Understand the requirements of the labour markets in which students wish to work to better navigate every phase of recruitment processes
2024-06-15 15:52:50
L7 Professional Development Key Details and Requirements
Submission deadline: Friday 02 February 2024, no later than 16:30 (UK local time)
Learning outcomes:
1. Understand the requirements of the labour markets in which students wish to work to better navigate every phase of recruitment processes
2. Utilise ongoing support via resources and/or the Employability Service
3. Understand the key leadership and other competencies and skills for employability
4. Utilize basic research, feedback and self-reflection skills
5. Understand own strengths and weaknesses and how to work on personal development
Assessment details: Professional Development Plan
The mark awarded will be a Pass or Fail. No numeric or percentage value is attached to the mark. You must Pass the Professional Development module to graduate.
Referencing: Students are expected to use Harvard Referencing throughout their assignments where required. Please follow the Harvard Referencing Handbook for all your assignments at the ULBS.
Submission Method: Turnitin - Your PDP will be put through Turnitin directly to your Professional Development Coach, NOT to your lecturer. All submissions will be electronically checked for plagiarism and the use of AI software. The Turnitin links will be posted on Elite in the Professional Development module towards the end of the term.
You have the option to upload your work ahead of the deadline, more than once. ULBS will be reviewing your last submission only. You can only upload one file. For example, if your work contains a Word document and PowerPoint slides/Excel spreadsheet you will need to copy your slides/spreadsheet into the Word document. Understand the key leadership and other competencies and skills for employability
ULBS Assessment Office Contact Details
The ULBS Assessment Office are here to help should you have any non-academic questions related to your assessments. You can contact them at Ulbs- assessments@law.ac.uk
Note: Keep in mind that self-plagiarism (when you reuse your specific wording and ideas from work that you have previously submitted without referencing yourself) is also a form of plagiarism and is not allowed.
To complete the assignment, you will need to begin by seeking feedback about your strengths and weaknesses from reliable sources by collecting a sample of replies. You should ask between 4-6 individuals who know you personally or professionally (can include fellow students, current and/or previous colleague(s) from your workplace for example), to provide feedback on areas where they feel you already have developed skills and areas where you could improve. Use the Employability Pyramid to think about which skills to consider. Once you have received the feedback, take that into account when thinking about which three skills (development priorities) you want to focus on and develop over the coming academic year.
In the following sections of the PDP, you will need to think about what goals you hope to achieve by working on these three priorities, what internal and external barriers may be holding you back how to address them, and what actions to take to begin to improve. It is very important with the actions to think of actions that are Specific, Measurable, Accountable, Realistic, and Time-Conscious (SMART). The more specific your actions are, the more focused you will be on accomplishing them within a specific time frame, which will enable you to make realistic progress. The final step of the PDP is to come up with two questions that you can ask someone you know to ask you on a weekly or monthly basis to remind you of your goals and help you to stay on track. You are highly encouraged to sign up for a coaching session with one of the Professional Development coaches in your first term, who will help you with assessing your goals and completing your PDP. Following your meeting with a PD coach, you must submit your PDP by the end of the term to pass the module.
Following the first term, you will have the option of meeting with your Professional Development coach two more times, once each term in terms 2 and 3, to track your progress and support you in your development with your PDP.
Module Assessment Criteria Fail
Fails to attend workshops and/or fails to attend scheduled coaching sessions, or to
complete and show progress on the Professional Development Plan. Exhibits an unsatisfactory grasp of the issues in the subject. Lacks independent critical and reflective thought. Fails to engage in the set exercises in and outside of class. Fails to demonstrate engagement with identified development opportunities. Weak or no attempt at analysis, synthesis and critical reflection with little evidence of effort to address and overcome development challenges. Poor spelling or other grammatical errors
The grade will simply be Pass or Fail, but students will be given feedback as to the strength of their assessments to help them continue with their improvement. Examples of work at a Low, Medium, and High-Level Pass include the following criteria:
The work displays self-reflection, a basic understanding of the developmental process, and analysis based on external feedback and coaching. The submission exhibits clear analysis and reasonable use of grammar, spelling and language. It may contain errors and lack fluency. Limited evidence of the ability to present a coherent reflection on self-development.
Medium Pass
Demonstrates active engagement with the exercises, discussions, and coaching sessions. Illustrates some complex understanding of the developmental process and displays the motivation to improve independently. Good articulation verbally, and in writing, of strengths and development opportunities with demonstrated capacity for critical analysis. The work is presented in a clear and well-organised manner with only minor spelling and grammatical errors. Understand the requirements of the labour markets in which students wish to work to better navigate every phase of recruitment processes
High Pass
Illustrates an excellent level of understanding of complex issues in their self-development. All requirements of the work are dealt with to a high standard and the work is free from all but isolated minor errors. The material is wholly relevant to the discussions and exercises and uses experiential examples to illustrate development challenges and progress with excellent analysis, synthesis and critical reflection with the ability to explicate the relationship between internal, external, and contextual forces in various challenging situations. Demonstrates an increasingly high level of emotional intelligence and growth mindset and takes independent initiative to seek development opportunities. Excellently presented in terms of structure and style.
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