This Assignment was developed to assess the following Learning Outcomes:
Knowledge and Understanding
- understand, explain, and summarise how cultural background influences work behaviour;
- analyse and assess the challenges and pitfalls of the concept of ‘culture’ and how it relates to other central concepts, such as ethnicity, race, nationality, diversity and society.
- Intellectual Skills
- think critically, analyse and present arguments effectively;
- consolidate critical understanding and analytical judgement of all aspects of intercultural management.
Practical Skills
- make effective presentations and write reports.
- Identify the knowledge and understanding of cultural differences and be able to adapt themselves in the work environment.
The brief for this assessment is as follows:
Individual reflective report on an Organisational Behaviour in an International Context (2,000 words).
Looking back at your learning and development about Organisational Behaviour in an International Context, reflect on your own experience in the virtual team assignment with academic support by using a recognised reflective model, such as Gibbs or Kolb, including a personal development plan.
What have you learnt from working on a Virtual Team, were there any challenges and how do you plan to develop your competencies to deal with those challenges in the future?
You should consider:
Keeping a personal reflective diary for all your work in and on the first, group assignment;
Summarise the key events in developing the assignment and how you worked in a multi-cultural team to be able to deal with this;
Reflect on your experience of these key moments and relate them to a standard model of management competencies;
Conclude your reflection and consider the options available to you for developing your competencies;
Argue which of the options is most appropriate for you and present these in the form of a detailed and specific personal development plan.
Analyse and assess the challenges and pitfalls of the concept of ‘culture’ and how it relates to other central concepts, such as ethnicity, race, nationality, diversity and society.
You should support this with relevant academic models and theories associated with organisational behaviour and personal development. There is a separate section giving key sources of models and theories on Moodle for this assignment in addition to the recommended reading below.
Identify the knowledge and understanding of cultural differences and be able to adapt themselves in the work environment.