv reader function. The path to the file will be specified by the user then use these loaded data to perform the following tasks:
a 1. Retrieve the model name, manufacturer, weight, price, and price currency for the device(s) based on the oem_id.
a 2. Retrieve the brand, model name, RAM capacity, market regions, and the date when the information was added for device(s) associated with a specified code name.
a 3. Retrieve the oem_id, release date, announcement date, dimensions, and device category of the device(s) based on a specified RAM capacity.
a 4. Retrieve information from your chosen columns and apply a specific condition that relates to an individual device. Please select at least three columns and one condition that differs from previous requirements.
b)The system will allow the user to analyse/query data using the pandas module to perform the following:
Load data from a CSV file into memory using the panda`s module. Use the file path received from task a) for this purpose. After loading the data, proceed with the following tasks.
b1. Identify the top 5 regions where a specific brand of devices was sold.
b2. Analyse the average price of devices within a specific brand, all in the same currency. b3. Analyse the average mass for each manufacturer and display the list of average mass
for all manufacturers.
b4. Analyse the data to derive meaningful insights based on your unique selection, distinct from the previous requirements.
c) The system will allow the user to visualize the data using the matplotlib module as follows:
Load data from a CSV file into memory. Use the file path received from task a) for this purpose.
After loading the data, proceed with the following tasks.
c 1. Create a chart to visually represent the proportion of RAM types for devices in the current market.
c 2. Create a chart to visually compare the number of devices for each USB connector type c3. Create separate charts illustrating the monthly average price trends (in GBP) for devices released in each year from 2020 to 2023. Each chart should focus on a specific year.
c 3. Create a visualisation of your selection to showcase information related to device features that can reveal trends, behaviours, or patterns, ensuring it is distinct from previous requirements.
Software documentation
The software documentation conveys a comprehensive grasp of software implementation while furnishing substantiating evidence pertaining to the identification of legal, social, ethical, and professional aspects associated with software development. This documentation should encompass the following key topics:
- Overview: the aim and objectives of the project and brief discussion of the dataset
- Self-reported requirement completion
- Project Implementation: Project Structure and self-created module/functions (technically explain how the module/function implemented)
The assessment must be completed individually. You must not share, in part or whole, your assessment with another party other than the module tutor and for the purpose of submission to the university. You must ensure that the University’s academic misconduct guidelines are followed in their entirety.You are required to develop a software application that addresses the problem scenario using Python and the tools specified in this assessment brief
It is expected that you will develop a software application that meets the stated requirements. You have been provided with a CSV file that contains data. Your application will need to appropriately load the data contained in this file, process the loaded data, query the loaded data, and visualise suitable information from these loaded data. You should appropriately test your implemented functionality.
You are required to evidence your work throughout your assessment. You should create a suitable private Git repository. Please ensure you regularly commit your implementation to your repository with clear and descriptive commit messages as you work on your solution. As part of the project and demonstration for this assessment, you will be asked to document and show your project’s repository. You should ensure that your submission complies with academic misconduct guidelines, is your own work and any external sources have been appropriately referenced. Failure to provide a Git commit history or unsuitable commit history will result in a potential cap on your overall mark, limiting it to a passing grade.
Note: If you have any special requirement or disability, please discuss this with your tutor.
You are required to use the following tools:
- Jupyter Notebook as your development environment
- Python3.9 or above as the standard python library
- Additionally, the following libraries/modules/function may be imported and utilized:
- os – to retrieve or check file paths
- random – to generate random numbers
- The COM728 environment from the class session which installed pandas, matplotlib, Jinja2, and tabulate modules
- Git Tools and GitHub for version control
No other python libraries or modules should be used other than the specified.
Learning Outcomes
This assessment will enable you to demonstrate in full or in part your fulfillment of the following learning outcomes identified in the Module Descriptor:
Living CV
As part of the University`s Work Ready, Future Ready strategy, you will be expected to build a professional, Living CV as you successfully engage and pass each module of your degree.
The Living CV outputs evidenced on completion of this assessment are:
1. I can solve real-world problems by getting and analyzing large amounts of data.
2. I can confidently write Python code to obtain, manipulate, and analyse the real-world dataset.
3. I am experienced in using environment tools such as Jupyter notebook to design, implement, test, and evaluate solutions.
4. I can conduct written and verbal presentations to share insights with audiences of varying levels of technical sophistication.
Please add these to your CV via the Living CV builder platform on Solent Futures Online Solent Futures Online
Important Information
Solent University Academic Regulations 2023-24
Late Submissions
You are reminded that:
I. If this assessment is submitted late i.e. within 7 calendar days of the submission deadline, the mark will be capped at 40% if a pass mark is achieved;
ii. If this assessment is submitted later than 7 calendar days after the submission deadline, the work will be regarded as a non-submission and will be awarded a zero;
iii. If this assessment is being submitted as a referred piece of work, then it must be submitted by the deadline date; any Refer assessment submitted late will be regarded as a non-submission and will be awarded a zero.The system will allow the user to retrieve data from a CSV file using the csv module and fundamental python (control structure and file processing) to perform the following
Assessment regulations
Extenuating Circumstances
The University’s Extenuating Circumstances (EC) procedure is in place if there are genuine short term exceptional circumstances that may prevent you from submitting an assessment. You are able to self-certify for up to two assessment dates in any semester without supporting evidence for an extension of up to seven calendar days for coursework or to defer an exam to the resit period.
Alternatively, if you are not `fit to study’ (or you have used up your two self-certification opportunities), you can request:
- an extension to the submission deadline of 7 calendar days, or
- a request to submit the assessment at the next opportunity, i.e. the resit period (as a Defer without capping of the grade).
In both instances you must submit an EC application with relevant evidence. If accepted under the university regulations there will be no academic penalty for late submission or non-submission
dependent on what is requested. You are reminded that EC covers only short-term issues (20 working days) and that if you experience longer term matters that impact on your learning then you must contact the Student Hub for advice.
Please find a link to the EC policy below:
Extenuating Circumstances
Academic Misconduct
Any submission must be your own work and, where facts or ideas have been used from other sources, these sources must be appropriately referenced. The University’s Academic Regulations includes the definitions of all practices that will be deemed to constitute academic misconduct. You should check this link before submitting your work.
Procedures relating to student academic misconduct are given below:
Academic Misconduct
Ethics Policy
The work being carried out must be in compliance with the university Ethics Policy. Where there is an ethical issue, as specified within the Ethics Policy, then you will need an ethics release or ethics approval prior to the start of the project.
The Ethics Policy is contained within Section 2S of the Academic Handbook:
Ethics Policy
Grade marking
The University uses an alpha numeric grade scale for the marking of assessments. Unless you have been specifically informed otherwise your marked assignment will be awarded a letter/number grade. More detailed information on grade marking and the grade scale can be found on the portal and in the Student Handbook.
Grade Marking Scale
Guidance for online submission through Solent Online Learning (SOL)
Online Submission
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