Market Research and Analysis
- Identification of your market and segment
- Description of the Current Market
- Key players in the market
- Market size
- Market gaps
- Segment wants and needs
In this section, you are expected to conduct extensive research on your chosen market and segment. Random websites, blogs or Wikipedia are NOT accepted as references.
You are also expected to use some of the frameworks, tools and analyses studied throughout the semester (Example, Ansoff, SWOT, PSETEL, etc..). You are expected to use all relevant studies to support your ideas. You are expected to consolidate your seminar slides covering this topic.
Key Observation
Around 1,000 words*
- Identifying strong aspects of the business concepts (up to 3)
- How these identified aspects help the concept achieve its goals?
Around 500 words for this part
- Identifying weakest element/strategy in the concept (only one)
- Explanation as to how this element limits the concept from achieving its goal
Around 500 words for this section
While describing strong aspects of the business concept, you may use references.
While describing the weakest element within the concept, you are expected to use some references to support your argument that this element/strategy is indeed weak.
Random websites, blogs or Wikipedia are NOT accepted as reference.