Provide an overview of your portfolio, explaining the purpose and goals of the tasks included.
Task 1: Problem Solving Techniques (20 marks):
Choose a real-world problem and discuss the problem-solving techniques you applied to address it. Explain the process you followed, including problem analysis, breaking down the problem into smaller components, and designing a solution strategy.
Task 2: Algorithm Design and Generalised Problem Solution (20 marks):
Present an algorithm you designed to solve a specific problem. Additionally, demonstrate how you modified or generalised the algorithm to handle similar problems of varying complexities.
Task 3: Programming Language Concepts (20 marks):
Showcase your understanding of programming language concepts by explaining key syntax elements and control structures using examples from your programming tasks.
Task 4: Software Development (20 marks):
Describe the software development process you followed for one of your tasks. Discuss the steps you took in designing, implementing, testing, and debugging the program. Include any challenges encountered and how you addressed them.
Conclusion (10 marks):
Reflect on the overall experience of creating the portfolio. Discuss the most significant insights gained, challenges faced, and how this module has enhanced your problem-solving and programming skills.
Your deliverable for this assignment is:
Professional Portfolio (2000 words total or equivalent)order now
Submit your professional portfolio in any format. This could be a Word document, presentation, poster, website, or even a video.If your submission is either a video or website please provide subtitles in a Word document, formatted according to the university`s guidelines for written assignments (e.g., font size, line spacing, referencing style). Please also use the Word document for any references.
Choose a real-world problem and discuss the problem-solving techniques you applied to address it
- Include the official university cover sheet with the Word document.
- Program Files
- Ensure all programming code is presented and commented on for easy understanding.
- What do I need to submit?
- Professional Portfolio in any format, plus accompanying Word document for subtitles and references (if required).
- Program Files.
Create algorithms to solve specific and generalised problems suitably expressing them to enable a programmed solution to be developed.